Projects Projects Activities, Tools and Artifacts USA Connection Correspondence with 9 American schools ( , floppy disks, digital photos, films, digital book, cultural capsule) Field trip study 15 days (interdisciplinar: English, Hsitory, Geography, Sciences, PE) – daily news from online site (photos, reports and s) Interviews for school newspaper, exhibition photos and students’work Twinsite Twinsite 2000 Contest - collaborative construction with a Dutch school ( , ICQ, ftp, flash, Dreamweaver) Research on the Internet, library, exhibition and digitalization primary sources (scanner) The Classmate Publishing through a journalism platform online (Highwired) - students and teacher take various roles : general editors, theme editors, article writerer, journalists, etc This is Our Time E-Twinning (discussion forums and ) Cultural rally (interdisciplinarity) Translation of site and activities to French and Portuguese Digitalize drawings Interviews and local activities (ex. Peace Manifesto 2000) digitally documented Viva Village Bairro Copabacana Copabacana Foodquest Planning and development of a Brazilian space in a French virtual town (discussion forums, , Internet research, digital drawings) Decorating and hosting forums Webquest created to decide on which type of restaurant to open Beeonline Garibaldinos ECML Blogs Dekita Collective blog for conversations beyond school walls (among peers, with other students, with invited guests, as tutors for Italian peers, collaborative projects - : Italian rennaiscence, Farrapos War, Italian immigration ) Individual blogs for reflection on learning process Posts to develop arguments for Copa webquest Mugshots project using photos and narrative Conversation exchange with students from European secondary schools Deciding to choose best photos for headers (conversations with a photographer and webmaster on Flickr forums) Exchanges on the open web (43 things/places/people) Young Caucasus Women identity-and-intercultural-competence/ E-portfolio Blog (Wordpress ) - personnal posts (dynamic pages), homework (fixed pages). Bloglines/SuperGlu - content aggregation Flickr - own photos, interaction in groups according to interests 43 Trio (people, places and things) - interaction in forums Community Walk - multimedia interaction (photos, text) on map of Sao Paulo Posters for Science Fair using Flickr CC, quote search on the Web and Flickr Toys Discussion on theme foreign languages, identity and intercultural competence.