Period of Rotation: The amount of time it takes for a planet to make one spin around its imaginary axis Period of rotation determines the length of a planet’s day Rotation
Revolution: a planet’s movement around the sun in an orbit. Determines the length of a year Planets revolve in a counterclockwise motion Revolution
Inertia (a good unit test bonus question…hint, hint!): The concept that an object in motion will maintain the direction and speed of that motion unless an opposing force affects it
Ellipse: a closed curve around two foci in which the sum of the distances between any point of the curve and the foci is a constant Foci: Two fixed points Eccentricity: The “roundness” an ellipse
Distance between foci=d Length of major axis = L Eccentricity= d/L Formula on front page of ESRT NO UNITS (they cancel out)
Eccentricity of a circle = 0 Eccentricity of a straight line = 1 Your answer MUST be between 0 and 1 The smaller the number of the answer, the closer orbit is to being a perfect circle
Major Axis: the longest straight-line distance across an ellipse and it cuts through both foci F1 is Focus 1, F2 is Focus 2
The distance between two foci is 4 centimeters and the major axis is 5 centimeters. What is the eccentricity of the ellipse?
Gravitation: the attractive force that exists between any two objects in the universe; depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between their centers
Planets and all other bodies that orbit around the sun operate under the balance between inertia and gravitation The greater the mass of one or both objects, the more gravitational attraction there is between them The farther apart two objects are, the lower the gravitational attraction
When a planet is closer to the sun, its orbital speed is faster When a planet is farther from the sun, its orbital speed is slower Comet Revolving Around the Sun Comet Revolving Around the Sun
The closer a planet is to the sun, the smaller its orbit, the shorter its period of revolution, and the faster the speed of revolution (see page 15 of the ESRT)
Planet A has a greater mean distance from the sun than planet B. On the basis of this fact, which further comparison can be correctly made between the two planets? 1) Planet A is larger 2) Planet A’s revolution period is longer 3) Planet A’s speed of rotation is greater 4) Planet A’s day is longer