Q description of G.8031 Ethernet Connection (EC) SubNetworkConnection (SNC) Protection “VLAN Segment Protection” Maarten Vissers v2
2 SNCP CTRL Ext.CMD W SF/SD P SF/SD G.8031 P2P EC SNCP Architecture Normal (N) CTRL: Control, SF: Signal Fail, SD: Signal Degrade Bridge Working (W) Protection (P) SNCP CTRL Automatic Protection Switching (APS) Ext.CMD SF/SD W SF/SD P Two end points Each end point includes Protection Bridge, Selector and SNCP Control processes SNCP Control process controls status of Bridge and Selector processes SNCP Control processes at both end points are synchronized via APS channel SNCP Control process acts on SF, SD, APS and External Command (Ext.CMD) input signals Selector Normal (N) Bridge Working (W) Protection (P) Selector MEP
3 Protection Switching SF, SD, APS access G.8021 MEP Generates Signal Fail (SF) and Signal Degrade (SD) parameters Extracts the Automatic Protection Switching (APS) messages from the VLAN Inserts APS messages into the VLAN Linear APS messages are specified in ITU-T Y.1731 (OpCode=39) and G.8031 (PDU format) APSSF SD G.8021 MEP ISS
4 G.8031 P2P EC SNCP Architectures “Protection Bridge” & “Protection Selector” Types Two “Protection Selector” types Two implementations, same behaviour Three “Protection Bridge” types All have different behaviour 1:1 selective bridge W P N WP N WP N 1+1 permanent bridge1:1 broadcast bridge W P N W P N Selective selectorMerging selector W: Working, P: Protection, N: Normal
5 G.8031 P2P EC SNCP Architectures Protection architecture types Three point-to-point EC SNCP architectures SNCP CTRL process can be considered as an 802.1Q “higher layer” process, which controls the state of the protection “bridge” and “selector” processes 1:1 selective bridge architecture W P N W P N WP N WP N W P N W P N SNCP CTRL APS Ext.CMD 1+1 architecture1:1 broadcast bridge architecture SF/SD W SF/SD P SNCP CTRL APSSF/SD W SF/SD P SNCP CTRL APSSF/SD W SF/SD P W: Working, P: Protection, N: Normal
Q model of P2P EC SNCP P2P EC SNCP based forwarding may be described by means of Asymmetric VLANs with three RVID values N,W,P VID Translation and Egress VID Translation RVID registration under control of SNCP Control process Disabled MAC learning for SNCP FID (to support permanent bridge and broadcast bridge options) The following three slides present the 802.1Q based models along the above lines
Q model 1+1 permanent bridge P2P EC SNCP configuration c8.6.3 MAC Relay c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c6.9 P2P SNCP FID RVID(N)RVID(W)RVID(P) aaabb c6.9 cc c8.5 SNCP CTRL WP N W P N Ext.CMD SNCP CTRL APSSF/SD W SF/SD P c8.6.3 MAC Relay c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c6.9 P2P SNCP FID RVID(N)RVID(W)RVID(P) aaabb c6.9 cc c8.5 SNCP CTRL WP N W P N Ext.CMD SNCP CTRL APSSF/SD W SF/SD P SNCP CTRL process controls RVID(W) and RVID(P) registration on Port P10 MAC learning should be disabled for this SNCP FID P10P11P12P10P11P12 VID values W MEP P MEP P10 P11P12 P10 P11P12 P10 P11P12 P10 P11P12
Q model 1:1 selective bridge P2P EC SNCP configuration c8.6.3 MAC Relay c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c6.9 P2P SNCP FID RVID(N)RVID(W)RVID(P) aaabb c6.9 cc c8.5 SNCP CTRL c8.6.3 MAC Relay c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c6.9 P2P SNCP FID RVID(N)RVID(W)RVID(P) aaabb c6.9 cc c8.5 SNCP CTRL W P N Ext.CMD SNCP CTRL APSSF/SD W SF/SD P W P N Ext.CMD SNCP CTRL APSSF/SD W SF/SD P W P N W P N SNCP CTRL process controls RVID(W) and RVID(P) registration on Port P10 and RVID(N) registration on P11 and P12 MAC learning should be disabled for this SNCP FID P10P11P12P10P11P12 W MEP P MEP P10 P11P12 P10 P11P12 P10 P11P12 P10 P11P12 VID values
