Tips for Research in Bioinformatics Scope and Importance of Bioinformatics Do you have required skill? Type of bioinformaticians (Users, Analysis or Developer) Possible biological problems Protein/Peptide related bioinformatics Types of methods and use of Open Source How to start Linux, programming (PHP/perl) WAMP/LAMP (Linux/Windows, Apache, Mysql, PHP) Machine learning techniques (Weka) Beware with experimental biologist
Concept of Research in Bioinformatics Bioinformatics vs Computational Biology Service vs Research Components vs System Biology Guidelines/Suggestions Role of technical expertise Our group (Service or Science?)
Bioinformatics Vs Computational Biology Computational Biology Examples Ramachandran Plot Proteins Structure Prediction (Ab-initio) Dynamic Programming for Alignment Examples of Bioinformatics BLAST search against sequence databases Homology Modelling Epitope Mapping
Service Vs Bioinformatics Research BTIS Programme NCBI and EBI Services Web service / databases New rules or models derived from known structures New functional domain form experimental data Discoveries based on data Service for better research Research for better service Range of service (Individual or Community) Collaboration with experimental scientist for validation
Suggestions Selection of Problem Talk to biologist & understand their problem Raise question in your mind Read literature (self learning) for answer Raise more question and read again Work on important problem Select problem if large dataset is availble Develop method with high accuracy Validate using standard validation techniques Develop web server software for service Publish in appropriate journal (high IF)
Fingerprinting Technique Microarray Data Fingerprinting Technique Subcellular Localization Fingerprinting Technique Whole genome Sequencing Assembling of Genomes Genome Annotation Epitope based Vaccines Anotation of Proteomes Drug Discover Drug targets Comparative Genomics Development of Databses RNA Interference
Therapeutic Application of Proteins/Peptides Peptide based Drugs (Small Molecule, Peptide, Protein) Anticancer peptides Antibacterial peptides Peptide for delivering drug Cell-penetrating peptides Tumor-homing peptides Peptide as disease diagnostics Disease specific Mimotopes Epitope/Peptide based Vaccines T-cell epitopes B-cell epitopes
Limitation of Peptides & Challenges for Bioinformaticians Peptide Degradation (short half-life) Large peptide degrading enzymes Hepatic/renal Clearance (liver/kidenys) Low Oral Bioavailability (injection) High conformational flexibility Environment dependent tertiary structure Low selectivity Immunogenicity and antigenicity High cost of production & Storage Modification/glycosylation of peptides
Drug/inhibitor/vaccine/ Disease Diagnostics Peptide-Protein Interaction Peptide Structure, docked structure Adaptive Immunity: B-cell, T-cell Epitope Innate Immunity: Toll-like receptors Anti-(bacterial , microbial, cancer, viral) peptides Mimotopes for diseases diagnostics Structure determination: Natural, non-natural , modified bonds Structure prediction: Natural, non-natural , modified bonds Peptide or Protein Synthesis: Phase display, SPSS, Codon Suffeling Natural bioactive peptides from metagenomics Mimotopes for B/T epitopes Mimicking of Drug Molecules ADMET: Proteolytic enzymes, Half-life Size Optimization for function/Str. Oral Delivery : Trans. & Adjuvant
Epitopes (Subunit Vaccine) Innate Immunity Vaccine Delivery Protective Antigens Adaptive Immunity Vaccine Informatics Bioinformatics Centre IMTECH, Chandigarh WHOLE ORGANISM Attenuated Epitopes (Subunit Vaccine) Purified Antigen T cell epitope
Multiple layers of the immune system
Disease Causing Agents Innate Immunity Vaccine Delivery Protective Antigens Adaptive Immunity Vaccine Informatics Bioinformatics Centre IMTECH, Chandigarh Disease Causing Agents Pathogens/Invaders
Components vs System Biology
Innate Immunity : Pathogen Recognizing Receptors and ligands Modelling of Immune System for Designing Epitope-based Vaccines Adaptive Immunity (Cellular Response) : Thelper Epitopes Propred: for promiscuous MHC II binders MMBpred:for high affinity mutated binders MHC2pred: SVM based method MHCBN: A database of MHC/TAP binders and non-binders Pcleavage: for proteome cleavage sites TAPpred: for predicting TAP binders Propred1: for promiscuous MHC I binders CTLpred: Prediction of CTL epitopes Adaptive Immunity (Cellular Response) : CTL Epitopes BCIpep: A database of B-cell eptioes; ABCpred: for predicting B-cell epitopes ALGpred: for allergens and IgE eptopes HaptenDB: A datbase of haptens Adaptive Immunity (Humoral Response) :B-cell Epitopes Innate Immunity : Pathogen Recognizing Receptors and ligands PRRDB: A database of PRRs & ligands Antibp: for anti-bacterial peptides Signal transduction in Immune System Cytopred: for classification of Cytokines
Role of Bioinformatics in Designing Theraputic Peptides
Important Information in Manual for Develpers Thankyou
Computer-Aided Drug Discovery Searching Drug Targets: Bioinformatics Genome Annotation FTGpred: Prediction of Prokaryotic genes EGpred: Prediction of eukaryotic genes GeneBench: Benchmarking of gene finders SRF: Spectral Repeat finder Comparative genomics GWFASTA: Genome-Wide FASTA Search GWBLAST: Genome wide BLAST search COPID: Composition based similarity search LGEpred: Gene from protein sequence Subcellular Localization Methods PSLpred: localization of prokaryotic proteins ESLpred: localization of Eukaryotic proteins HSLpred: localization of Human proteins MITpred: Prediction of Mitochndrial proteins TBpred: Localization of mycobacterial proteins Prediction of drugable proteins Nrpred: Classification of nuclear receptors GPCRpred: Prediction of G-protein-coupled receptors GPCRsclass: Amine type of GPCR VGIchan: Voltage gated ion channel Pprint: RNA interacting residues in proteins GSTpred: Glutathione S-transferases proteins Protein Structure Prediction APSSP2: protein secondary structure prediction Betatpred: Consensus method for -turns prediction Bteval: Benchmarking of -turns prediction BetaTurns: Prediction of -turn types in proteins Turn Predictions: Prediction of / / -turns in proteins GammaPred: Prediction of-turns in proteins BhairPred: Prediction of Beta Hairpins TBBpred: Prediction of trans membrane beta barrel proteins SARpred: Prediction of surface accessibility (real accessibility) PepStr: Prediction of tertiary structure of Bioactive peptides
Suggestions Technical Learning Linux/Unix system Programming language PERL/PHP/C Example Scripts ( ) HTML and CGI script (Java) LAMP learning SVM_Light for SVM, SNNNS for ANN TREMBL for nearest neighbour Weka for wide range Rapidminer
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