THE SUN The mercury The Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Luna
The sun Scientific name is sol. It contains 98% of rocks, dust, &gas. Sun's surface is 6000 degree celcius.
It takes days for mercury to orbit the sun one time It is smaller than earth It has no moon
It takes224,701 days to orbit the sun. It has mountains &valleys but it is very hot. It is 67 million miles away from the sun. Venus has no moon.
it takes earth days to orbit the sun. We are 93 million miles away from the sun. It contains the only human life. Earth has one moon.
It takes 686,98 days to orbit the sun. Mars has two moons. Mars has highest mountains &deepest canyons in the whole solar system.
It takes Jupiter days to orbit the sun. It is 482 million miles away from the sun. It has 63 moons. It takes 10 hours to go night to day here.
It takes 10,759.2 days to orbit the sun. Its rings are 169,800 miles wide, but less thick than a foot ball field. It has 34 moons
It takes 60,684 days for Uranus to orbit the sun. It is 1,784 million miles away from the sun. It has 27 moons. It is the planet that spins on its side.
It takes 60,190 days to orbit the sun. It has 6 rings that surround it. It has more than 13 moons. It is 2,794 million miles away from the sun.
It is earth, s moon. It is 240,000 miles away from the earth. It has many mountains, valleys, volcanoes and craters.