Air Breathing Propulsion JPC Report 45 th Joint Propulsion Conference Denver, Colorado 3 August 2009 Marty Bradley (for Jeff Hamstra)
2 Agenda for ABP Dinner Meeting 1.Special topic (Lance Chenault) 2.Introduction (Marty Bradley for Jeff Hamstra) 3.HSABP Summary (Marty Bradley) 4.GTE Summary (Rob Bruckner) 5.ABPSI (Jeff Flamm for Ray Best) 6.Education (Rick Gaeta) 7.Awards (Jeff Flamm) 8.Communications (Tom Kaemming) 9.JPC (Ryan Starkey) 10.ASM (D.R.Reddy) We also have two get well cards being passed around
3 Special Topic A Strategy for Aerospace Vehicle Design Research & Development Lance Chenault 4 Aug 20093
4 Facts and Problem Tomorrow’s Air Defense platforms will be multifunctional and highly integrated systems Failure to account for interdisciplinary effects have cost, and continue to cost, billions of dollars to correct or else place unintentional operating limits on the systems. Interdisciplinary scientific analysis (ISA) required early in product development Long Range Strike, Sensor Craft, flapping micro- UAVs, and hypersonic vehicles will never be realized without ISA 4 Aug 20094
5 Solution National aerospace community develop a strategic plan to identify critical research areas and educational requirements to be addressed. Proposed two step solution to involve industry, academia, DoD and other Government agencies. 4 Aug 20095
6 Step One: National Design Build and Test Competition AFOSR sponsor an undergraduate / graduate program resulting in a National Design Build and Test Competition. Projects would partner academic institutions with industry participants as design consultants. Competition would focus and develop the students’ ability to understand and apply the appropriate level fidelity and discipline coupling to predict actual system response of the vehicle they will build and test. 4 Aug 20096
7 Step Two: Interdisciplinary Design Research Centers AFOSR lead a team consisting of industry, academia, and Government agencies to develop nation-wide Interdisciplinary Design Research Centers (IDRCs). Located at universities in proximity to major industry and government development centers. Focus on the research challenges for interdisciplinary science and technology. Develop and support a graduate education program to produce scientist and engineers capable of developing multifunctional, highly integrated systems. 4 Aug 20097
8 Summary of Propulsion and Energy Group Meeting (Marty for Jeff Hamstra) Tuesday PM Panel Session on Hypersonics Positions open: JPC 2011 in San Diego –Technical Program Chair JPC 2012 Technical and General Chair P&E Steering Committee Chair AIAA rolling out new conference software for JPC 2010 Training sessions on Monday and Tuesday (see Committee Meeting list) Funding at TAC level available for “growth” activities $300-$400 per TC Chris Pestak made a nice presentation – Cleveland wants JPC/IECEC in 2014 Propellants and Combustion wants to liaison with the ABP TC’s
9 ABP Group Jeff Hamstra Gas Turbine Engines Rob Bruckner Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Ray Best High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Marty Bradley Common Elements Communications Tom Kaemming* Honors & Awards Jeff Flamm* Aerospace Sciences Meeting D.R. Reddy Joint Propulsion Conference Ryan Starkey Membership Keith Blodgett* Education Rick Gaeta Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Technical Disciplines Air Breathing Propulsion Subgroup Organizational Structure Communications Education Honors & Awards Separate TCs Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Communications Education Honors & Awards Technical Disciplines Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Communications Education Honors & Awards *Acting or rotational position UPDATES?
10 Introduction Marty Bradley for Jeff Hamstra 4 Aug
11 ABP Group Jeff Hamstra Gas Turbine Engines Rob Bruckner Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Ray Best High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Marty Bradley Common Elements Communications* Tom Kaemming John Sordyl Honors & Awards* Jeff Flamm Aerospace Sciences Meeting D.R. Reddy Joint Propulsion Conference Ryan Starkey Membership*Education Rick Gaeta Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Technical Disciplines Air Breathing Propulsion Subgroup Organizational Structure Communications Education Honors & Awards Separate TCs Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Communications Education Honors & Awards Technical Disciplines Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Communications Education Honors & Awards *Acting or rotational position
12 Meetings … lots of meetings …
High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion (HSABP) TC Summary Marty Bradley
14 HSABP Summary (Marty Bradley) Activities since ASM Annual report Monthly steering committee telecons Website updates – transition to Sharepoint Two new members HSABP banners for conference sessions Actions for JPC meetings (what you want to accomplish before we leave Denver) 1 st telecon/webex HSABP meeting at JPC –Executed, did not receive expected attendance, Sunday meeting is difficult Ensure all subcommittees have the staffing they need Ensure all subcommittees have leadership (& succession plan) Enable liaison assignments and opportunities –HyTASP, JANNAF, Univ. Chapters, Local Chapters, Ground Test TC, Aerothermal TC, NASA Aeronautics, Europe, Asia Plan for membership “drive” – recruit additional International members Ordering of HSABP logo polo shirts
15 High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion – Steering Committee Communications Tom Kaemming* Honors & Awards Jinho Lee Education Daniel Kirk Membership Doug Garrard Service Subcommittee Representatives Conference Subcommittee Representatives TC Chairman Marty Bradley Vice Chair Joaquin Castro Past Chair Lance Chenault Joint Propulsion Conference 2009 Ryan Starkey Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2009 D.R. Reddy *Need to find replacement
