User Interface Evaluation Usability Testing Methods
Conduct experiments to find specific information about a design and/or product. Basis comes from experimental psychology. Uses statistical data methods Quantitative and Qualitative
Usability Testing Methods During usability testing, users work on specific tasks using the interface/product and evaluators use the results to evaluate and modify the interface/product. Widely used in practice, but not appropriately used. Often abused by developers that consider themselves to be usability experts. Can be very expensive and time consuming.
Usability Testing Methods Performance Measurement Thinking-aloud Protocol Question-asking Protocol Coaching Method
Usability Testing Methods Co-discovery Learning Teaching Method Retrospective Testing Remote Testing
Performance Measurement Applicable Stages: Design, Code, Test & Deployment Personnel Usability Experts, approximately 1. Developers, 0. Users, 6.
Performance Measurement Usability Issues Covered Effectiveness: Yes Efficiency: Yes Satisfaction: No Quantitative Data is collected. Can NOT be conducted remotely. Can be used on any system.
Performance Measurement What is it? Used to collect quantitative data. Typically, you will be looking for benchmark data. Objectives MUST be quantifiable 75% of users shall be able to complete the basic task in less than 30 minutes.
Performance Measurement How can I do it? Define the goals that you expect users to perform
Performance Measurement How can I do it? Quantify the goals The time users take to complete a specific task. The Ratio between successful interactions and errors. The time spent recovering from errors. The number of user errors. The number of commands or other features that were never used by the user. The number of system features the user can remember during a debriefing after the test. The proportion of users who say that they would prefer using the system over some specified competitor.
Performance Measurement How can I do it? Get participants for the experiments Conduct very controlled experiments All variables must remain consistent across users
Performance Measurement Problems With Performance Measurement No qualitative data.
Thinking-aloud Protocol Applicable Stages: Design, Code, Test & Deployment Personnel Usability Experts, approximately 1. Developers, 0. Users, 4.
Thinking-aloud Protocol Usability Issues Covered Effectiveness: Yes Efficiency: No Satisfaction: Yes Quantitative Data is NOT collected. Can NOT be conducted remotely. Can be used on any system.
Thinking-aloud Protocol What is it? Technique where the participant is asked to vocalize his or her thoughts, feelings, and opinions while interacting with the product..
Thinking-aloud Protocol How can I do it? Select the participants, who will be involved? Select the tasks and design scenarios. Ask the participant to perform a task using the software.
Thinking-aloud Protocol How can I do it? During the task, ask the user to vocalize Thoughts, opinions, feelings, etc.
Thinking-aloud Protocol Problem With Thinking-Aloud Protocol Cognitive Overload Can you walk & chew gum at the same time? Asking the participants to do too much.
Question-asking Protocol Applicable Stages: Design, Code, Test & Deployment Personnel Usability Experts, approximately 1. Developers, 0. Users, 4.
Question-asking Protocol Usability Issues Covered Effectiveness: Yes Efficiency: No Satisfaction: Yes Quantitative Data is NOT collected. Can NOT be conducted remotely. Can be used on any system.
Question-asking Protocol What is it? Similar to Thinking-aloud protocol. Instead of participant saying what they are thinking, the evaluator prompts the participant with questions while using the system.
Question-asking Protocol How can I do it? Select the participants, who will be involved? Select the tasks and design scenarios. Ask the participant to perform a task using the software.
Question-asking Protocol How can I do it? During the task, ask the user to questions about the product Thoughts, opinions, feelings, etc.
Question-asking Protocol Problem With Thinking-Aloud Protocol Cognitive Overload++ Can you walk, chew gum & talk at the same time? Asking the participants to do too much. Added pressure when the evaluator asks questions. Can be frustrating on novice users.
Coaching Method Applicable Stages: Design, Code, Test & Deployment Personnel Usability Experts, approximately 1. Developers, 0. Users, 4.
Coaching Method Usability Issues Covered Effectiveness: Yes Efficiency: No Satisfaction: Yes Quantitative Data is NOT collected. Can NOT be conducted remotely. Can be used on any system.
