Educational : to enrich pupils’ knowledge about professions Development: to develop pupils’ reading, speaking, thinking skills Up-bringing : to enlarge pupils interest in learning foreign language
Organization moment. Warm-up Checking up the home task Presentation of the new lesson Practice in speaking Conclusion Giving marks Home task
Даяшы,тic д ә рігері, ү й шарушылы ғ ында ғ ы ә йел, шофер, орт сондiрушi,сатушы, cуретшi, журналист, полиция, жиhaзшы.
What does your mother do? What does your father do? What does your sister do? What does your brother do?
My mother is a_________________ My father is a __________________ My sister is a ___________________ My brother is a __________________
“What do you want to be?” I want to be a worker On a Kazakh modern plant And make machines and lorries For our Kazakhstan I want to be a farmer On a big collective farm We do bread and butter To eat them gives no harm
I want to be a doctor To keep the children strong And make their parents happy And let them all live long I want to be a spaceman And fly to the moon In our Kazakh rocket I’ll make this journey soon
To want – An astronaut – A taxi-driver – A secretary -
ProfessionBekzatSharaMirasAyzhanBerdigalyAknietAkirisAkerke a teacher a dentist a painter a secretary a musician a pilot an operator a builder a fireman a manager a doctor
Ex 14 write What you want to be?