Alaska Student Rocket Program National Space Grant Directors Meeting Spring 2009 Denise Thorsen
Goals and Objectives Student Training: – provide students with opportunities for hands on experience with design, construction, testing and launch of sounding rocket payloads – allow students to pursue innovative ideas and solve open- ended design problems – provide students with the opportunity to work as members of an interdisciplinary and international team Scientific Research: – develop low cost, student designed rocket payloads to investigate high latitude geophysical phenomena. Infrastructure Development : – provide low cost test bed for verification of new flight hardware technology – develop research infrastructure at UAF for the development of rocket and spacecraft flight hardware.
SRP3/TR1: January 2000 Altitude: 78 km
SRP4 March 2002 Altitude: 87 km
SRP5: January 2009 Altitude 98.5 km
Progress in Technology SRP5: 2008 SRP1: 1999
Launch Day: January 10, :30 10:00 2:15 2:30 Meet at UAF Pre-Flight Meeting at Poker Flat Launch Post-Flight Meeting
1 Minute Before Launch!
Anyone Want to Fly? (Questions?)