A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation Rutland Pilot Update Gathering food prices Preview: participant notification materials 2/26/20152
S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION C ERES AND E WIC Round 1 User Acceptance Testing completed. 149 issues identified by testers 62 cancelled – User questions resolved 33 closed – resolved, retested, passed 42 resolved– will be retested in UAT round #2 (R2 will start March 2) 12 assigned – 10 submitted to the Mountain Plains User Group (issues with base code of transferred systems); 2 are being worked on by WIC Central staff Rutland DO continuing pilot planning. Notification materials for participants and grocers being developed. Applications coming in from big chains and Rutland area grocers applying for authorization as WIC retail vendors. Remainder of state to apply in March. Xerox and WIC Central team working on eWIC readiness for chains and independent retailers 2/26/20153
R UTLAND P ILOT U PDATE 2/26/20154 Planning for second nutrition contacts WIC events Community partner events Preparing a WIC “carnival” and learning events to introduce eWIC to participants Superuser “Demo” of Ceres Test – mock appointment with certification and benefit issuance.
Vermont WIC must establish “Not to Exceed Pricing” for the items on our Approved Products List Required by feds as cost containment measure NTE price is set by retailer “Peer Group” (size of store, chain vs independent) eWIC system set up to pay no more than NTE price for each food item eWIC system collects prices charged and makes adjustments to NTE over time We need to set the starting NTE prices based on current prices G ATHERING F OOD P RICES 2/26/20155
Chain prices virtually the same statewide; prices gathered as part of WIC Authorization Need prices for Small Chains, Large Independents, and Small Independents throughout the state Created a Price Survey to gather this information Organized by food categories We will use prices to calculate a fair starting Not to Exceed price for each peer group for use in Pilot and Rollout G ATHERING F OOD P RICES 2/26/20156
DOs will receive final store assignments, price survey spreadsheet, and instructions by end of this week Can be done by any DO WIC staff members (one or several persons) Complete and return by the end of March G ATHERING F OOD P RICES 2/26/20157
Price Survey on Eggs: Approved Products List (APL) for Eggs: G ATHERING F OOD P RICES E XAMPLES 2/26/20158 On the shelf, find the lowest priced and highest priced eggs that meet these requirements, and put the prices here.
Price Survey for Peanut Butter APL for Peanut Butter G ATHERING F OOD P RICES E XAMPLES 2/26/2015 On the shelf, find the lowest priced and highest priced PB that meets these requirements. Enter prices here
Please check the current list of authorized grocers in your region G ROCER A UTHORIZATION 2/26/ Tell us if we should be reaching out to any not listed Can be in VT, NY, MA or NH border regions suggestions to
Subscribe to our Grocer Blog: F OLLOW THE G ROCER N EWS 2/26/201513
N EXT RCN M EETING : M ARCH 26 12:30 PM -1:30 PM Release of VT Ceres-eWIC Readiness Toolkit Rutland Pilot Planning Report If you will miss the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestions Lynne Bortree Jeanne Keller 2/26/201514