16 HSABPTC T-Shirts (Joaquin Castro) Selected Royal Blue for the polos and the tri- color logos Shirt sample here at JPC Ordering instructions Sizes – men’s and women’s Cost to Members = $25 Money to Joaquin – cash or check made out to Joaquin Castro
17 Membership (Doug Garrard) Government11 Industry20 Academia6 Total37 Member31 Associate Member4 International Member2 Total37 Student1 Member7 Senior Member14 Associate Fellow12 Fellow1 Unknown2 Total37
18 High Speed Propulsion – Member Positions (1) TC Chair – Marty Bradley Vice Chair – Joaquin Castro Membership - Doug Garrard Applications & Data– Doug Garrard/Datta Gaitonde Recruiting (International) – Joaquin Castro, TBD Member Upgrades – Doug Garrard Communications - Tom Kaemming – TBD Replacement Year in Review Article – Takeshi Kanda, Dean Andreadis, see Liaison Newsletter – Chris Smith?, see Liaison Website – Dave Lucia, Ravi Srinivasan Dora Musielak, TBD, TBD? Education - Daniel Kirk Student Design Competition – Joel Malo-Molina Outreach – Paul Czysz Short Courses – Dan Paxson, Dora Musielak Rick Dyer -Steve Beckel – Dean Andreadis – Roy Hartfield – Dianne DeTurris - Hassan Hassan Honors and Awards - Jinho Lee Propulsion Award Packages – Venkat Tangirala Coordination with HyTASP Fred Billig Award – Balu Sekar Student Award – David Allen (missing), Dora Musielak Best Paper Awards – James Donohue John Bradford New Members: Dora Musielak Hassan
19 High Speed Propulsion – Member Positions (2) ASM - D.R.Reddy ASM 09 - D.R. Reddy –Dan Paxson / Ron Springer / Jinho Lee ASM 10 –Bill Engblom –Houshang Ebrahimi ASM 11 – Venkat Tangirala –TBD JPC – Ryan Starkey JPC 09 – Ryan Starkey –Tim O’Brien, John Klinge JPC 10 – Ryan Starkey –Manfred Peinemann JPC 11 - Roy Hartfield –TBD - Liaison with Ground Test TC Liaison HyTASP – Joaquin Castro JANNAF – Phil Drummond / Dean Andreadis /Steve Beckel European Orgs. – John Steelant (David Perigo filling in for John) Other TC’s/PC’s– Aerothermal TC Moehlenkamp Ground Test – Balu Sekar / Doug Garrard Congressional Visits Day – Joaquin Castro AIAA Sections – Dora Musielak AIAA University Chapters - Joel Malo-Molina NASA Aeronautics – Dianne DeTurris – D.R. Reddy / Jinho Lee
20 HSABP Liaison (Joaquin Castro) (1) Activities since ASM Congressional Visit Day – 1 member participated (Joaquin) Some JANNAF discussions Actions for JPC meetings (what you want to accomplish before we leave Denver) Investigate possibility of having joint dinner meetings with HyTASP PC at some future meetings. –Planning meeting every other year HSABP Liaison meeting Monday 4-5:30 Plan for increased liaison (next slide)
21 HSABP Liaison (Joaquin Castro) (2) Plans for next 6-months: JANNAF coordination – HSABP Liaison members to contact individual authors and encourage authors to submit to AIAA NASA Hypersonics research conferences –Encouraging NASA researchers to present at AIAA conferences AIAA Sections – Joaquin (West Palm Beach) – Dora Musielak (Baltimore) AIAA University Chapters (Marty-USC,CSLA, Faure Malo-Molina – UD, Univ. Cin., Wright State, U Florida, U Miami, Embry Riddle, GTech, Fred – UCLA, Cal Tech, USC, Northridge, Cal Poly ) Congressional Visit Day – Joaquin to work with HyTASP – goal to make Hypersonics an AIAA Policy Issue HIT – Hypersonic Industry Team – Joaquin is involved and will keep us informed Steve Dunn visiting from Ground Test TC – meet in Orlando to set up joint sessions at JPC 2011 – set up 2-hour joint planning session Balu Sekar / Doug Garrard to attend Ground Test TC meeting at JPC European Orgs. – John Steelant (David Perigo filling in for John) LAPCAT, Atllas to be presented at Hypersonics Conference – Propulsion Conference in Spain (Faure is attending) – Can we present a summary presentation at a future AIAA event? Faure to encourage presenters to submit to AIAA. Aerothermal TC Bob Moehlenkamp to engage at ASM Bob Moehlenkamp to look at other TC’s for possible liaison
22 HSABP Summary (Marty Bradley) (continued) Plans for next 6 months Sponsor at least one new short course Increase liaison activities Plan for Congressional Visit Day International recruitment Other ideas TBD at JPC meetings Succession planning Joaquin Castro to take over at JPC 2010
23 Gas Turbine Engine Tech Committee JPC 2009 Meeting 45 th Aerospace Sciences Meeting Denver, CO 2 – 5 August 2009 Robert Bruckner
JPC - Agenda 24
25 Gas Turbine Engines TC Scope & Charter Scope The application of mechanical design, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to the science and technology of air vehicle gas turbine engines and engine components, including: Complete engine systems Compressor and Turbine systems Combustors and augmentors Auxiliary systems and structures Charter Advance air vehicle gas turbine engine technology by: Developing and sponsoring technical sessions at ASM, JPC and other conferences of interest Working effectively with AIAA TCs and PCs and other technical societies to organize and promote joint sessions and activities Providing for technical communications and reviews, educational activities, and honors and awards Providing the Institute with authoritative technical opinions and public policy recommendations
26 Gas Turbine Engines TC Evolve into an independent / autonomous TC Active membership – Do not rely on ABP service committees Independent conference administration – JPC 09 Independent best paper competition – 2 Develop a joint graduate student design competition with IGTI Strengthen technical sessions at conferences Work to reduce no-shows / withdrawals by active session chairs / TAO’s Work to improving quality by offering special section in Journal of Propulsion and Power Maintain strong ties to High Speed and System Integration Jointly administer awards and design competition Jointly sponsor technical / invited session at each conference
27 Gas Turbine Engine TC - Organization Honors & Awards Sivaram Gogineni Education Rick Gaeta Membership Jeff Cohen Service Subcommittee Representatives TC Chairman Rob Bruckner Vice Chair Ian Halliwell Past Chair Lance Chenault Conferences Rick Gaeta, et al.
