Towards a post-2015 global framework Mwangi Waituru Seed Institute Kenya/Beyond 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards a post-2015 global framework Mwangi Waituru Seed Institute Kenya/Beyond 2015

The Post 2015 development agenda: Origin

A Task Team was set up in January 2012 which is system wide – it includes all UN agencies, plus IMF, WB See 6 working groups are doing a series of reports, one final report being issued to the UN Secretary General (expected at the end of May 2015), covering: UN Process: UN Task Team on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

UNDG 100+ (United Nations Development Group) Country Consultations June – December Led by UN Resident Coordinators, guidance issued by UNDP in New York (expected imminently) 75% of necessary funds have been raised. Apparently there are great improvements in the guidance notes being sent to UN offices.

UNDG Thematic Consultation First UN consultation (ILO / UNDP led) on growth and employment held in Tokyo on 15 th -16 th May Remaining thematic consultations were to be held after Rio +20, between June 2012 and early 2013.

UN Global Conversation Led by UN Millennium Campaign / UNDP Post-2015 Outreach Strategic Planning Group A UN wide effort that will be led by communications teams within the UN system. Aim to use social networks, web based tools and mobile technologies to engage and exchange information with ordinary citizens around the world. Include a webplatform with... - content library, with materials in different formats + multimedia - space for interactive discussions - calendar of post-2015 events - Links - Space for communities of practice or discussion groups -main objective of the Global Conversation was to facilitate the establishment of mobilisation and outreach mechanisms for citizens and key stakeholders to engage in the post-2015 dialogue and contribute directly and indirectly to the formal post-2015 processes led by the UN. The outcome from the national consultations, thematic meetings and online conversation were consolidated into a single report, issued by UNSG in early 2013 to inform the September 2013 MDG High Level Event.

UN High Level Panel on post-2015 Recommended Five transformative shifts

Proposed Seventeen Goals Many issues that were raised were taken in as targets under the goals. Critics say this is mainly a list of everything that needs to be done and lacks the transformational element that tackles the structural causes of poverty Proponents say it is ambitious, aspirational and transformative and they quote such things as elimination/zero goals, tackling of discriminations etc. UN Open Working Group on SDGs

THE YEAR OF OPPORTUNITY UNGA, NEW YORK September 2015 The post-2015 development framework unveiled COP 21, PARIS December 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) For good, or for bad, this brief window in history will have far reaching consequences

Two or Three? Post-2015 Framework Intergovernmental Negotiations The post-2015 development framework unveiled COP 21, PARIS December 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) For good, or for bad, this brief window in history will have far reaching consequences Financing for Development Conference Addis Ababa Ethiopia July 2015

Universal - The question of Common But Different Responsibilities Ambitious (Is it wise in this regard to open the OWG document for further discussions or not?) Taking into consideration the questions of the means of implementation/financing the new agenda Legitimate Strong Demands: Strong Goals should be

WHO IS BEING LEFT BEHIND Disconnect between the UN in NY and the capitals/people in Africa Complex politics in the United Nations World leaders not prioritising the two processes Ordinary people don't know about them and their voices are not being heard