Learning and Memory Investigation 1: Part 3
1) Salt Shaker 2) Coin 3) Curler 4) Seeds 5) Bobby pin 6) Toothpick 7) Map 8) Clock 9) Yarn 10) bottle Label your list “Memory Test 1 – Hearing” Circle the items that you listed correctly on your paper – the order does not matter Write the number you got correct out of 10 near your list and circle it
Measuring cup Camera Eraser Soap Glasses Eyedropper Pepper Balloon Ring Towel
Wait 30 seconds Write down as many of the items from the list as you can remember What show am I on?
1) Measuring cup 2) Camera 3) Eraser 4) Soap 5) Glasses 6) Eyedropper 7) Pepper 8) Balloon 9) Ring 10) towel Label your list “Memory Test 1 – Silent Reading” Circle the items that you listed correctly on your paper – the order does not matter Write the number you got correct out of 10 near your list and circle it
Protractor Button Calendar Pen Toothbrush Pencil sharpener Watch Clothespin Card Nail
Wait 30 seconds Write down as many of the items from the list as you can remember What were we talking about again?
1) Protractor 2) Button 3) Calendar 4) Pen 5) Toothbrush 6) Pencil sharpener 7) Watch 8) Clothespin 9) Card 10) Nail Label your list “Memory Test 3 – “Reading & Hearing” Circle the items that you listed correctly on your paper – the order does not matter Write the number you got correct out of 10 near your list and circle it
Cup Glove Chalk Safety pin Ribbon Shell Typewriter Candy Rubber band Funnel
Wait 30 seconds Write down as many of the items from the list as you can remember You kids don’t even watch The Simpsons any more, do Yah!
1) Cup 2) Glove 3) Chalk 4) Safety pin 5) Ribbon 6) Shell 7) Typewriter 8) Candy 9) Rubber band 10) Funnel Label your list “Memory Test 4 – “Reading, Hearing, & Writing” Circle the items that you listed correctly on your paper – the order does not matter Write the number you got correct out of 10 near your list and circle it
Key Ruler Paper bag Comb Stapler Dollar bill Book Fork Paper clip Can opener
Wait 30 seconds Write down as many of the items from the list as you can remember Back in my day The Simpsons were still funny and there was no such thing as Powerpoint
1) Key 2) Ruler 3) Paper bag 4) Comb 5) Stapler 6) Dollar bill 7) Book 8) Fork 9) Paper clip 10) Can opener Label your list “Memory Test 5 – “Reading, Hearing, Writing & Seeing” Circle the items that you listed correctly on your paper – the order does not matter Write the number you got correct out of 10 near your list and circle it
Share which of the tests you did the best on and explain why you believe this Share any strategies that you used to remember the lists List learning strategies
Read the following statements 1) John walked on the roof 2) Jamika ate the carrot 3) Maria found her slipper 4) Li flew the kite 5) Anna built a boat 6) Aliya fixed the sail 7) Sherman wrote the play 8) Pedro made the basket 9) Ryan had a dream
Answer the following questions 1) Who built the boat? 2) Who had the dream? 3) Who walked on the roof? 4) Who fixed the sail? 5) Who wrote the play? 6) Who found her slipper? 7) Who made the basket? 8) Who flew the kite? 9) Who ate the carrot?
Answer the following questions 1) Who built the boat? Anna 2) Who had the dream? Ryan 3) Who walked on the roof? John 4) Who fixed the sail? Aliya 5) Who wrote the play? Sherman 6) Who found her slipper? Maria 7) Who made the basket? Pedro 8) Who flew the kite? Li 9) Who ate the carrot? Jamika
Read the following statements 1) Santa Claus walked on the roof 2) The Easter Bunny ate the carrot 3) Benjamin Franklin flew the kite 4) Cinderella found her slipper 5) Noah built a boat 6) Christopher Columbus fixed the sail 7) William Shakespeare wrote the play 8) Michael Jordan made the basket 9) Martin Luther King had a dream
Answer the following questions 1) Who built the boat? 2) Who had the dream? 3) Who walked on the roof? 4) Who fixed the sail? 5) Who wrote the play? 6) Who found her slipper? 7) Who made the basket? 8) Who flew the kite? 9) Who ate the carrot?
Answer the following questions 1) Who built the boat? Noah 2) Who had the dream? Martin Luther King 3) Who walked on the roof? Santa Clause 4) Who fixed the sail? Christopher Columbus 5) Who wrote the play? William Shakespeare 6) Who found her slipper? Cinderella 7) Who made the basket? Michael Jordan 8) Who flew the kite? Ben Franklin 9) Who ate the carrot? Easter Bunny
Which test was easier? Why? Why was I able to guarantee that you would do better on the second test than the first?
Association When something reminds you of something else, it is easier to remember than if it is unrelated to anything else you already know about. Did any of the techniques you used in tests 1-5 involve association?
Association Did anyone miss one of the answers on Memory test B because they had not heard of the person or situation in the question? In order for association to help improve memory, it has to be something that the person is familiar with
Association For each person the associations that will help are those that build on things the individual already knows The more you know, the better the chance that something they are trying to learn will be associated with something they already know
Mnemonics A memory helper that uses a phrase, word, acronym, or song to help a person remember something else How do you spell Principal? The principal is your pal How do you remember how to spell desert and dessert? You always want more dessert, which has more esses
Journal Assignment Write a true story describing how you learned something you thought you couldn’t Explain how you learned and what you did to improve What learning strategies did you use
Section 1 & 2 Vocabulary LearningMemory Declarative memoryMnemonic devices Optic NerveOptic Disk RetinaCilliary Muscles LensCornea MuscleMacula FoveaSclera Blood VesselsVitreous Humor Aqueous HumorTapetum
Mirror Writing Name Date Favorite Professional Football Team
Graphing Data Create a data table that organizes your results from the memory tests. Graph these results in a simple line or bar graph Collect data from your classmates on their test results. (6-10 people) Organize and Analyze the data. Create a bar graph that compares this data. Compare your results to the class average. Create a multi-bar graph that shows everyone’s individual data on 2 or 3 tests