28 Membership - Gas Turbine Engines TC Roster
29 Membership - Gas Turbine Engines TC Profile – 2009 Government7 Industry13 Academia10 Total30 Fellow1 Associate Fellows 13 Members16 Total30 Regular Member 25 International Member 2 Associate Member 3 Total30 Employment SectorAIAA Member Grade TC Member Status Available member positions: 10 Still missing several GT OEM’s No members from Asia Active recruitment underway KSPE, Honda Wako, individual recruitment
30 Gas Turbine Engines TC Subcommittee Assignments John SordylChair James KenyonArathi Gopinath Andrew NixDavid Lior S. Todd Bailie Sivaram GogineniChair Nicole KeyBryce Roth Dan JensenMathias Ihme Robert WebsterGarth Hobson Rick GaetaChair Jay KapatJanet Convery Anthony WattsAaron Byerly Razi Nalim Communications Honors and Awards Education Rick GaetaChair S. Mani SubramanianJPC09 Anthony WattsASM10 Janet ConveryJPC10 Jay KapatASM11 Guillermo PaniaguaJPC11 Jerry WelchJohn Anderson Conferences Jeff CohenChair Steve GorrellKen Suder Membership
31 Communications John Sordyl is the new Communications Sub-Committee Chair Websites for all 3 TC’s have been updated and maintained Need to transition to new AIAA software / server YIR article is due in September (600 word) ABP tri-fold was published this year in lieu of the newsletter 31 John SordylChair James KenyonArathi Gopinath Andrew NixDavid Lior
32 Conferences Updates from TAO’s…. Add a position of “special session organizer” Continue to update and evolve call for papers Develop guidelines To maintain connectivity between TC’s, sponsor joint sessions (eg. TBCC with High Speed, Engine Compatibility with Integration, Open Rotor) 32 Rick GaetaChair S. Mani SubramanianJPC09 Anthony WattsASM10 Janet ConveryJPC10 Jay KapatASM11 Guillermo PaniaguaJPC11 Jerry WelchJohn Anderson JPC 09 – Denver 14 sponsored technical sessions 56 presentations scheduled 1 invited session – Welch (Tu am) 2 panel session Tuesday 12:30 – 15:30 Tuesday 13:00 – 15:00
33 Education 33 Status of the engine design competition – RFP written, high speed The engine design short course has been cancelled due to lack of pre-registered students (also cancelled JPC 08) Explore the possibility of offering the NPSS training through an AIAA short course Continue working the issue of a joint student design competition with IGTI Other ideas for outreach / education? Rick GaetaChair Jay KapatJanet Convery Anthony WattsAaron Byerly Razi NalimS. Todd Bailie
34 Honors and Awards 34 Advertise GCO Graduate Student Award and serve as judges Ensure at least 3 candidates are nominated for the ABP award The ABP Award will not be presented in 2009 Best Paper Award Proposal to establish 2 new TC awards for best paper: one for YP one for non-YP Papers to be published through AIAA and presented in a GTE sponsored session Nominated by the session chair – must have read paper No restrictions Sivaram GogineniChair Nicole KeyBryce Roth Dan JensenMathias Ihme Robert WebsterGarth Hobson
35 GTETC Logo Ian Halliwell September 31, 2009
36 New GTETC Logo - Requirements Gas Turbine Engine technology means a lot of things to a lot of people. A Gas Turbine Engine Technical Committee logo should capture and convey the skills and excitement involved in the technology of gas turbine engines in a clear & exciting manner, not only to people who are experts, but also to those whom we hope to attract. It should link the Technical Committee with AIAA. In conveying the technical message, the design should be artistic, modern, dynamic, abstract and sustaining.
37 New GTETC Logo – The Designer The new logo was designed by Mike Madero, Graphics Designer & Program Manager at Avetec Inc., a non-profit Aerospace Research Organization in Springfield Ohio.
38 New GTETC Logo – Implementation The design incorporates an image of rotating turbomachinery – but it does so while avoiding specific blades shapes, flowpaths, components or engines. It includes cold & hot colors, signifying compression, combustion & expansion processes. The choice of non-primary colors is deliberate. The effect of an unsteady, swirling inlet flow has been caught in the light-blue “brush- stroke”. The swirling effect is accentuated & reinforced by the direction of slope of the “blades”. The name of the Technical Committee – in maroon - surrounds the upper portion of the logo. This is combined with the Official AIAA logo in standard blue, which is used as a base. “The World’s Forum for Aerospace Leadership” is included whenever it is legible. For small applications, such as letterheads or polo shirts, this may be eliminated.
