KM4Dev Addis / Ethiopia Who are we? What do/did we do? How can we all make this more useful?
What is KM4Dev? Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) is a community of international development practitioners who are interested in knowledge management and knowledge sharing issues and approaches. Our main communication forum is the KM4dev Dgroup. To join the discussion, send a blank to:
KM4Dev engagement channels Mailing list: Ning page: Wiki: Face-to-face events Other channels (unofficial): Twitter account, LinkedIn page, Facebook page… Local groups And a journal!
A mailing list:
A Wiki:
A Ning page:
Face-to-face events
Other channels (unofficial): LinkedIn page, Facebook page And more ‘regional/national/city’ groups: – Africa – Burkina Faso, India, Brazil – Rome, The Hague, Washington etc. – Including of course our Addis Ababa/Ethiopia group!
Our group Our rationale Our vision: KM as development and economic driving force for Ethiopia; Value expected from this network: better capacity, motivation, shared knowledge, attracting more people to KM; – Having a group of peers: establish a professional association for KM4Dev; creating links and networking with other orgs that work on KM; bring together more KM experts; a professional network and individual contacts; face-to-face meetings; – Capacity development: create capacities to build our own capacity on KM (e.g. use of social media); come up with e-learning facility on specific tools and approaches etc.; Short trainings; – Knowledge sharing on ideas, tools and approaches: Sharing experiences and innovate ideas; knowledge sharing with other countries from the global KM4Dev community; sharing and learning platform on KM4Dev tools and approaches; share and have a practical experience on social media tools; – Reach out a wider audience and engage local institutions in KM work; – Conceptualizing KM for development; – Convincing about KM for development: motivate knowledge sharing; offer a platform for advocacy on KM; Activities expected: mentoring, communicating, short trainings, socializing, meetings. Products expected: publications, websites, e-learning; discussion forum.
Our engagement channels Our Ning page: – To announce events (RSVP) – To document them Our Facebook page – To discuss/converse online Our quarterly get-togethers – To bring the group together and build it – To present little projects and ideas Side group work?
Ning: addis-ababa-ethiopiahttp:// addis-ababa-ethiopia
Ning events
What we’ve done so far: 1 st meeting Explore and find our rationale Agree on our engagement and communication platforms Agree on our meeting routine Develop an agenda for the first real meeting Notes available on ababa-ethiopia/forum/topics/notes-from-the- first-get-together-26-january ababa-ethiopia/forum/topics/notes-from-the- first-get-together-26-january-2012
What we’ve done so far: 2 nd meeting Discussion on ‘What is knowledge management’? Mapping of ICT/KM project Introducing social media Prepare the next agenda (later) Agree on 2-h parallel sessions Notes available on: ababa-ethiopia/forum/topics/notes-from-the- second-get-together-27-april ababa-ethiopia/forum/topics/notes-from-the- second-get-together-27-april-2012
What we’ve done so far: 3 rd meeting Follow up on ICT/KM project mapping: idea to invite other projects – more to discuss this time Case study: IFPRI’s knowledge management/communication work & very interesting Q&A Review of the meeting (good KM practice)
For this gathering? Intro / who is who / what is KM4Dev (AA/ET) Separate block: – Peer assist about a sustainable information system – Tool session: blogs Common block: – Reflect on previous slot – ICT-KM project mapping as common trunk? Separate block: – ‘How to engage with farmers’ – ‘KM at GIZ’ Close (reflect, review, plan)
How can we make this more useful? RSVP events ;) Share – Share what we discuss (in our organisation and networks) – Invite people to join our group Engage – Converse online (Facebook) – Work in small groups Connect – With other networks – With KM4Dev globally?