REGISTER at Click register/log in/apply for 2016 Be accurate as details from this process will be automatically put on to your application form Buzzword BRIGHOUSE2016 Registering through school Brighouse High School Allocate yourself to the correct tutor group Create a password with a capital letter and number Store into your phone-you will need this every time you log on You will be given a username and ID number add these to phone too! Put your username, password and ID number on to the little card and hand in for safe keeping We will keep them confidential
LOG can now do this for courses starting 2016 using your new username and password At the top left you can see that you have 7 sections to fill in Personal details Additional information Student finance Choices Education Employment Personal statement
PERSONAL DETAILS address: use your college one so you can access all the time do not use a silly one you made up at 14 is not a good idea! You will be asked to verify the address- you can do this later. For the questions if you click the box to the right the first answer is usually correct for most of you-click to select Country of birth: UK Nationality: UK National Dual Nationality: for most of you leave empty unless you have 2 passports Area of Permanent Residence: The authority you live in for most of you that will be Kirklees, Calderdale or Bradford Residential Category: UK Citizen
PERSONAL DETAILS continued Reference Numbers: leave empty Passport Numbers: leave empty unless you have indicated that you have Dual Nationality Fee Code : 02 for nearly all of you 05 for Nursing/Midwifery Student support: The authority you live in again Parental questions: answer regarding your parents Criminal Convictions: DO NOT tick unless you have a conviction Nominated Access: An adult who can speak on your behalf if we’re unavailable on a gap year on a beach in Thailand or in hospital! Disability: No disability or choose from the list
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -the information in this section does not influence your offer it is for data collection purposes Ethnic Origin: Select from list National Identity: Select from list-British or English Dual National: Not applicable Activities planned in preparation: Summer schools such as Sutton Trust, Campus/subject days-NOT Open Days Been in Care : Select Yes/No Parental Education: Yes or No to if your parents have a degree Occupational Background: Job title of main earner at home. If you unsure check with parents.
STUDENT FINANCE This will appear when you have completed the additional information section and selected ‘section’ finished Answer Yes-Yes-Yes (unless you are a millionaire and will be funding university yourself!)
EDUCATION This section has to accurate and you will need to get it checked very carefully before your application is sent Add your school(s)-you are all Full Time (allegedly!) Formal qualifications: Yes (hopefully!) One entry for Brighouse students a full 7 years of education (or 8 if you are in year 14!) 2 entries if you went to another school before joining Brighouse Sixth Form Look at posters on the wall for dates Add qualifications Use your sheet to enter your GCSE’s and BTECs (level 2), checking Carefully the date, exam board, grade You have to have the certificates to prove these qualifications If you have not collected these yet get organised!
AS/A2 Qualifications-see posters for help You have to enter AS and A2 as separate qualifications so therefore each subject will appear twice as an AS and as an A2 Select : Advanced Subsidiary( First 2001) Date (always use 06-June– 06/15), Subject Exam Board and grade (E stimate and update when you get your results in August) Select: Advanced Level Date will be 06-June/16 and grade will be ‘pending’
BTEC qualifications-see posters for help If you are studying a 2 year BTEC programme in Applied Law, Business, Health & Social Care, ICT, Public Services Performing Arts, Dance Select: BTEC Subsidiary Diploma (QCF) 06-June/16-grade pending (you do not have to add the year 12 part of the course) If you do a ‘drop’ a BTEC at the end of year 12 which is not done very often select: BTEC Certificate(QCF) (level 3) 06/15 and the actual grade Pass/Merit/Dist You will need a BTEC registration number which we can let you have
GCSE Qualifications-see posters for help Use your results sheet to fill these in. There are several things to check: – The date which you received the result. Most will be 06/14. Although you may have sat some exams in year 10 or November. – The examination board. – The grade-look at the full grade in capitals not the unit grades. – For GCSE was it full course FC or short course SC. – For BTECs completed in year 10/11 it is level 2 – Check BTECs carefully ….certificates, extended certificates, diplomas……….
Once you have selected qualifications you can click on a drop down box and answer ‘Below honours degree level’
Remaining sections Choices- not until the end of the process & you have received your AS results and A2 predicted grades Personal Statement-will go on the form after many drafts and checking! Employment-only paid work-voluntary work goes in your personal statement Reference-your tutor writes this based on what your subject teachers say and your attendance