39 GTETC Logo 39
40 New Initiatives Public Policy, CVD, Position Papers CS should obtain prior clearance from legal counsel Liaisons with other TC’s, PC’s, and other Societies Collaboration (Coexistence) with SAE, IGTI, and ASME Propulsion Committee should be explored Evolve into an independent / autonomous TC Active membership – Do not rely on ABP service committees Independent conference administration – JPC 09 Independent best paper competition – 2 Develop a joint graduate student design competition with IGTI Strengthen technical sessions at conferences Work to reduce no-shows / withdrawals by active session chairs / TAO’s Work to improving quality by offering special section in Journal of Propulsion and Power
41 Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Tech Committee JPC Report 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit Denver, Colorado August 2009 Jeff Flamm for Ray Best
42 Air Breathing Propulsion System Integration TC – Office holders Communications Weldon Wainright Honors & Awards Jeff Flamm Education Ian Halliwell Membership K. Blodgett/C. Wilson Service Subcommittees Conference Subcommittees TC Chairman Raymond Best Vice Chair Jeff Flamm Past Chair Lance Chenault Joint Propulsion Conference Don Malloy Aerospace Sciences Meeting Vance Dippold
43 Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC Scope & Charter Scope The application of mechanical design, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to the science and technology of air vehicle propulsion and power systems integration, including: Installed performance and controls (SPO, PPT) Propulsion aerodynamics; inlet and nozzle systems (IE) Power and thermal management (SPO, PPT) All aspects of propulsion system / air vehicle interface and certification (RVCT) Charter: Advance air breathing propulsion integration technology by: Developing and sponsoring technical sessions at ASM, JPC and other conferences of interest Working effectively with AIAA TCs and PCs and other technical societies to organize and promote joint sessions and activities Providing for technical communications and reviews, educational activities, and honors and awards Providing the Institute with authoritative technical opinions and public policy recommendations Near Term Goal: Update the Short Course to include certification –airframer lead? Long term is a book on the same subject.
44 Systems Integration – Member Positions and population TC Chair – Raymond Best Deputy – Jeff Flamm Membership – Keith Blodgett 4 Applications & Data Recruiting Member Upgrades Communications – Weldon Wainright 5 Sub comm. Vice Chair Hayden Reeve Year in Review Article- Hayden Reeve Newsletter - Weldon Wainright Website – Charles Beard Education - Ian Halliwell 7 Sub comm Vice Chair Rod Daebelliehn (Eric Loth) Student Design Competition Outreach Short Courses Honors and Awards - Jeff Flamm 5 Sub Comm Vice Chair (Chen Chuck) Propulsion Award Packages - EveryBody! Student Award - Jeff Flamm Best Paper Awards - Doug Kisling/Keith Blodgett
45 Systems Integration – Member Positions and population ASM - 5 ASM 09 Jeff Flamm (Orlando) ASM 10 Vance Dippold (Orlando) ASM 11 –Don Malloy (Orlando) ASM 12 – Vance Dippold (Dallas) JPC – 5 JPC 09 Doug Kisling (Denver) JPC 10 Don Malloy (Nashville) JPC 11 Rod Daebelliehn (San Diego) JPC 12 – TBD In addition, all member are expected to be session chairs and conduct abstract reviews for our conferences
46 Systems Integration Technical Areas and population Integrated Aero Performance (10 members) New Name –Jeff Flamm Chair, Thomas Berens Vice Chair Subsystem, Performance, Optimization (8 members) –Steve Johnson Chair, Hayden Reeve Vice Chair Propellers/Pistons/Turboprops (3 members) –Weldon Wainright Chair, Charles Beard Vice Chair Requirements Verification, Certification and Testing (4 members) –Don Malloy Chair, Dave Wang, Vice Chair ABPSI Steering (8 members)
47 TC Profiles – August 2009 Government4 Industry26 Academia1 Total31 ABPSI has room to grow (max is 35) Members24 Associate4 International2 * Dual GPA 2.17 ASM 09 V.S. JPC 09 Fellow0 A. Fellow12 Senior12 Member8 Fellow0 A. Fellow11 Senior8 Member9 Everyone should be at least a Senior Member! 20 0 Goal for ASM 10
48 ABPSITC Current Membership Dropped New #FirstLastDescriptionAIAA Member GradeOrganization 1KenAlabiMember TTC Technologies Inc 2CharlesBeardMemberSenior MemberBoeing 3RaymondBestChairAssociate FellowHawker Beechcraft Corporation 4NorbertBissingerInternationalAssociate Fellow 5KeithBlodgettMemberAssociate FellowGE Aviation 6JayCarskadenMember The Boeing Company 7 Clarence Chenault Member Associate Fellow Aerospace Business Development Associates (ABDA) 8ChenChuckMemberSenior MemberThe Boeing Company 9RoderickDaebelliehnMemberSenior MemberAerojet 10Vance F.Dippold, IIIAssociateMemberNASA Glenn Research Center 11JeffreyFlammMemberAssociate FellowNASA Langley Research Center 12EgbertFroweinMember US Navy - NAVAIR AIR Ian Halliwell Member Associate FellowAVETEC Inc 14 Jeffrey Hamstra Member Associate FellowLockheed Martin 15LannyJinesMemberSenior MemberOhio Aerospace Institute 16StephenJohnsonMemberSenior MemberNorthrop Grumman 17DouglasKislingMemberAssociate FellowBelcan 18Donald J.MalloyMemberAssociate FellowAerospace Testing Alliance, Inc. 19DaveMayerMemberAssociate FellowBoeing 20BruceMcKayMember Lockheed Martin Aeronautics 21RogerMussardMemberSenior Member 22Hayden M.ReeveAssociateMember United Technologies Research Center 23WeldonWainrightMemberSenior MemberPiper 24WilliamWestphalMemberAssociate FellowRolls-Royce Corporation 25BryanWestraMember Northrop Grumman 26ChristopherWilsonAssociateSenior MemberThe Boeing Company 27DavidYoungAssociateSenior MemberRaytheon Missile Systems 28Thomas M.BerensInternationalSenior MemberEADS Military Air Systems 29JonathanLittMemberSenior MemberNASA Glenn Research Center 30EricLothMemberAssociate FellowUniversity of Illinois 31MichelleMcMillianMember SynGenics Corporation 32DavidWangAssociateMemberEdwards AFB Flight Test Center
