SIOP Overview Shelter Instruction Observation Protocol Hickory Public Schools January 22, 2014
Learning Targets I can use a text book learning strategy in my classroom. I can give an oral summary of the SIOP model.
What do these teachers do that is helpful for ELLs? top_640x360_ccv2/ab/streaming/myeducati onlab/SIOP_GM_v2.1/C5M2_iPad.mp4 Note actions/activities that are helfpul to ELLS on a post-it note.
Share with a partner Discuss your notes with a partner.
Characteristics of effective instruction for ELLs… English is taught through academic content Learning strategies needed to develop thinking skills and problem-solving abilities are taught EXPLICITLY Continuous support for staff development Source: ACQUIRING A SECOND LANGUAGE FOR SCHOOL, Directions in Language & Education National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education Vol. 1, No. 4, Fall 1995,Virginia P. Collier
Staff development emphasizes… activation of students' prior knowledge. respect for students' home language and culture. cooperative learning, interactive and discovery learning. intense and meaningful cognitive/academic development. ongoing assessment using multiple measures. Source: ACQUIRING A SECOND LANGUAGE FOR SCHOOL, Directions in Language & Education National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education Vol. 1, No. 4, Fall 1995,Virginia P. Collier
Sheltered Instruction (SI) SI provides second language learners with the means to develop academic and linguistic knowledge in their second language.
SI can be described as a melding of elements of second language principles and elements of quality instruction.
SI facilitates a high level of student involvement and interaction in the classroom.
The SIOP model
Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Components Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/Application Lesson Delivery Review/ Assessment Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Preparation Clearly defined content objectives for students. Clearly defined language objectives for students. Content concepts appropriate for age and educational background Supplementary materials used to a high degree, making the lesson clear and meaningful (e.g., graphs, models, visuals) Adaptation of content (e.g., text, assignment) to all levels of student proficiency Meaningful activities that integrate lesson concepts with language practice opportunities for reading, writing, listening and/or speaking. Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Building Background Concepts explicitly linked to students’ background experiences Links explicitly made between past learning and new concepts Key vocabulary emphasized (e.g., introduced, written, repeated, and highlighted for students to see) Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Comprehensible Input Speech appropriate for students’ proficiency level (e.g., slower rate, careful enunciation, and simple sentence structure for beginners) Clear explanation of academic tasks A variety of techniques used to make content concepts clear (e.g., modeling, visuals, hands-on activities, demonstrations, gestures body language) Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Strategies Ample opportunities for student to use strategies Consistent use of scaffolding techniques throughout lesson, assisting and supporting student understanding A variety of question types used, including those that promote higher-order thinking skills throughout the lesson (e.g., literal, analytic, and interpretive questions) Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Interaction Frequent opportunities for interactions and/or discussion between teacher/student and among students that encourage elaborated responses about lesson concepts Grouping configurations support language and content objectives of the lesson Sufficient wait time for student response Ample opportunities for students to clarify key concepts in L1 as needed with aide, peer or L1 text Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Practice/Application Hands-on materials and/or manipulative for students to practice using new content knowledge Activities for students to apply content and language knowledge in the classroom Activities that integrate all language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Lesson Delivery Content objectives clearly supported by lesson delivery Language objectives clearly supported by lesson delivery Students engaged approximately 90-100% of the period Pacing of the lesson appropriate to the students’ ability level Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Factors that Contribute to High Levels of Student Engagement Well planned lessons Clear explanations of academic tasks or instructions Appropriate amount of time spent on an academic task Strong classroom management skills Opportunities to apply information in meaningful ways Active student involvement Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Review/Assessment Comprehensive review of key vocabulary Comprehensive review of key concepts Regular feedback to students on their output Assessment of the students’ comprehension and learning all lesson objectives (e.g., spot checking, group response) through out the lesson. Using the SIOP Model. © 2002. Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved.
