Meeting with Governors Kislingbury Primary School December 4 2014 Neighbourhood Plan Meeting with Governors Kislingbury Primary School December 4 2014
To show that we want to have a say over what happens to our Parish Why do we need a Neighbourhood Plan? Because Developers are Predatory and will take Opportunities wherever they can. A Neighbourhood Plan is a Defence against Developers. To show that we want to have a say over what happens to our Parish To develop a Vision, and Plan of how to realise it, for Kislingbury over the next 15 years To Involve all The Residents, Young and Old, At School, or Working, or Retired, in the process of creating that Vision To make Kislingbury a better place to live To Protect Kislingbury from being swallowed up by Northampton To help Villagers and their Families to remain living in Kislingbury A Neighbourhood Plan shows Developers and SNC that we know what we want for Kislingbury
If more than 50% of those voting in the referendum vote ‘yes’, What is A Neighbourhood Plan? A Neighbourhood Plan is a way of helping local communities to influence the planning of the area in which they live and work The Plan is a plan for the village as a whole. It looks at a wide range of issues, including: The development of housing (location, type, tenure etc.) Local employment and opportunities for businesses to set up or expand their premises. Transport and access issues (roads, cycling, walking etc.) The provision of leisure facilities, schools, places of worship, health, entertainment, and youth facilities. The protection and creation of open spaces (nature reserves, allotments, sports pitches, play areas, parks and gardens). Installation of renewable or alternative energy solutions. Protection of important buildings and historic assets. If more than 50% of those voting in the referendum vote ‘yes’, then the council will bring the plan into legal force. It will be used to determine planning applications and guide planning decisions in the Parish
Context of our Neighbourhood Plan West Northhants Joint Core Strategy – Part 1 Plan Examination Completed Will be presented to Committee for Approval on December 15th 6 weeks for Objections to be raised Becomes active in late January 2015, if no Objections Requires 2760 Houses from Rural Villages in South Northants SNC Local Plan – Part 2 Plan Obligated to follow JCS Strategies and Objectives Not yet ready for Consultation May be further delayed by period prior to the Election Will assess Villages by the Hierarchy to determine number of houses per Village Kislingbury will be required to contribute no more than 40 new Dwellings, not including infill. Kislingbury Neighbourhood Development Plan – Part 2 Plan Obligated to follow additional SNC Strategies and Objectives, if any Plan must be approved by the Residents following a Referendum to become Legally binding
Map of Development Plans Near Kislingbury SUE = Sustainable Urban Extension We are Here
Map of Development Plans Near Kislingbury Creating Norwood Farm SUE which will add 3,500 dwellings and consist of development all the way from St Crispins to Sandy Lane / South View. Flood Plain We are Here
Proposed ProLogis Pineham Business Park Extension Watts Close Approx. 400 Meters
Proposed Wind Turbines Single Turbine Four Turbines
Kislingbury Under Attack Sustainable Urban Extensions Junction 16 Development Persimmon Beech Lane Proposal ProLogis Pineham Business Park Extension New Housing Estate in Bugbrooke Wind Turbines Greedy Developer What Defences do we Have? Resident Action Neighbourhood Plan Resident Action and Neighbourhood Plan
What we have Completed and Where we are now We Are Here Today July/August 2015?????
Plan Current Status - Goals To provide existing and future residents with the opportunity to live in a decent home. To minimise the impact of new development on the surrounding countryside, landscape, and ecosystems. To reduce harm to the environment by seeking to minimise pollution To ensure that Village Community Spirit is enhanced To Reduce Road Traffic To enhance the prospects for local business enterprise and employment. To maintain the character and vitality of the village.
When will the Neighbourhood Plan be Finished? The Final Act of the Plan Preparation will be the Referendum The Referendum is the Formal Act when all Kislingbury Residents Vote to accept the Plan When the Plan is accepted the SNC will adopt the Plan and take it into account for their Local Plan and Planning decisions Referendum Question Do you want South Northants Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Kislingbury Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
Steering Group Members Kay Longland, Email: Phone: 01604 832 473 Chairman, Member of Parish Council Alison Ward Email: Phone: 01604 833 497 Chairman, Parish Council Roger Minchin Email: Phone: 01604 830 435 Member of Parish Council Paul Huband Email: Phone: 0845 226 3078 Andy Clarke Email: Phone: 07595 158 535 Tim Ward Email: Phone: 07855 388 751 Bob Wallis Email: Phone: Alan Roberts Email: Phone: