Team 5 – Considered Conceptual Options By: Zach Jansma, Breanna Dale, Joe Donohoe, Jason Swatsworth
Box Kite The box kite is a high performance kite Designed to have high Lift while flying In the same kite family as Cellular Kites.
Practical Use – Meteorology Kite The box kite could be used practically as a Meteorology Kite. It could house different equipment such as a thermometer, wind speed/direction gauge, And UV Index Measurer.
Kites Used As Scenery
Wind Turbine Kite All over the world there are kites flying on the beaches. Most use the wind turbine design because it keeps them in the air even though they are tied to a stationary spot on the ground. The air enters the tunnel and causes it to stay afloat. These kites are designed to be durable and long lasting.
The Dupero Kite Dupero comes from Double Pearson Roller Flies well in light wind Good stability Able to lift a lot of weight Dupero Kite 2 Pearson Roller Kites
Aerial Photographs Can lift a camera with its ability to lift weight Can be used to take pictures of landscape from an aerial view
Foil Kites These kites are soft and contain several wind pockets in a line These wind pockets are open in the front to allow the kite to inflate to its aerofoil shape (wing or blade shaped) Foil kites can be broken into several sub-categories such as bow kites, power kites, and arc kites
Practical Uses of Foil Kites Unlike most kites, some foil kites like power kites travel upwind These kites allow for recreational kite sailing activities like kite boarding, kite bugging, and kite surfing Research is in progress that would allow for foil kites to be used to generate electricity
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