This hill was made from a Glacier Did you know Glaciers and pack ice contain approximately 75% of the world's fresh water: more than all lakes and rivers, groundwater and water in the atmosphere, combined!
Wind turbine cool Nice bridge mate Wind turbines do not generate in light or very strong winds. True. Below 8-10 mph wind speed they do not generate and have to cut out for safety reasons above 56 mph. Their maximum generation is reached at about 30 mph which is uncommon in the UK. As a result onshore turbines produce only about 26% of their potential electricity. This rises to 30 to 33% for offshore sites.
Thank man kind for rivers Did you know If all the glaciers melted, sea level would rise about 230 feet. Cold!!!!
Native bush man that’s cool Hears me not Water fool sweet as
Rocks are dangerous but fun to play on What does a rock want to be when it grows up? What do you call a dog who collects rocks? A Rock Star A Rock hound
Some landscapes are man made like this one. Landscaping can add as much as 14% to the resale value of a building and speed it’s sale as much as 6 weeks. Hears some facts Planting landscape buffers can reduce the flow of sediments and pollution into nearby bodies of water.