49 Liasions Other AIAA TC’s/PC’s Energy Optimized Aircraft and Equipment Systems- Hayden Reeve Fluids Dynamics TC - Flamm contributed to Flow Control Book Other Societies ASME propulsion committee Don Malloy –Sponsoring technical sessions at the IGTI Turbo Expo in collaboration with ASME IGTI Aircraft Engine TC Local Sections Hampton Roads Section – Jeff Flamm Tennessee Section – Don Maloy Other Engine Icing Consortium – Ray Best PPSA – Jeff Flamm Pursue connections with SAE, Ground Test Committee 49
50 New ABPSI Logo
51 Logo Shirts Lands’ End Business Outfitter Sample $175 1 time setup fee Approx $32/shirt Approx $1200 for 35 shirts Logo#: w Logo Size: 4.05" x 2.74"
52 Accomplishments at JPC 09 Eliminated TBD’s for job assignments Succession Plan for all sub-committees in place Directed Recruitment drive – list of contacts generated Indentified existing liaison activity and possible new activities New Logo picked /Decision to purchase shirt Suggestion from Don Malloy for Author Acceptance Form to help with no show form
53 Plans for next 6 months Member Recruitment Drive Year in Review Article 9/25 Develop CVD/Public Policy plan Coordinate Call for papers between ASM/JPC conferences Special Sessions Still short session chairs for ASM 10 Increase Liaison activities –Engine Icing Consortium –EOASys PC (Energy Optimized Aircraft and Equipment Systems) – No response –SAE –Ground Test Chairman’s Award for John Rockensies He will be at the RLC Thurs/Fri
54 ABP Education Committee JPC Report 45 th Joint Propulsion Conference Denver, Colorado August 2009
55 ABP Group Gas Turbine Engines Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Common Elements Communications Honors & Awards Aerospace Sciences MeetingJoint Propulsion Conference Membership Education Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Technical Disciplines Air Breathing Propulsion Subgroup Organizational Structure Communications Education Honors & Awards Separate TCs Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Communications Education Honors & Awards Technical Disciplines Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Communications Education Honors & Awards
56 Attendees – JPC 2009 Jeff Flamm Rick Dyer Dan Paxon Bryan Westru Rod Daebelliehn Anthony Watts Rick Gaeta Dora Musielak Marty Bradley Dianne DeTurris Bill Westphal Keith Blodgett Steve Beckel 13 Attendees: 6 ABPSI, 5 HSABP, 2 GTE
57 ABP Education Committee Working Groups Identified Working Group Leads K-12 Outreach Rod Daebelliehn Short Courses Engine Design Competition Dora Musielak Ian Halliwell Dianne DeTurris Keys to getting things done: Stay focused on working group tasks Have working group interaction (telecons/webinars/ ) at least once a month Use conference meetings more as a place to solve larger issues, float new ideas, update technical committees on progress
58 AIAA Short Courses - Update Develop, produce, and administer Short Courses that are offered to industry and academia that relate to ABP Science and Technology Development Continuation of ABP Design Short Course developed by John Rockensies (ret.) Received previous course notes from John Lined up instructors Course offered for JPC ‘09 JPC ’09 Course was canceled due to lack of enrollment (1 enrolled – need 10) We are committed to continue to this short course on AB Engine Design Fundamentals Working Group to explore new course topics and marketing with AIAA
59 AIAA Engine Design Competition - Update Develop and produce RFP for AIAA Air Breathing Engine Design Competition for Undergraduates; Provide judges for evaluation of proposals and determine winners Topic: A Variable Cycle Engine for Subsonic Transport Applications 5 Entries (2 Schools: BYU & KU) Results of Judges due to AIAA by August 17th
60 AIAA Engine Design Competition - Update Proposed Topic: A Propulsion System for a Hypersonic TBCC Technology Demonstrator Vehicle RFP just about completed; Due to AIAA ASAP Working Group Lead to coordinate with other group members as needed
61 K-12 Education - Update Promote and Facilitate the education of Air Breathing Propulsion Science and Technology Good discussion on how ABP can focus on this problem Ideas ABP as a teacher resource to be drawn upon – direct access (thru website) to professionals Provide forum for teachers to see success stories on local level Work with “Passport to Future” meeting as the primary interface for ABP and K-12 outreach Focus on a specific “table top” experiment that teachers can use to demonstrate a propulsion concept Working group lead to take action on making this happen
62 Honors & Awards Subcommittee August 2, 2009 Jeff Flamm ABP
63 Transition Period (2007/08) Sivaram Gogineni, Turbine (chair 2007/08) Jinho Lee, High Speed, (2008/09) Jeff Flamm, PAI (2009/10) The Honors & Awards Subcommittee Leads of HS, Turbine and PAI agreed to serve as one (Reno 2008)
