Bacteria and Viruses Chapter 19
Bacteria & Viruses
19.1 Bacteria Come in many shapes and sizes Most common microorganisms are prokaryotes Average size of 1-5 micrometers Compared to eukaryotic cells that are 10-100 micrometers in diameter
2 Branches of Bacteria (Domains) Archebacteria (similar to early Earth) Confined to extreme environments Methanogens - reduce CO2 to CH4 Extreme halophiles - salt loving Thermoacidophiles Similar to early earth More closely related to eukaryotes than to modern bacteria Eubacteria (most modern) very diverse
Bacterial Classification
Prokaryotic Phylogeny
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells
Classifying Prokaryotes Eubacteria Largest prokaryote Domain Lack nuclei Cell wall of a carbohydrate- Peptidoglycan Cell membrane around cytoplasm Some have an extra cell wall on the outside to resist damage
Classifying Prokaryotes Archaebacteria Lack nuclei Have cell walls without peptidoglycan Are chemically different from Eubacteria Many live in extremely harsh environments
Bacteria Shapes
Identifying Prokaryotes Shapes Bacilli- Rod shaped Cocci- Spherical shaped Sprilla- spiral shaped Colorized SEM 12,000 Colorized SEM 9,000
Identifying Prokaryotes Cell walls Gram staining used to tell them apart Gram+ bacteria look purple Gram- bacteria look pink
The Bacterial Cell Wall Instead of cellulose, contain peptidoglycan A polymer of modified sugars cross-linked with amino acids The gram stain distinguishes many disease causing bacteria based on the type of cell wall Many antibiotics work by attacking the bacterial cell wall
The Gram Stain Gram (+) Purple Gram (-) Pink accept gram stain have simpler cell walls with large amounts of peptidoglycan Gram (-) Pink do not stain have more complex cell walls with less peptidoglycan cell walls contain lipopolysaccharides are more likely to be pathogenic (cause disease) more resistant to antibiotics
Cell Wall & Gram Stain
Gram (+)Purple & Gram (-)Pink Gram (+) & Gram (-) Gram (+)Purple & Gram (-)Pink
Identifying Prokaryotes Movement Flagella Lash, snake or spiral forward They do not move at all
Motility (movement) About half are capable of directional movement. 3 mechanisms: flagella - different from eukaryotes spiral shaped bacteria (spirochetes) have a filament that spirals around the cell under the outer sheath some bacteria secrete slimy chemicals & glide Taxis movement toward or away from a stimulus many bacteria exhibit this form of movement
Structures of Movement
Structure of Prokaryotic Flagella
Metabolic Diversity Heterotrophs Chemoheterotrophs: must take in organic molecules for energy and carbon Photoheterotrophs: Use sunlight for energy but need organic compounds for a carbon source
Metabolic Diversity Autotrophs Chemoautotrophs: perform chemosynthesis to make carbon from carbon dioxide. Does not require sunlight Photoautotrophs: use light to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbon compounds and oxygen gas.
Getting Energy Bacteria need a constant supply of energy Obligate aerobes- require constant supply of oxygen Obligate anaerobes- need no oxygen, for some oxygen will kill it Facultative anaerobes- survive with or with out oxygen
Growth and Reproduction Binary fission (to split) Conjugation Spore formation
Binary Fission
Bacterial Conjugation
Endospores (example: Anthrax) Some bacteria form resistant cells called endospores (11,000 year old spores found) Resist extremes of temperature, pH, etc.
Importance of Bacteria Only a minority cause disease Many are essential to life on earth Decomposers Break down dead matter Nitrogen Fixers Converts nitrogen into a form plants can use Humans use Bacteria Often live in symbiotic relationships with other organisms
19.2 Viruses What is a virus? Particles of nucleic acid and proteins Core made up of DNA or RNA surrounded by a capsid Need to infect a living host to reproduce Head Tail Tail fiber DNA 300,000
Viral Structure
Are Viruses Alive? Viruses contain nucleic acids & proteins Viruses, by themselves, cannot make or use food, grow or reproduce Some scientists believe viruses were never independently living organisms Others believe viruses evolved from simple bacteria like mycoplasmas & rickettsiae Another hypothesis: viruses are genes that have escaped from the genomes of living cells Not much evidence to support any one of these
Viral Infection Lytic Cycle Virus attaches to host cell Injects its DNA Host makes RNA from viral DNA Cell begins to make copies of virus New viruses form Host cell bursts
Lytic Cycle of the T4 Phage
Viral Infection Lysogenic Cycle Virus attaches to host cell Injects DNA Viral DNA incorporates itself into the host DNA Viral DNA can be dormant Once it becomes active, it follows the 4 processes in the lytic cycle
Lytic and Lysogenic Cycle (video)
Phage Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles
Viral Infection Retrovirus: Genetic information is RNA Produces DNA copy and creates a prophage Example: HIV/AIDS Envelope Glycoprotein Protein coat RNA (two identical strands) Reverse transcriptase
19.3 Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses Pathogens- disease causing agents Bacterial Disease Viral Diseases
Diseases Caused By Bacteria How does bacteria produce disease? Damage the cells and tissues by breaking down the cells for food Releasing toxins (poisons into the body)
Preventing Diseases Vaccines Immunity Antibiotics
Controlling Bacteria Sterilization Disinfectants Proper food storage
Diseases Caused by Viruses Viruses disrupt the body’s normal equilibrium Cannot be treated with antibiotics Viruses can infect humans and plants
Virus-like Particles (Viroids) Viroids- single stranded RNA molecule with no capsid They cause diseases in plants Infect cell and produce more viroids by disrupting the plant metabolism
Virus-like Particles (Prions) Prions- contain only protein; no DNA or RNA They cause diseases in animals and humans Prions clump and cause normal protein to clump with it- creating new prions
Prion Action
Chapter 19 Viruses and Bacteria Multiple Choice Practice Questions
19–1 Which characteristic distinguishes eubacteria from archaebacteria? Eubacteria lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Eubacteria contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Eubacteria lack a nucleus. Eubacteria do not possess mitochondria.