Metacognitive Planning Monitoring Evaluating CALLA p. 62 Metacognitive: monitoring own comprehension thru self-questioning, taking corrective action if do not understand Plan: before beginning a task Set goals Plan the task sequence Plan how to accomplish the task Monitor: While working on a task Check your progress on the task Check your comprehension Do I understand? If not, what is the problem? Check your production Evaluate: After completing a task Assess how well you accomplished the task Assess how well you have used learning strategies Decide how effective the strategies were Identify changes you will make the next time you have a similar task
Cognitive Resourcing Grouping Note-taking Elaboration of Prior Knowledge Summarizing Deduction/Induction Auditory Representation Imagery Making Inferences CALLA p. 62-63: Expand these through study groups / additional professional development Resourcing: Use the dictionary, internet, reference materials Seek out and use sources of information Note-taking: Write important words and ideas while listening and reading. List ideas or word to include in speaking or writing Prior Knowledge: Use what you already know to help you do the task Make associations between new and past knowledge Use new information to clarify or modify your prior knowledge Summarizing: Create a mental, oral, or written summary of information Auditory Representation: Say or read aloud a word or sentence to help your understand Sound out Use your mental tape recorder to remember sounds, or conversations Imagery: Use or create an actual or mental image to understand or represent information Use or draw a picture or diagram Make Inferences: Use context and what you know to figure out meaning. Read and listen between the line Go beyond the text to understand its meaning.
Social/Affective Questioning Cooperation Self -Talk CALLA p.63: Expand these through study groups / additional professional development Questioning: Ask questions to get additional explanation, clarification, or verification. Cooperation: Work with others to complete tasks, build confidence, and give and receive feedback (cooperative learning). Self-talk: Reduce anxiety by reminding yourself of your progress; “Pat yourself on the back;” Tell yourself you can complete the task.
Strategies Have a name you and your students use Have clearly defined steps Practiced regularly so they become automatic Strategies: Conscious, flexible plans a reader applies to a text Their use implies awareness, reflection, and interaction between reader and author. Strategies are interrelated and recursive, not individual or sequential
Examples from Making Content Comprehensible Mnemonics SQP2RS — surveying, questioning, predicting, reading, responding, summarizing PENS GIST – Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text (Cunningham, 1982) Rehearsal strategies Graphic organizers Comprehension strategies Echevarria, Vogt, Short MCC, Making Content Comprehensible, p. 84-85 describes several techniques to use. Explain SQP2RS (squeepers) with PowerPoint from
Examples from Making Content Comprehensible Mnemonics SQP2RS — surveying, questioning, predicting, reading, responding, summarizing PENS GIST – Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text (Cunningham, 1982) Rehearsal strategies Graphic organizers Comprehension strategies Echevarria, Vogt, Short MCC, Making Content Comprehensible, p. 84-85 describes several techniques to use. Explain SQP2RS (squeepers) with PowerPoint from
Scaffolding Form of support to bridge the gap between students’ current abilities and the intended goal Support is more complete during the initial stages of learning but is decreased as there is less need for guidance Types: verbal procedural instructional Scaffold associated with Vygotsky’s notion of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) Like training wheels on a bicycle Next 2 slides explain Procedural Scaffolding As a group use the graphic organizer in your packet to list examples of verbal, procedural, and instructional scaffolding. Higher levels might not give headings, but have students list scaffolding techniques and group them or another alternative would be to give techniques and have participants group them. Verbal scaffolding: teachers, aware of student’s English language proficiency level, use prompting, questioning, elaboration to help move students to higher language proficiency levels. Examples: paraphrasing, “think-alouds,” contextual definitions Procedural scaffolding: how to utilize features of classroom, e.g., the use of grouping configurations to provide different levels of support to students as they develop greater levels of language proficiency and skills. Examples: individualized support, teacher-directed small-group interaction, cooperative groups, pairing students for peer assistance Instructional scaffolding: enhance student learning, e.g., prepare students for content, assist in comprehension and organization of content Examples: graphic organizers
Procedural Scaffolding Increasing Student Independence Teach Model Practice Apply According to Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (2000), teachers use an instructional framework that includes explicit teaching, modeling and practice that provide procedural scaffolding. . Echevarria, Vogt, Short. (2000). Making Content Comprehensible, 87.
Procedural Scaffolding Student Independence Whole Class Small Group Paired/ Partner Independent Work Procedural scaffolding also refers to the use of grouping configurations that provide different levels of support to students as they gain greater levels of language proficiency and skills. More experienced learners assisting less experienced Echevarria, Vogt, Short. (2000). Making Content Comprehensible, 87.
Questioning Questioning techniques can elicit responses from students that involve higher-order thinking skills regardless of language level. Handout: DPI’s sample questions connected to Marzano’s Dimensions of Thinking Use the activity on strategies previously completed. Add higher order thinking questions. Use the handout on Marzano’s Dimensions of Thinking to help you. OR Use SIOP activity on page 43 of “Using the SIOP Model.”
Learning Targets I can use a text book learning strategy in my classroom. I can give an oral summary of the SIOP model.