/10 ABP Awards Timeline AugSepOctNovDecMarAprMayJunJulJanFeb Aerospace Sciences Meeting - 1/10 Awards Ceremony At JPC - 7/ Air Breathing Propulsion Nominations Due 10/1/09 Nominations to ABP TC Selection To AIAA HQ Gordon Oates Nominations Due 1/31/10 Selection To AIAA HQ Nominations to ABP TC Best Paper Selection To AIAA HQ Candidates Available From JPC ’09 Candidates Available From ASM ’ Award Selection Teams Established Typical
65 Air Breathing Propulsion Award Award can be given only if a minimum of 3 nominations are active. Chronic problems obtaining the requisite 3 nominations and maintaining an appropriate nomination pool. Nominations are only active for a total of three cycles. Four nominations this year To maintain active nominations in the pipeline, we need at least TWO additional nominations prior to October 1 st. Each TC Chair (Turbine Engine, High-Speed Propulsion and Propulsion Integration) is asked to ensure at least one nomination package is submitted in a given cycle. ALL TC members are also asked to encourage nominations. Please have nominator advise Nicole Key of “intent to nominate” as soon as possible. Awarded for meritorious, career-spanning accomplishment in the science or art of Air Breathing Propulsion POC for 2010 is Nicole Key
66 Air Breathing Propulsion Award AIAA membership not obligatory to receive award (although may be tiebreaker) Selection Team now consists of 6 or 7 people as follows: - Each TC Chair - Each Honors & Awards Subcommittee Chair - Representative of the Propellants and Combustion TC. Selection Process
67 Air Breathing Propulsion Award The selection team’s decision must be endorsed by an vote of at least 50% of the ABPTC and P&C TC. ABPTC and P&C TC Chairs and Group Director must approve final selection by ensuring process was followed. Documented, quantitative grading scale (audit trail) with minimum threshold below which award is not given out. - New scoring sheet developed - For ABP award, minimum threshold will be 100 points (150 points is perfect score) Selection Process Continued
Air Breathing Propulsion Award 4 nomination packages received 1 candidate had possible conflict of interest Selection committee pursued conflict issue with AIAA and TAC H&A committee Candidate initially ruled acceptable from conflict of interest standpoint After judging and candidate selected TAC ruled there was a conflict of interest TAC changing guidelines to clarify No award given this year because there are not enough eligible candidates (min 3) Selection committee Jinho Lee (head judge) Raymond Best Marty Bradley Robert Bruckner Jeffrey Flamm Sivaram Gogineni
69 ABP Award Past Recipients YearNamePrimary Organization 2001Dr. John J. AdamczykNASA Glenn Research Center 1999Dr. Allen S. NovickAllison 1998Dr. Joseph A. SchetzVirginia Polytechnic Institute 1997Dr. H. Lee Beach, Jr.NASA Langley Research Center 1996Dr. Louis A. PovinelliNASA Glenn Research Center 1995Thomas A. AuxierPratt & Whitney 1994Dr. "Bud" LakshminarayanaPennsylvania State University 1993Thomas L. DuBellPratt & Whitney 1992Donald M. DixDepartment of Defense 1991F. Blake Wallace, Jr.Allison 2000Charles R. McClintonNASA Langley Research Center 2002Dr. Richard RivirAir Force Research Laboratory 2003Dr. Ben ZinnGeorgia Tech 2004Dr. E. Tom CurranAir Force Research Laboratory 2005Dr. Vigor Yang Pennsylvania State University 2006Dr. Anthony Strazisar NASA Glenn Research Center 2008 Dr. Hukam Mongia GE Aviation 2007Dr. Dilip Ballal University of Dayton Research Inst.
70 Air Breathing Propulsion Award Scoring Sheet 2 3 Recommended Change
71 Gordon C. Oates Graduate Award 2009 Recipient: Mr. Vijay Ramasubramanian, A Ph.D candidate from the University of Maryland Research focus: "is to develop the theoretical basis for robust, high- performance ramjet/scramjet/combined-cycle air breathing inlets derived from the inward-turning Busemann flowfield Nine applicants this year (3 to 4 not directly applicable to ABP) Selection committee Jeff Flamm (head judge) Norbert Bissinger Stephen Gorrell Nicole Key Jinho Lee POC for 2010 – Jeff Flamm $5,000 cash award presented for outstanding Graduate Student Research in the area of Air Breathing Propulsion
72 ABP Best Paper Award AIAA Paper "Scalability of Ethylene Gaseous Jets for Fueling High-Speed Air-Breathing Combustors" by Kuo-Cheng Lin, Michael Ryan, Cambell Carter, Mark Gruber and Charbel Raffoul. Awarded for the best technical paper presented in an Air Breathing Propulsion Session at the 2008 Joint Propulsion Conference or 2009 Aerospace Sciences Conference
73 ABP Best Paper Award AIAA provides copies of ABP session forms from both conferences (usually significant time lag) Process improvement: ABP Technical Organizer forwards copies of Session Chair Forms to Honors & Awards at end of conference. Session chairs at JPC are requested to nominate one paper in their session and submit completed session chair form to Ryan Starkey or AIAA before departing the JPC Meeting. Awarded for the best technical paper presented in an Air Breathing Propulsion Session at the 2009 Joint Propulsion Conference or 2010 Aerospace Sciences Conference
74 H&A Recommendations Split Best paper award into for each TC - Add a block to session chair rating form: - “ I do not recommend any papers for best paper” - No show = no award - ABPSI Doug Kisling/KeithBlodgett - High Speed – James Donohue - Gas Turbine - Sivaram Gogineni YP Paper award? Wait till next year Recommend change to ABP Award criteria - Change Weight of Publications etc from 3 to 2 - Change Weight of References/Reputation from 2 to 3
75 H&A Recommendations Need 1 nominee from each TC to maintain ABP Award Deadline Oct 1! It is everyone’s responsibility to seek out nominees!