19–1 Which characteristic distinguishes eubacteria from archaebacteria? Eubacteria lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Eubacteria contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Eubacteria lack a nucleus. Eubacteria do not possess mitochondria.
19–1 Rod-shaped prokaryotes are called bacilli. cocci. spirilla. streptococci.
19–1 Rod-shaped prokaryotes are called bacilli. cocci. spirilla. streptococci.
19–1 Bacteria that must live without oxygen are called obligate aerobes. facultative anaerobes. obligate anaerobes. facultative aerobes.
19–1 Bacteria that must live without oxygen are called obligate aerobes. facultative anaerobes. obligate anaerobes. facultative aerobes.
19–1 Prokaryotes that make their own food molecules from carbon dioxide and water but live where there is no light are called photoautotrophs. photoheterotrophs. chemoautotrophs. chemoheterotrophs.
19–1 Prokaryotes that make their own food molecules from carbon dioxide and water but live where there is no light are called photoautotrophs. photoheterotrophs. chemoautotrophs. chemoheterotrophs.
19–1 Bacteria that attack and digest the tissue of dead organisms are called decomposers. nitrogen fixers. chemoautotrophs. archaebacteria.
19–1 Bacteria that attack and digest the tissue of dead organisms are called decomposers. nitrogen fixers. chemoautotrophs. archaebacteria.
19–2 Viruses that contain RNA as their genetic information are known as prions. oncoviruses. retroviruses. bacteriophage.
19–2 Viruses that contain RNA as their genetic information are known as prions. oncoviruses. retroviruses. bacteriophage.
19–2 The first type of virus to be studied was the bacteriophage. tobacco mosaic virus. influenza virus. AIDS virus.
19–2 The first type of virus to be studied was the bacteriophage. tobacco mosaic virus. influenza virus. AIDS virus.
19–2 Which of the following statements about viruses is true? Viruses appear similar to bacteria when studied with a light microscope. Viruses display the essential characteristics of living things. Viruses can reproduce independently if they contain DNA. Viruses cannot reproduce unless they infect a living cell. 19–2
19–2 Which of the following statements about viruses is true? Viruses appear similar to bacteria when studied with a light microscope. Viruses display the essential characteristics of living things. Viruses can reproduce independently if they contain DNA. Viruses cannot reproduce unless they infect a living cell. 19–2
19–2 A virus integrates its DNA into the DNA of the host cell but remains inactive for a while in a lytic infection. a lysogenic infection. neither a lytic nor a lysogenic infection. retroviral infection.
19–2 A virus integrates its DNA into the DNA of the host cell but remains inactive for a while in a lytic infection. a lysogenic infection. neither a lytic nor a lysogenic infection. retroviral infection.
19–2 Retroviruses are considered unique because they have RNA in their capsid and not DNA. they have DNA in their capsid and not RNA. after infection of a host cell, their RNA makes DNA. after infection of a host cell, their DNA makes RNA.
19–2 Retroviruses are considered unique because they have RNA in their capsid and not DNA. they have DNA in their capsid and not RNA. after infection of a host cell, their RNA makes DNA. after infection of a host cell, their DNA makes RNA.
19–3 Biologists know that bacteria can cause human disease by entering cells and using the cell to make new bacteria. producing toxic substances that interfere with normal cell functi decomposing the remains of dead organisms. changing atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds. 19–3
19–3 Biologists know that bacteria can cause human disease by entering cells and using the cell to make new bacteria. producing toxic substances that interfere with normal cell functio decomposing the remains of dead organisms. changing atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds. 19–3
19–3 A process that destroys bacteria by subjecting them to great heat is known as refrigeration. sterilization. pickling. boiling.
19–3 A process that destroys bacteria by subjecting them to great heat is known as refrigeration. sterilization. pickling. boiling.
19–3 Which of the following diseases is transmitted by a mosquito bite? influenza measles West Nile virus chickenpox
19–3 Which of the following diseases is transmitted by a mosquito bite? influenza measles West Nile virus chickenpox
19–3 Which of the following diseases is thought to be caused by prions? diphtheria mad cow disease tuberculosis smallpox
19–3 Which of the following diseases is thought to be caused by prions? diphtheria mad cow disease tuberculosis smallpox
19–3 The best way to combat viral diseases is to use antibiotics. to treat individual symptoms. to use preventive vaccines. to let the disease “cure itself.”
19–3 The best way to combat viral diseases is to use antibiotics. to treat individual symptoms. to use preventive vaccines. to let the disease “cure itself.”