Q model 1:1 broadcast bridge P2P EC SNCP configuration c8.6.3 MAC Relay c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c6.9 P2P SNCP FID RVID(N)RVID(W)RVID(P) aaabb c6.9 cc c8.5 SNCP CTRL c8.6.3 MAC Relay c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c6.9 P2P SNCP FID RVID(N)RVID(W)RVID(P) aaabb c6.9 cc c8.5 SNCP CTRL W P N Ext.CMD SNCP CTRL APSSF/SD W SF/SD P W P N Ext.CMD SNCP CTRL APSSF/SD W SF/SD P W P N W P N P10P11P12P10P11P12 SNCP CTRL process controls RVID(W) and RVID(P) registration on Port P10 and RVID(N) registration on P12 MAC learning should be disabled for this SNCP FID W MEP P MEP P10 P11P12 P10 P11P12 P10 P11P12 P10 P11P12 VID values
10 Distributed SNCP Architecture Refer to slides 24 and 25 in xbq-vissers-dnp-architectures-0112-v5.pptx xbq-vissers-dnp-architectures-0112-v5.pptx
11 c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c Q model Distributed SNCP Configurations (1:1 selective bridge example) c8.6.3 MAC Relay c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c6.9 P2P SNCP FID RVID(N)RVID(W)RVID(P) aaabb c6.9 cc c8.5 Dist, SNCP CTRL c8.6.3 MAC Relay c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c19.3 c19.2 c6.9 P2P SNCP FID RVID(N)RVID(W)RVID(P) aaabb c6.9 cc c8.5 Dist. SNCP CTRL P10P11P12P10P11P12 W MEP P MEP VID values c8.6.3 MAC Relay P2P SNCP FID RVID(N)RVID(W)RVID(P) Dist. SNCP CTRL c19.3 c19.2 c6.9 aaabb cc c8.5 W MEPP MEP Distributed SNCP CTRL process controls -[top] RVID(W) registration on Port P12 and RVID(P) registration on P11 to establish “relay” configuration in Standby Gateway portal node; W&P MEPs disabled -[bottom] RVID(W) and RVID(P) registration on Port P10 and RVID(N) registration on P11 and P12 to establish “drop” configuration in Active Gateway portal node; MAC learning disabled for this SNCP FID P10P11P12
12 VLAN based P2P EC SNCP configuration in S- & I-Components
SVLAN MAC Relay P2P EC SNCP functionality inside S- & I-Component One or more EC SNCP FID processes may be active per MAC Relay (one illustrated) W and P SVLAN MEPs determine SF and SD conditions P SVLAN MEP provides access to APS messages /2/ /7/ /2/ /7/ /2/ /7/ P2P EC SNCP FID & SNCP CTRL W P N SF/SD W/P-SVLAN SNCP MEP n 6.7 APS S/I-Component with S-VLAN SNCP n n n n 6.7 ONP PIP PNP CNP 6.17
14 BSI based P2P EC SNCP configuration in CBP SNCP for BSI ECs is also possible It requires some extension of the CBP port as illustrated in the next slide
BVLAN A and B MEPs BVLAN MAC Relay P2P EC SNCP functionality inside CBP 19.2 BVLAN A and B MEPs BVLAN MAC Relay 6.17 c6.11 CBP function control is extended with G.8031 P2P EC SNCP functionality 1:1 selective bridge is supported (via per ISID BVID value control) 1+1 permanent and 1:1 broadcast bridge is not supported Merging selector is supported (same as in TESI protection) NOTE: TESI protection protects group of EC signals (group of ISIDs). G.8031 SNCP protects individual EC signals (individual ISID). CBP is extended with BSI SNCP MEP/MIP functionality to determine SF/SD status of W-BSI and P-BSI W-BSI via BVLAN A and P-BSI via BVLAN B; BVLAN A and B must have route diversity One or more BSI EC SNCP processes may be active on CBP (one is illustrated) P BSI SNCP MEP provides access to APS messages n BSI SP MEP BSI UNI/ENNI MEP 6.17 N W/P-BSI SNCP MEP P2P EC SNCP W P SF/SD APS CBP with BSI SNCP Additional BSI MUX and BSI MEP/MIP functions