Labour inspections changing the Path : Capacity building for Arlac member countries Cecilia Mulindeti Director African Regional Labour Administration Centre.


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Presentation transcript:

Labour inspections changing the Path : Capacity building for Arlac member countries Cecilia Mulindeti Director African Regional Labour Administration Centre (ARLAC)

L abour Inspections in Africa Labour inspections are aimed at achieving the basic workers rights in the workplace.(C155) promotion of compliance with national legislation and good labour practices. framework for sound and effective industrial relations, important to understand the key principles for prevention and integration.

Labour Inspections in Africa preventive measures than just safety of workers, implies a determined effort to reduce accidents and work related diseases. Integrated inspections which implies that the labour inspection will be addressed by a competent inspector highly specialised experts e.g. toxicologists, occupational hygienists or occupational medicine personnel to supplement

Effects of the Crisis on the Economy IMF projects Africa to grow by a mere 2% in 2009 down from 5.2% In 2008 and 6.2% in Decline in the demand for African products, investment, both local and FDI. The fall of international commodity prices has impacted on exporters of raw materials and agriculture produce. In Burundi, coffee earnings fell by 36%

Effects of the Crisis on the Economy Prices of copper, cotton and sugar declined by more than 20%. Volatility of the exchange rate due to speculation and fall of remittances depreciation of some currencies such as cedi,naira,dinar and kwacha. Worst hit areas electric power and infrastructure projects, mining and tourism. In Ethiopia, Kenya and Botswana electric power construction delayed and are facing constraints in access to finance(AULASC)

Effects of the Crisis on the Employment Job losses economic sectors mining sector layoffs in countries such as DR Congo(300, 000, Zambia(8000) Botswana Decline in commodity exports of manganese in Gabon and of timber and diamonds in CARepublic.(AU LASC). motor assembly in South Africa laid off about workers. African Diaspora decline in employment and earnings and remittances

Challenges on Occupational Health and Safety In SubSaharan Africa formal sector employment declining from 12% to 8% new and insecure forms of employment characterised by casualisation of labour. increased informalisation of work and the economy increases the demand for integrated inspections Government policy restructuring at the time that inspections must be extended to cover all areas of pro poor growth.

Challenges Ratification and domestication of OSH Cs Policy and legal framework Resources – financial, human, outdated equipment Compensation and reward system for human resources – OSH Inspectors Lack of harmonized regional policy framework

Strategic Responses The joint AUC-ILO workshop held on “Productivity and Social Dialogue” May 2009 produced Guidelines on Social Dialogue( ) and promotion of Productivity agenda for Africa Discussed by the AU LASC in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2 nd September 2009.

What needs to be done Development of national and regional policies on occupational safety and health (OSH), to with strong political commitment. Modernization of national legislative framework, OSH capacities and a move towards harmonizing (sub) and regional OSH legislation Partnerships at international, national and local levels, including social partners, inter Ministerial collaboration(Health and Labour)

What needs to be done “reaching the unreached”, informal economy, child labour and high risk sectors. Tools needed to help strengthen, support, monitor and evaluate national OSH programmes and initiatives Development and implementation of a tool box on promotion, awareness raising and advocacy, education, standardization (codes and guidelines),

Guidelines on Social Dialogue Based on the pillars of AU Ouagadougou in 2004,Decent Work agenda for Africa(2007) and ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a fair Globalization(2008) African challenges of improving productivity and responding to the crisis Various levels of development of social dialogue institutions and National employment policies Promotion of key ILO C87,98 & 144

Guidelines on Social Dialogue Programme include audit of existing social dialogue structures Capacity building for strengthening the structures National campaigns for ratification and domestication Utilization of Regional economic blocks such as ECOWAS, SADC, COMESA

Guidelines on Social Dialogue Presented to the 7 th AU LASC for information, September 2009 Regional Tripartite workshops to be held between 2009 and 2010 Tripartite Validation meeting at the continental level in 2010 in readiness for adoption

The Productivity Agenda Productivity as essential for creating more and better jobs through growth from new investments. Ouagadogou Summit of 2004 called for increased productivity by improving OSH and hygeinne and partnerships between the public and private sector Particular focus on the informal economy which is capable of producing productive and decent jobs

The Productivity Agenda Factors contributing to low productivity in Africa Quality of education and training Ineffectiveness of LMIS Quality of Social dialogue State of infrastructure, low and slow ICT

The Productivity Agenda Strategies include: Promotion of Labour management relations within the enterprise/org Promote productivity in key sectors of the economy, IE,SMEs,Industry Encourage and support the setting up of NPOs and strengthening existing ones.

Conclusion ARLAC will convene a training programme in the first quarter of 2010, for its member countries on “Specialised Training on Occupational Safety and Health and emerging issues” in the context of the effects of the crisis. Targeted at tripartite participants with a number of policy and practical actions for providing OSH services to both the formal and informal sector. Platform sharing of experiences on the OSH responses to the crisis, and develop strategic actions for follow up. THANK YOU