For the New England colonies, draw a boot. Above the boot, write “1620-Pilgrims/Puritans/Separatists started Plymouth, Massachusetts on Cape Cod”. Inside the boot write “Covenant” as the Covenant between God and His people was what initially drove their society. Write “Massachusetts” inside the boot as the other New England colonies started as a result of Massachusetts “booting out” dissenters, who then went on to start the other colonies. Off the toe of the boot, write “Dissenters”, with three lines. One says “Roger Williams” and “Rhode Island”, the next says “John Wheeler” and “New Hampshire”, and the third says, “Thomas Hooker” and “Connecticut”. For the Middle Colonies, draw a bread basket with four loaves of bread (as they were known as the bread basket colonies because of their grains production). On the bread basket, write “Bread Basket Colonies”. Write one of the following in each of the loaves of bread: Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Inside the loaf that says, “Pennsylvania” write “William Penn, Quaker, Radical religious tolerance”. Quaker oatmeal!! Under the bread basket, write “Main export was grain”. Below the bread basket, draw a dollar bill. In the middle, write “Cash Crops”. Around the middle, write “Crops grown to be sold”. For the Southern colonies, draw your hand as the South’s economy required lots of hand for labor; plus, there were 5 colonies in the South. On each finger, write one of the following: Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia (the thumb- as it was the most important). At the tip of each finger, write and then draw the following crops: Cotton (Maryland), Indigo (North Carolina), Tobacco (South Carolina), Rice (Georgia). Inside Georgia’s finger, write “prisoners/buffer from Spanish colony” since it was initially a colony of prisoners and acted as a buffer from Fort St. Augustine.