Producing Art Education video content and making it accessible Page 1 Michel Lawrence – Inside Art & Michael Hall - Seecue November 2013
Page 2 New education paradigms are being developed around online curriculum – video is a key component. Initial indications are that self-paced, interactive modules can deliver mastery outcomes that approach the benefits of individual tutoring (Coursera, TEDEd). When students search videos – Educators can collect data about what they search. We can know what they find interesting and /or perplexing. ( Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) – see Enhanced online video can be a core curriculum resource
Page 3 Video content is rich in information and is engaging but until now it has been largely unsearchable. What’s been missing is that online video has been a passive ‘lean back’ experience. Approaches that chop up or interrupt the video to insert evaluation questions or links to other resources are only part of the answer. The ideal is individualised training that delivers mastery (Khan, Coursera) without the costs of individual tutoring. The techniques gaining favour are: video based, self paced, exploratory, stepped modules with professional production values; integrated mastery based assessments with opportunity for both remedial and enrichment streams tied to the students individual outcomes in each module.
Page 4 Seecue has three main technology functions: From a search, Seecue can find the exact place or places that a user is interested in and play the video from there. As a video plays, Seecue can discover other content and information related to the current video content and previous user preferences and bring these to the attention of the user (Context Discovery). Seecue can collect information on individual and group video interactions and feed this back to students and teachers – highlighting both what is important and what is least understood.
What's the problem Seecue addresses? Page 5 Interactive video is a key part of an online Active Learning environment.
What's the problem Seecue addresses? Page 6 Seecue can clearly aid mastery. Daphne Koller (Coursera) describes students ‘watching the same video multiple times.’ to extract the information they need. Seecue does much better than that: Students can watch the relevant part of the video multiple times.
Page 7 Context discovery: Where the video content is used to find additional material based on the core curriculum being viewed. This material can provide links for both remedial learning and enrichment.
What's the problem Seecue addresses? Page 8 Seecue Technology: Unique generation of Video Content Analytics Which content is shared/How it is shared Which content has closed captions What languages are used in closed captions Which content captures the most organic attraction/activity (sent tags opened, blog discussions, questions to lecturer) The use of related links offered by Seecue – continuous ability to refine ‘related content’ “You can only analyse a videos if you can get inside it. Only you guys can do this” Simon Arkell CEO Predixion Data Analytics May 2012
Page 9 Starting Concepts: Synchronised transcript Searchable transcript Search Results in Context or Transcript Simultaneous collection searching. Key Artist Focus Searching Key Term Focus Searching Sub-Collection Pivoting External Captions Day and Night views Links to Curriculum Material and Sources
What's the problem Seecue addresses? Page 10 Search by Artist or by Key term performs a simultaneous search of the current collection and shows results in context or as highlighted links in the transcript or Google like search list.
What's the problem Seecue addresses? Page 11 Search by Artist or by Key term performs a simultaneous search of the current collection and shows results in context or as highlighted links in the transcript or Google like search list.
What's the problem Seecue addresses? Page 12 Study Term Searching: Click to highlight terms in the current transcript search again to display results in a Google like context list and also find other videos in the collection that have the same terms. A simple click cues the other video and finds all the cues for the study term.
What's the problem Seecue addresses? Page 13 Captions in 3 lines outside the video vision provide a superior experience for hearing disabled and students and teachers in high noise environments. Day and Night modes can be swapped for IPTV viewing.
What's the problem Seecue addresses? Page 14