Solar System Notes
Inner Planets Terrestrial Planets Dense & Rocky Smaller Closer to the sun Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars
Outer Planets Gas Giants Large Planets Massive atmospheres Further from the sun Planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
Rotation v. Revolution Rotation Revolution 1 Full Turn on Axis 1 Day 1 Full Circle Around the Sun 1 Year
Mercury: Closest to the Sun 2nd Smallest No True Atmosphere Extreme Temperature changes Hottest Planet 1 Day = 59 Earth Days 1 Year = 88 Days
Venus: Earths Twin? 2nd Planet from the Sun Size and Mass similar to Earth Retrograde Rotation Rotates opposite from Earth Densest Atmosphere Mostly carbon dioxide = Toxic Slowest period of rotation 1 day = 243 days Takes more time to rotate around axis then to revolve once around the sun
Earth: An Oasis in Space 3rd from the Sun Abundant water and life Atmosphere causes meteors to burn up
Mars: Red Planet 4th planet from the sun Thinner atmosphere Iron Oxide gives red color Polar ice caps Frozen carbon dioxide & water
Jupiter: Giant 5th planet from the sun Largest planet Atmosphere Mostly hydrogen & helium Many Moons Great Red Spot Rotates the fastest 1 day = 10 hours High winds = Storms
Saturn 6th planet from the sun Thick outer atmosphere Large Ring System Icy particles Many Moons
Uranus: Tilted Planet 7th planet from the Sun Thin, dark rings Blue-Green Color Methane in Atmosphere Tipped on its side
Neptune: The Blue World 8th planet from the sun Blue-Green Color Dark Colored Storms Layer of Liquid water under atmosphere Very Narrow Rings Strongest Winds
Pluto – Mystery “Planet” Furthest “Planet” Dwarf Planet Smallest Thin Atmosphere Solid, Icy-Rock Surface