Influence on Food Choices
Activity You will be given a worksheet “Rating Influences on Food Choices” I will put on the screen different factors and you will decide how it effects you. Does it majorly effect you, moderately, or little or no effect? Write the factor under the category it fits under for you.
Why We Eat Food is not only necessary for life, it is one of life’s greatest pleasures!
Physical Needs Hunger is the physical need to eat. How long can a person go without food? Nutritional requirements Activity level General health status Energy level
Psychological Needs Appetite is the psychological desire to eat. Emotions or feelings Body image Attitudes
Personal Preference Taste: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami Smell, color, texture of food Associations of food with positive or familiar activities.
Social Settings Family mealtimes School lunches Parties Movies Sporting events
Economics Cost of food (What can I afford to buy?) Where you purchase your food (Sam’s Aldi’s Price Cutter) Which is more economical? Processed or Fresh? Where is the food coming from? What foods are in season?
Advertising/Media Ads that promise: Media: TV Food Network Internet More energy Better athletic performance Improved health Better self-image Media: TV Food Network Internet
Technology New types of farm machinery Faster food processing Rapid transportation New foods New packaging
Government United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Regulates our food for safety.
Society and Culture Ethnic Traditions Religious Beliefs Family Traditions Peer Preferences