Professor OKAMURA Laboratory. Othman Othman M.M. 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Professor OKAMURA Laboratory. Othman Othman M.M. 1

Outline: 1. Goal. 2. Current Technologies. 3. Limitations of Current Technologies. 4. Anycast Scenario 5. BitTorrent (P2P) Scenario. 6. Advantages of Combining Technologies. 7. How to Combine Technologies. 8. Implementation. 9. Conclusion. 10. Q&A. 2

1-Goal: Nowadays many Future Internet researches, technologies going. OpenFlow is one of candidate Future Internet technologies. to create Circuit based like systems. To support mobility, computing centers …… Important to show new ways to use OpenFlow to provide new services or improve current ones. Important to show new ways to use OpenFlow to provide new services or improve current ones. That make use of OpenFlow capabilities other than circuit like. That make use of OpenFlow capabilities other than circuit like. To have contents with high availability. To have contents with high availability. 3

2-Current Technologies: Anycast: Multiple nodes with the same address (Sa). Packet sent to (Sa) will be delivered to the node with nearest location. 4 Peer to Peer: clients to provide service Depends on user clients to provide service. application layer overlay Implements an application layer overlay network. Fig 2. BitTorrent Source : Sa Fig 1. Anycast

3-Limitations of Current Technologies: Anycast: All of the content servers must have identical contents. Lacks the flexibility, and not dynamic. 5 Peer to Peer: Overhead because of overlay nature, protocol, peer discovery, and looking up in index. Service depends on user’s contribution Router 1 Router 2 Router 3 Router 4 Destination Next-Hop Distance Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Fig 2. BitTorrent Source : com/bittorrent2.htm

4-Anycast Scenario: Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Client will send packet to Network will choose end node based on routing measures

5-BitTorrent (P2P) Scenario: 7 Tracker 100% Seeder 100% Seeder 70% 30% 0%

6-Advantages of Combining Technologies 1/3 : Anycast. Content Centric Networks. Peer to Peer. Combination of those technologies: Users contributing in service: to improve the availability, and improves the overall use of bandwidth in whole network. Regular Client/Server User contribution In Content Anycasting

6-Advantages of Combining Technologies 2/3 : Anycast. Content Centric Networks. Peer to Peer. Combination of those technologies: Choosing destination by network: to remove the burden of finding destination and thus a faster response. Tracker Tracker Role in BitTorrent Choosing Destination By Network In Content Anycasting Content Server OpenFlow Router

6-Advantages of Combining Technologies 3/3 : Anycast. Content Centric Networks. Peer to Peer. Combination of those technologies: Content ID: to have more flexibility down to the level of contents rather than the node level. Using Content ID In Content Anycasting Content Server Decision based on: IP address. Content ID. Decision based on: IP address. Content ID. Regular Content Server Decision based on: IP address. sometimes port# Decision based on: IP address. sometimes port# OpenFlow Router

7-How to Combine Technologies: Content anycasting does its rule by using: OpenFlow for the process of choosing the destination, along with the aid of the content server. A new procedure for requesting content is introduced to enable the clients to get the contents. 11 Content Server Client A Anycast Manager Client B Su Au Bu Get Content ID? Content ID = X To: Su Cont id=X To: Au Cont id=X Redirection Req. Threshold reached Redirection OpenFlow Router

7-How to Combine Technologies: The new procedure for getting the content: Phase 1: getting the content ID. (e.g: from the URL). Phase2: using the content ID in Probe protocol. Phase 3: getting file via TCP. Fig 1: Procedure for getting content New Client OpenFlow router Current Client Destination: serverIP :START Destination: CurrentClientIP :START START/ACK With CurrentClientIP in the probe header ACK / ACK Destination: CurrentClientIP TCP Session Phase 2 Phase 3

7-How to Combine Technologies: Headers of the Propobe protocol 13 Fig2: Probe Protocol Header Fig1: UDP Header

8- Implementation: Currently building redirection system, modified content server, modified clients and using the reference OpenFlow implementation. increase in number of clients getting servedresponse time Aiming to measure: increase in number of clients getting served, response time and others. comparing those values to other solutions like regular client/server model. 14 Content Anycasting Anycast Manager OpenFlow Router Regular Client/ Server Compare

8- Comparison: Number of Clients getting content form the server. 15

9- Conclusion: New mechanism for requesting content is designed to enable content anycasting. Make use of content id. Requesting the content id. Using the content id in the process of getting the content. A Probe protocol is designed (modification to UDP) to be used. Added some fields in the header. Simulation shows 50% decrease of server loads in case of 1 redirection/ clietn. 16

10- Q&A: Thank you for listening. 17