Coaching Method What is it? A system expert sits with the participant and acts as a coach. Expert answers the participant’s questions. The evaluator observes their interaction.
Coaching Method How can I do it? Select the participants, who will be involved? Select the tasks and design scenarios. Ask the participant to perform a task using the software in the presence of a coach/expert.
Coaching Method How can I do it? During the task, the user will ask the expert questions about the product
Coaching Method Problem With Coaching Method In reality, there will not be a coach present. This is good for creating a coaching system, but not for evaluating the interface.
Co-Discovery Learning Applicable Stages: Design, Code, Test & Deployment Personnel Usability Experts, approximately 1. Developers, 0. Users, 6.
Co-Discovery Learning Usability Issues Covered Effectiveness: Yes Efficiency: No Satisfaction: Yes Quantitative Data is NOT collected. Can NOT be conducted remotely. Can be used on any system.
Co-Discovery Learning What is it? Two test users attempt to perform tasks together while being observed. They are to help each other in the same manner as they would if they were working together to accomplish a common goal using the product. They are encouraged to explain what they are thinking about while working on the tasks. Thinking Aloud, but more natural because of partner.
Co-Discovery Learning How can I do it? Select the participants, who will be involved? Select the tasks and design scenarios. Ask the participants to perform a task using the software.
Co-Discovery Learning How can I do it? During the task, the users will help each other and voice their thoughts by talking to each other.
Co-Discovery Learning Problem With Co-Discovery Learning Neither is an expert The blind leading the blind.
Teaching Method Applicable Stages: Design, Code, Test & Deployment Personnel Usability Experts, approximately 1. Developers, 0. Users, 4.
Teaching Method Usability Issues Covered Effectiveness: Yes Efficiency: No Satisfaction: Yes Quantitative Data is NOT collected. Can NOT be conducted remotely. Can be used on any system.
Teaching Method What is it? You have 1 participant use the system. Ask the participant to teach a new novice participant how to use the system.
Teaching Method How can I do it? Select the participants, who will be involved? Select the tasks and design scenarios. Ask the 1 st participant to perform a task using the software. Ask the 1 st participant to teach a new participant.
Teaching Method How can I do it? Observe their interactions.
Teaching Method Problem With Teaching Method Neither is an expert The blind leading the blind. Possible to discover some interesting things about the learn-ability of your interfaces.
Retrospective Testing Applicable Stages: Design, Code, Test & Deployment Personnel Usability Experts, approximately 1. Developers, 0. Users, 4.
Retrospective Testing Usability Issues Covered Effectiveness: Yes Efficiency: Yes Satisfaction: Yes Quantitative Data can be collected. Can NOT be conducted remotely. Can be used on any system.
Retrospective Testing What is it? A videotape of the session is observed by the usability expert and the participants.
Retrospective Testing How can I do it? Select the participants, who will be involved? Select the tasks and design scenarios. Use one of the usability testing methods that we have discussed. Videotape the session.
Retrospective Testing How can I do it? Review the videotape with the users.
Retrospective Testing Problem With Retrospective Testing Extremely time consuming!
Remote Testing Applicable Stages: Design, Code, Test & Deployment Personnel Usability Experts, approximately 1. Developers, 0. Users, 5.
Remote Testing Usability Issues Covered Effectiveness: Yes Efficiency: Yes Satisfaction: Yes Quantitative Data can be collected. Can be conducted remotely. Can be used on any system.
Remote Testing What is it? The participants are separated from the evaluators. No formal observation. No usability lab.
Remote Testing How can I do it? Give the product/software to participants. Collect information about how they use your software/product. Methods Same-Time Different Place Different-Time Different Place
Remote Testing How can I do it? Camtasia, SnagIt Usability Logger Journaled Sessions
Remote Testing Problem With Remote Testing The evaluator is not there. Can’t observe facial expressions. Great for Web based systems.
Usability Testing Methods Select the method that works best for you. Select the method that fits your implementation. Be thorough during your experiments. The more data, the better.
Usability Testing Methods Hawthorne Effect The tendency for people to improve their performance after any change when they know their performance is being studied.