Ana Beatriz Gomes, nº1 Helena Melo, nº9 Sara Romão, nº25
Here is some advice…
… for saving water: When washing dishes by hand, don’t rinse them under a running tap; Don’t use running water to defrost frozen food; Wash with a full load and you will save 10 litres of water each wash;
Purchase small gadgets to reduce the volume used with each flush of an older style toilet; Take shorter showers; Use rainwater in your gardening; … for saving water:
…for saving energy: Fill up the washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher; Draw the curtains at dusk to keep the heat in; Use energy saving lightbulbs;
Defrost food in the fridge overnight rather than microwaving it; Use the eco setting wherever possible; Don't leave appliances on standby and remember not to leave laptops and mobile phones on charge unnecessarily. …for saving energy:
Renewable energy: Comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides (naturally replenished); Is derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly; Replaces conventional fuels in four distinct areas: power generation, hot water/space heating, transport fuels, and rural, energy services.
Forms of renewable energy: Wind Power - conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as using wind turbines to make electricity, wind mills for mechanical power, wind pumps for pumping water or drainage, or sails to propel ships; Hydropower - is derived from the force or energy of moving water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes. It’s used for commercial electric power;
Forms of renewable energy: Solar energy - energy derived from the sun through the form of solar radiation. Solar powered electrical generation relies on photovoltaics and heat engines; Biomass - biological material from living, or recently living organisms, such as wood, waste, (hydrogen) gas, and alcohol fuels. It’s is commonly plant matter grown to generate electricity or produce heat;
Forms of renewable energy: Geothermal energy - obtained by tapping the heat of the earth itself, both from kilometers deep into the Earth's crust in volcanically active locations of the globe or from shallow depths, as in geothermal heat pumps in most locations of the planet;