eBis Training Presentation Presented by Charis Thomas Click to add notes
How is this session structured? Introduction Background describing the impending changes and effects Demonstration Step by Step guide – showing how to use eBis Practice Time Exercises to confirm your understanding Conclusion A summary of the learning from the day. You will receive a Handbook to take away with you to help you use the system. Lesson descriptions should be brief on this slide
How is this session structured? Introduction Background describing the impending changes and effects Demonstration Step by Step guide – showing how to use eBis Practice Time Exercises to confirm your understanding Conclusion A summary of the learning from the day. You will receive a Handbook to take away with you to help you use the system.
What is the P2P Project? Procurement Card eBis Purchase Orders P2P (Purchase to Pay) Project Image scanning Procurement Card eBis Purchase Orders
What are P-Cards? Operate in a similar manner to a credit card Make it easier to purchase ad hoc goods and services worth < £1,000 Over 30 P-Cards are now accessible throughout Trust Spend is approved retrospectively and must be supported by invoices/delivery notes How presentation will benefit the audience: Adult learners are more interested in a subject if they know how or why it is important. Presenter’s level of expertise in the subject: Briefly state credentials in this area; or, why participants should listen to you.
What is eBis? eBis is a web based version of Open Accounts It’s fundamentally a purchasing tool Allows the approval of spend in advance Ensures budgets accurately reflect commitments Allows orders to be raised on-line Prompts users to approve/action items Generates automated reports Facilitates on-line invoice approval
What are the benefits of eBiz? Simple to use Replicates Trust Structure and processes Designed to be intuitive and well-supported Allows a clear track of actual and committed spend Removes paper trail of invoices and orders (all paperwork accessible on-line) Allows simple tracking of order status Accessible to staff based off-site Pre-approval of spend for higher-value purchases.
SO … which tool should I use? In essence unless your purchase can be made through the p-card it should be made through e-bis.
Are there any exceptions? There are very few areas of spend that do not need to pass through the process: Recoupement from other councils – as spend has been deemed exceptional Utility Bills – as these will be moving to direct debit Expense Claim forms – As the receipts will need to be attached. Exceptional eBis items form to be found on outlook – see Trust News
What are your responsibilities around eBis? Cost-Centre Managers To ensure orders/invoices are approved in a timely manner To ensure to process is followed and administrators are informed of impending spend Requisitions/Administrators To ensure orders are raised accurately To ensure all orders are receipted once the good/service has been delivered
How is this session structured? Introduction Background describing the impending changes and effects Demonstration Step by Step guide – showing how to use eBis Practice Time Exercises to confirm your understanding. Conclusion A summary of the learning from the day. You will receive a Handbook to take away with you to help you use the system.
How do I use eBis? Before starting to use eBis you must have undertaken a robust supplier selection process in accordance with the appropriate I Need! procedure unless this is a procurement from a framework contract (see Supplier Relations for a list of current framework contracts).
So … how do I use eBis? Step 1: Requisition Entry Confirm spend (through the Confirm price Confirm Cost-code Register of authorities in outlook Confirm Expense code Expense codes found in outlook Enter order details Forward to approver/substitute
How do I use eBis? Step 2: Requisition Approval You receive an email informing you that a req is awaiting approval. Simply enter the system and approve it. Orders now automatically merge Orders and reminders are sent via e-mail
How do I use eBis? Step 3: Goods Receiving Inform system: Goods are received Items have been returned Items are no longer in stock Changes in request Payment will only be made once goods/services have been received so… Weekly receipting reminders sent to managers
How do I use eBis? Invoice Approval If an invoice that is not PO-related is received it can also be approved As all Invoices are now scanned in so the approval can occur electronically. NB : You will be subject to disciplinary action if invoices are received for items that should have been purchased via eBis.
What if I don’t understand? It is important that if you do not understand you ask us for help. This is because: Suppliers will no longer accept orders not accompanied with a PO Number or paid for using the P-card. Payment to suppliers may be delayed. You risk disciplinary action if you fail to use the system.
How is this session structured? Introduction Background describing the impending changes and effects Demonstration Step by Step guide – showing how to use eBis Practice Time Exercises to confirm your understanding Conclusion A summary of the learning from the day. You will receive a Handbook to take away with you to help you use the system.
Conclusion Almost all purchases should be made using eBiz or P-card. P2P should make ordering simpler, more accountable and easier to administer. Use your Handbook to practice on your own. Charis will be in contact face-to-face within the next week and by phone the week after. Don’t hesitate to contact Charis Thomas on x7027 if you have any questions.
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