Senior Lecturer Taru Tallgren Peer to Peer (P2P) Learning Model – Studying like in a Real Working Life Senior Lecturer Taru Tallgren
Peer to Peer (P2P) Facts Degree Programme of Business Management (BBA) is offered at Laurea University of Applied Sciences (LUAS), Hyvinkää Unit since 2008 Based on Laurea´s working life oriented learning method Learning by Developing (LbD) Duration of studies: 2,5-4 years, 210 ECTS Focus on project management State approved curriculum 80 new students per academic year 12 Senior Lecturers + Principle Lecturer, Taru Tallgren
P2P Learning Philosophy In its originally used form Peer to Peer learning means that students within a degree programme learn from each other by mutual communication and working in groups In Laurea Peer to Peer as an educational method has been applied to the Business Management programme. In this particular Peer to Peer model the term “peer” has been extended to teachers' and companies' specialists. P2P – project work in an international environment Taru Tallgren
P2P Programme Each project fulfills the main tasks of LUAS educational task research & development tasks regional development task Has flexible curricula students design their study plan themselves based on individual needs themes are business operations, marketing, management, communications and finance all students participate in international projects as well Taru Tallgren
Taru Tallgren
Working Structure in the P2P Model Company assignment Company experts Project Project manager & Secretary Feedback Teams Lecturers Project team Guidance Taru Tallgren
Project Work in the P2P Model Students do two project (15 x 15 ECTS) per semester project selection: the theme of which is required credits themes: business operations, marketing, management, communications / languages or finance from semester 2 onwards Finnish students must choose at least 2 international projects (30 credits during studies) students are supported by tutoring lecturer Taru Tallgren
Team consists of 4-7 students mixing first year and senior students two supervising lecturers one student is project manager and another works like a secretary Team & Lecturers meet every week in the meeting “official” meeting according to the agenda project manager is chairman and secretary makes a memo Taru Tallgren
Meeting with Team Taru Tallgren
First step - company gives a brief to the student team project idea, aims, timetable, communication … Project examples Marketing research Organizing an event (recruitment event, International week..) Customer survey Be part of building the firm and starting its activity Organising national or international relations between firms National or international marketing with social media Taru Tallgren
Writing a theory during first weeks “Brainstorming” and making a mind map of necessary theoretical knowledge to explore and use in completing the project Writing a theory during first weeks dividing theory topics between team members students demonstrate command of the subject Making a practical part of the project (e.g. marketing research) Lecturers ask, check, support, “keep the project on right track” Taru Tallgren
Taru Tallgren
Evaluation of the project is based on team evaluation, self-evaluation, lecturers 's & client´s evaluation. presentation and reporting of results to the client team evaluation is based the following levels of evaluation Innovativeness and usefulness ”Something new was intended to be developed in the process” Research, use of the references, theory part “Professional literature is used in the gathering of the theory basis” Partnership and authenticity ” Team is capable to work with a partner/client and understand the partner´s/client´s needs Team co-operation sharing the results with the client (confidentiality) Taru Tallgren
someone can get a better or lower grade or credits In principle, all members of the team get the same grade & credit but depends on the situation… someone can get a better or lower grade or credits the amount of work amount of credits the success of the work grade (excellent 5, good 4-3, satisfactory 2-1) Taru Tallgren
Summary Introduction – theory – implementation – practise - conclusions Knowledge and theory throught practise Up to date education throught real cases Encouragement of initiative, self-scheduling Absence of lectures and classical examinations Workplace – equipped open office Working in a group under supervision of experts in the subject area Learning outcomes: Students get a job well, they have already networks & contacts Working life common skills are very strong Taru Tallgren
P2P – Project Work in an International Environment We welcome exchange lecturers & students to join us Taru Tallgren