Internships / USDA & Still Lab
USDA probably has a job for every discipline
&navtype=RT&parentnav=CAREERS Applying for USDA Internships 1. Create Account
Students and Recent Graduates Educational Employment Note: many require specific courses to be eligible. Plan ahead!!! - see following slides for examples.
ics2009Edition-ScienceCareersPublication.pdf 2.Upload your C.V. (but read this PDF first!) Chapter 2: Marketing Yourself
Graduate School 1.Plan Now a)Pre-requisites for grad school b)Prepare for, and take GRE 2.High GPA is a given 3.Requires more than high GPA a)Get Research Experience b)Where? i.Still lab? ii.Other University?
Still lab funded by USDA, NSF, ARI Paid Research Training Develop skills: o Basic laboratory o Basic molecular biology o Advanced molecular biology o Genetic mapping skills o Conventional & molecular marker breeding o Bioinformatics Career Opportunities Internships o USDA Salinas o UC Davis Genome Center & Seed Biotechnology Center Activities o Site visits to USDA ARS stations and UC campuses USDA HSI : “Sowing the Seeds for the Next Generation of Plant Breeders”
Principal and Co-Principal Investigators David W. Still, PI Youngsook You, Co-PI o Department of Plant Sciences, Cal Poly Pomona Collaborators Ryan Hayes o USDA ARS – Salinas Kent Bradford Richard Michelmore o University of California, Davis Still lab – continued
Still lab: David Still: Youngsook You: More information: