Theories of learning and pedagogy 1 Introductions Overview of theoretical perspectives Theorists Pedagogical approaches Small group activity Wrap-up Session overview
Theories of learning and pedagogy 2 Learning Pedagogy
Theories of learning and pedagogy 3 a relatively permanent change in thought or in behaviour that results from experience (Hohenstein & King, 2011) the process of taking in data through the senses, organising the data into a meaningful framework and using the data to change or support thought and behaviour (following Bloom) any process that leads to permanent capacity change and which is not solely due to biological maturation or ageing (Illeris, 2007) Definition of learning
Theories of learning and pedagogy 4 Behaviourism Cognitivist/Cognitive theories Constructivism Social-constructivism Sociocultural Connectionism Humanism Neuroscience (?) Theories of learning
Theories of learning and pedagogy 5 Theories of learning (1) Behaviourism External, observable inputs and outputs determine learning & behaviour (classical conditioning, operant conditioning) Cognitivist Focus on internal, mental functions and processes Constructivism Learner actively engages in process of creating new knowledge, learning depends on constructing new mental schema based on previous knowledge Social-constructivism Learners create their own learning via interaction with their environment, often guided by more knowledgeable others
Theories of learning and pedagogy 6 Theories of learning (2) Sociocultural Learning is a social process, occurring in the interactions among individuals, is situated and strongly influenced by the culture in which it takes place Cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) Learning occurs via mediated activity between individuals Humanism Learning is a personal, intentional act intended to fulfil one’s potential Connectionism Learning is constrained/assisted by structures in the brain, focus on inputs and outputs Neuroscience
Theories of learning and pedagogy 7 Piaget Vygotsky Bloom Gardner Lave Wenger Dewey Kolb Theorists
Theories of learning and pedagogy 8 Theorists (1) Jean Piaget Constructivism Stage theory Assimilation & accommodation (cognitive conflict) Lev Vygotsky Social-constructivism, socio-cultural theories Major role of social interactions (especially with more knowledgeable others) Zone of proximal development (ZPD) Scaffolding
Theories of learning and pedagogy 9 Theorists (2) Benjamin Bloom Taxonomy of learning – cognitive, affective, psychomotor Cognitive – Knowledge/recall; comprehension; application; analysis; synthesis; evaluation Howard Gardener Intelligence as the ‘potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture’ Multiple intelligences – linguistic, musical, logical- mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, (naturalist)
Theories of learning and pedagogy 10 Theorists (3) Jean Lave Situated learning Learning occurs naturally when situated in authentic activity, context and culture Etienne Wenger Communities of practice ‘groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly’
Theories of learning and pedagogy 11 Theorists (4) John Dewey Active learner Experiential learning David Kolb Learning cycle (concrete experience-reflective observation- abstract conceptualisation-active experimentation) Typology of learners/learning styles (diverging/creative; assimilating/intellectual; converging/practical; accommodating/social)
Theories of learning and pedagogy 12 Transmission/telling Integration into what learner already knows Constructivism Inquiry (Discovery learning) Discussion/small group discussion Jigsaw techniques Visual thinking strategies (VTS) Other approaches? Pedagogical approaches
Theories of learning and pedagogy 13 Pick an institution (e.g. museum) Pick an activity/programme (e.g. school trip?) Pick a theory of learning/theorist What applications does the theory have for practice? For a particular activity in a particular institution… If time, repeat with a different institution. Activity