76 Communications Subcommittee Joint Air Breathing Propulsion Technical Committees TC General Meeting JPC 2009 – Denver, CO ABP
77 Agenda Roll Call Communication Subcommittee Roles Status Reports Websites Newsletter Banners Tri-Fold Year in Review Highlights Minutes 2009 Task Assignments Succession
78 Agenda Roll Call Communication Subcommittee Roles Status Reports Websites Newsletter Banners Tri-Fold Year in Review Highlights Minutes 2009 Task Assignments Succession
79 Communication SC Membership Attended 2009 JPC SC meeting Raymond BestCharles Beard Jeff FlammDean Andreadis Arathi GopinathChris Smith Jimmy KenyonWeldon Wainright Thomas KaemmingHayden Reeve Takeshi Kanda David LuciaIan Halliwell Dhanireddy Reddy Ravi Srinivasan Robert Webster John SordylMichelle McMillan Tom Berens Ex Officio: Raymond Best Rob Bruckner Marty Bradley Others: Dora Musielak
80 Agenda Roll Call Communication Subcommittee Roles Status Reports Websites Newsletter Banners Tri-Fold Year in Review Highlights Minutes 2009 Task Assignments Succession
81 Communications Roles TC Publicity Newsletter*(JPC) Tri-Fold*(JPC) Banners + (JPC & ASM) Website + (Enduring) Meeting Minutes + (JPC & ASM) Year in Review Highlights * (JPC/Sep) * ABP Level + TC Level
82 Agenda Roll Call Communication Subcommittee Roles Status Reports Websites Newsletter Banners Tri-Fold Year in Review Highlights Minutes 2009 Task Assignments Succession
83 Websites Status Websites for all 3 TC’s are up and running Webmasters established for each TC Gas Turbine – Arathi Gopinath & TBD High Speed – Ravi Srinivasan, David Lucia (assisted by Dora Musielak) Integration – Charles Beard AIAA Transitioning to SharePoint Each TC Webmaster Needs to Coordinate Transition with AIAA (Betty Guillie)
84 Newsletter 2009 Electronic Release ABP Members Website AIAA Members with Air Breathing Propulsion Interest Sole Public Publication of ABP Recognition of Honors & Awards Roles And Responsibilities of TCs *** 2009 JPC Deadline Missed ***
85 Tri-Fold ABP Level Provide TC Information to Interested People Update Yearly Handout at JPC and ASM Sessions Completed for JPC 2009 Special Thanks to Chris Smith and John Sordyl`
86 Tri-Fold
87 Tri-Fold (cont)
88 Banners HSABPTC “Guinea Pig” ROM Banner - $70 each Banner Stand - $125 each Optional for GTETC and ABPSITC
89 Banner
90 Logos Please Use the Approved Logos in Your TC Communications
91 Agenda Roll Call Communication Subcommittee Roles Status Reports Websites Newsletter Banners Tri-Fold Year in Review Highlights Minutes 2009 Task Assignments Succession
92 Assignments for 2009 Newsletter ’09 – Subgroup Level Coordinating Lead – Tom Kaemming ABPSITC – Weldon Wainright, Piper Aircraft & Hayden Reeve, UTRC GTETC – Ian Halliwell, Avetec & Rob Bruckner, NASA HSABPTC – Tom Kaemming Highlights Articles for December, Submission req’d in September ABPSITC – Hayden Reeve, UTRC GTETC – Jim Kenyon, DOD & Robert Webster, UT-Chattanooga; Todd Bailie, AFRL (John Sordyl POC) HSABPTC – Dean Andreadis, P&W (???) (Tom Kaemming POC) Dinner Meeting Minutes JPC – John Sordyl TC Webmasters ABPSITC – Charles Beard, Boeing Co. GTETC – Arathi Gopinath, GE & TBD HSABPTC – Ravi Srinivasan (???), Texas A&M & David Lucia, USAF
93 Highlights 2009 for AEROSPACE AMERICA Articles to be 3 – 600 word (1 page) articles for each TC Deadline – 25 September Should include events that have already occurred or will by proof manuscripts review (late Oct.) Oct. thru Dec. events covered following year TC POC should have been submitted to AIAA
Approach Worked Well Teams of two or more from each TC led the effort Could, or should be, more of a ‘working group’ activity engaging small teams –Lessens the burden & encourages more participation European and Asian content will be more of a challenge for this coming year Solicit Topics and Points-of-Contact from all TC Members Focus on Major Events Solicit Gov’t/Industry Inputs Via Public Affairs/Business Development ‘Free Publicity’ for your organization
95 Agenda Roll Call Communication Subcommittee Roles Status Reports Websites Newsletter Banners Tri-Fold Year in Review Highlights Minutes 2009 Task Assignments Succession
96 Succession Tom Kaemming Replacement Needed * ABP Communications Chair Coordinate ABP Level Communication Tasks Coordinate GTE, ABPSI and HSABP Communications Can Be TC Communications Lead Candidates John Sordyl * HSABPTC Chair req’d also
97 Joint Propulsion Conference Subcommittee Air Breathing Propulsion Dinner Meeting Aug. 3, 2009 Denver, CO ABP
98 JPC 2009 JPC Subcommittee Chair Ryan P. Starkey (member HSABPTC) Technical Area Chairs Gas Turbine Engines TC –S. Mani Subramanian - Gas-Turbine Engine (14) HyTASP PC / High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC –Ryan P. Starkey – Hypersonic and Combined Cycle Propulsion (16) Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC –Doug Kisling – Air Breathing Propulsion (7) –Don Malloy – System Concepts and Supporting Propulsion Technologies (9)
