1 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Offshore Wind Energy Kentish Flats Extension Göran Loman Environment Conference, Canterbury A Greener Economy: Time for a Change? February 23, 2011)
2 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Agenda Vattenfall Wind power technology Kentish Flats Kentish Flats Extension -Technical data -Environmental impact -Consenting process -Programme
3 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | VATTENFALL
4 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Vattenfall Key facts Owned by the Swedish State Business -Electricity: generation, transmission, distribution and sales -Heat: production, distribution and sales -Gas: distribution and sales -Consulting and contracting activities in the energy sector Market -Sweden, Denmark and Finland -Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium -The United Kingdom Wind power is a cornerstone of Vattenfall’s action on climate change
5 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Vattenfall in the UK Acquired 90MW Kentish Flats through Elsam merger in 2005 Acquired AMEC Wind Energy in November 2008 Acquired Thanet Offshore Wind Energy in November 2008 Acquired Eclipse Energy in November 2008 Merger with Nuon in July 2009
6 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | WIND POWER In fact it is quite easy
7 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | The kinetic energy of the wind P kin = 0,5 A v 3 90 ton/second!
8 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Production Weibull distribution Produktion curve
9 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Wind resource, regional and local aspects 100% 125% 75%
10 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Park effects and vertical wind gradient
11 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | KENTISH FLATS AND THE EXTENSION
12 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Kentish Flats History Was completed in August 2005 At completion, the largest wind farm in the UK Production corresponds to the consumption of 61,000 average households Kentish Flats – Key Data Rated power 90 MW (30 x 3.0MW) Electricity generation 235 GWh/year Location – Coast of Kent, England Wind turbine type (Vestas)V90 / 3.0MW Hub height70 m Rotor diameter90 m Tip height115 m Foundation typeMonopile Depth of water ≈ 5 m (LAT) Distance from shore ≈ 8.5 km Distance between wind turbines700 m Some facts
13 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Kentish Flats Extension Focal points of EIA for KF2 Birds - red throated divers Outer Thames Estuary SPA Marine navigational safety Impact to commercial fishermen Visual impact of additional turbines Additional turbinesup to 17 Wind turbine type under evaluation Hub heightup to 85 m Rotor diameterup to 120 m Tip heightup to 135 m Capacity51 MW Production MWh/a 40,000-50,000 households Some facts
14 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | The IPC Process (Applying for a DCO)
15 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman | Programme for Kentish Flats Extension Partly parallel time plan
16 | A Greener Economy | Göran Loman |