A Webquest for 5 th Grade Science Designed by Janet Blaha Welcome to our Solar System
Introduction Conclusion Task Credits Process Teacher’s Page Evaluation
Introduction Your will learn how our eight planets line up with the sun. Identify each planet by looking at it. You will choose the project you want to present. A poster A power point Model or mobile First Slide Next slide
Task First look up any information you may need to complete your project. Here are some websites to help you: m system.html 1. Write up a rough draft for your project. 2. Complete project due in 2 weeks. First Slide Next Slide
Process The first 3 days of class you will be using the computer to find all the information that you may need. At the end of the week you should have a rough draft ready on how you will be putting your project together. 1. Information on the Solar System 2. What kind of project are you going to do. 3. What materials will you need to complete your project. Then you have the next week to put the project together to present to the class. First Slide Next Slide
Evaluation How you will be graded: 1. Rough draft completed Out of a possible of 10 Pts Project 1. Design Out of a possible of 15 Pts 2. Planets lined up correctly Out of a possible of 20 Pts 3. Planets (Color and size) Out of a possible of 15 Pts 4. Planets named correctly Out of a possible of 20 Pts 5. Presentation to the class Out of a possible of 20 Pts Total points possible 100 Pts First Slide Next Slide
Conclusion At the end of this project, this will help you to know your solar system better. Knowing the planets and how they line up to the sun will be important for further science classes. Have fun with this project, don’t make it a chore. Be creative and show everyone what fun you can have. First Slide Next Slide
Credits Information is taken from the Ohio Academic Content Standards First Slide Next Slide
Teachers Page First Slide End show