99 JPC 2009 Statistics (HyTASP PC/High Speed ABP TC) 64 Abstracts received 61 Abstracts accepted (due to openings in sessions) 29 US / 21 China / 6 Japan 1 Australia / Britain / Canada / Egypt / S. Korea 2 Invited Sessions Recent Advances in Constant Volume Combustion –Tom Kaemming / Dan Paxson X-51, Prelude to the 2009 First Flight –Joaquin Castro 14 Paper Sessions 9 papers withdrawn (5 China / 3 US / 1 Egypt)
100 JPC 2009 Statistics – Gas Turbine Engines TC 62 Abstracts received 50 Abstracts accepted 13 paper sessions – currently 50 papers 27 US / 10 China / 4 Britain 2 Brazil / Germany / India 1 Belgium / Japan / S. Korea 1 Invited Session Inlet-Engine Compatibility (3 oral presentations)
101 JPC 2009 Statistics - ABP System Integration TC 44 Abstracts received 34 Abstracts accepted – 6 Rejected / 4 Transferred 15 China / 12 US / 2 Italy 1 Iran / Netherlands / Portugal / Russia / S. Korea 7 paper sessions 5 papers withdrawn (4 US / 1 China) 3 no-planned attendance (China) No invited sessions
102 JPC 2009 Statistics – ABPSI: System Concepts and Supporting Propulsion Technologies 43 Abstracts received 35 Abstracts accepted 26 US / 2 Germany 1 Britain / China / France / Israel / Iran / Japan / Russia 8 Abstracts Rejected 4 China; 1 Azerbaijan / Germany / US / Other 8 paper sessions 1 invited session Transition in Gas Turbine Engine Control System Architecture: Modular, Distributed, Embedded
103 JPC 2009 Summary Statistics 213 Abstracts received 180+ Abstracts accepted 94+ US / 47+ China / 7+ Japan / 30+ Other 4 Invited Sessions 42 Paper Sessions
104 JPC 2010 – Nashville, TN Subcommittee Chair Ryan P. Starkey Technical Area Chairs Gas Turbine Engines TC –Janet Convery HyTASP PC / High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC –Ryan Starkey Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC –Don Malloy
105 Issues for Discussion (for JPC 2010+) No-podium/no-paper Yes! – Don’t let it get left out of call for papers Special session suggestions X-51 update TBD Possible use of “author acceptance forms” – authors would need to get management signature at abstract submittal step ??? Involvement for paper reviews/chairing sessions Need to get more people to review papers & chair sessions – spread the effort to more members, rather than doubling up
106 Aerospace Sciences Meeting Subcommittee (D.R. Reddy) Air Breathing Propulsion Subgroup General Meeting Aug. 3, 2009 Denver, CO ABP
107 ASM 2010 Statistics (High Speed ABP) 47 Abstracts received (114 in 2009 for all 3 TCs) ~42 Abstracts to be accepted (Reviews 80% complete) 7 sessions (15 in 2009 for all ABP); no Invited Sessions Reduced submittal from India (0!) and China (3) May be attributed to No podium, No paper policy enforcement Reduced submittal in PDE area 9 abstracts received (4 sessions, 20 papers in 2009) Propellants & Combustion TC has ?? PDE abstracts (waiting for response)
108 ASM 2010 Statistics – Gas Turbine Engines TC 37 Abstracts received Abstracts accepted - U/Review 6 sessions (subject to # of accepted abstracts) Materials (2-4) Turbines I (6) Turbines II (6) Engine Simulations (3) Combustors (4-7) Fans & Compressors (4-6) 2 Invited Sessions (co-sponsored w/ABPSI TC) Alternate Fuels – Technology Development (Balu Sekar) Alternate Fuels – Government Funded Programs (Balu Sekar) 1 Invited Session – Pressure-gain combustors 1 more possible – large engine simulation
109 ASM 2010 Statistics (ABP System Integration TC) 24 Abstracts received 20 Abstracts accepted – 4 Transferred to other areas 4 sessions Co-sponsored (w/GTE TC) 2 Invited Sessions – Alternative Fuels Abstracts submitted - low compared to the number of ABPSI-focused papers at ASM09
110 ASM 2010 (High Speed ABP) Session NameReviewers (Chairs/Co-Chairs)* Pulse Detonation Engines- Paxson / Tangirala Supersonic Inlets - Malo-Molina / Moehlenkamp Supersonic Inlets and Isolators- D.R. Reddy / Engblom Scramjet Fuel Injection- Donohue / Steelant Scramjet Flow Simulation- Sekar / Drummond or Lucia Hypersonic Vehicle Design- Starkey / Springer or Lucia Scramjet Performance- O’Brien / Peinemann *preliminary assignments
111 ASM 2011 Subcommittee Chair D. R. Reddy Technical Area Chairs from 3TCs Jay Kapat - Gas Turbine Engines Don Malloy - ABP System Integration Venkat Tangirala- High Speed ABP Specialty Sub-chairs To be determined by the TACs as needed
112 Issues for Discussion (for ASM 2011) ASM 2011 Special sessions: Future of Pulse Detonation Engines (?) Other ideas? –Open Rotors –Engine Icing?
113 Other topics from the floor? PDE comments: There is a call for detonation related papers out of propellants and combustion, may have overlap Suggest sponsoring a joint session to avoid overlap Winner for slides/minute rate: Kaemming, 12 in 6 min Honors and Awards: GCO – will not split into 3 right now due to lack of candidates and funding issues. Resolution: better advertising Methods to address issues with no shows/withdrawals – ABP has a higher rate than other groups Path forward on author acceptance form Non-standard AIAA procedure, needs more discussion Effort to recruit China/Indian members to TC, encourage podium shows Recommending supervisory concurrence with abstract submittal