I NSTITUTE FOR S TRUCTURE AND N UCLEAR A STROPHYSICS N UCLEAR S CIENCE L ABORATORY Research:Stellar Burning – nuclear reactions with stable beams Explosive.


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Presentation transcript:

I NSTITUTE FOR S TRUCTURE AND N UCLEAR A STROPHYSICS N UCLEAR S CIENCE L ABORATORY Research:Stellar Burning – nuclear reactions with stable beams Explosive Burning – nuclear studies beyond stability Achievements: Neutrino Sources, (Wiescher) Solar System characteristics (Collon) Galactic Radioactivities, (Collon, Wiescher) rp- and αp Processes, (Aprahamian, Wiescher) r- & p-Processes (Aprahamian, Wiescher) Goals:Neutron Sources (Couder, Wiescher) Helium & Carbon burning (Couder, Wiescher) Nova burning with SSNAP (Bardayan) rp- & αp Process with SSNAP & ANASEN (Bardayan, Wiescher r-process nuclei with traps (Aprahamian, Brodeur) Michael Wiescher ARUNA Meeting- June 12, 2014

I NSTITUTE FOR S TRUCTURE AND N UCLEAR A STROPHYSICS N UCLEAR S CIENCE L ABORATORY Achievements Mapping the CNO cycle as solar neutrino source 12 C(p,  ) 13 N, 14 N(p,  ) 15 O, 15 N(p,  ) 16 O, 17 O(p,  ) 18 F Investigating pp-chain neutrino sources 3 He(α,  ) 7 Be Closing in on neutron sources 22 Ne(α,n) (via 26 Mg( ,  ’), 26 Mg(α,α’), 22 Ne( 6 Li,d) studies); 12 C( 12 C,n) 23 Mg Solar System Radioactivity & Chronology 146 Sm half life, 33 S(α,p) 36 Cl The origins of Galactic Radioactivities 40 Ca(α,  ) 44 Ti, 60 Fe(n,  ) 61 Fe, 60 Fe( ,n) 59 Fe; first attempts of 60 Fe life-time measurements Mapping the p-process proton and alpha radiative capture on neutron deficient medium mass isotopes Extensive modeling work in nuclear reaction cross sections (AZURE, SAPPHIRE, CIGAR) ARUNA Meeting- June 12, 2014

I NSTITUTE FOR S TRUCTURE AND N UCLEAR A STROPHYSICS N UCLEAR S CIENCE L ABORATORY ARUNA Meeting- June 12, 2014 Experimental complementarity with forward and inverse kinematics Light ion on heavy target with measurement of light reaction products, limited by solid angle and detection efficiency. Heavy ion on light target with measurement of heavy ion recoil yield, limited by initial beam intensity and acceptance of recoil separator

I NSTITUTE FOR S TRUCTURE AND N UCLEAR A STROPHYSICS N UCLEAR S CIENCE L ABORATORY Projects for He( 3 He, 7 Be)  at St. GEORGE 4 He( 14 N, 18 F)  calibration studies 4 He( 22 Ne, 26 Mg)  4 He( 22 Ne, 25 Mg)n and at CASPAR 4 He( 12 C, 16 O)  proposed experiments 12 C+ 12 C with SAND detector array 60 Fe live time measurement with AMS and other experiments ARUNA Meeting- June 12, 2014

I NSTITUTE FOR S TRUCTURE AND N UCLEAR A STROPHYSICS N UCLEAR S CIENCE L ABORATORY NSF Site Visit - February 11, 2014 Solar Neutrino Sources ARUNA Meeting- June 12, He(α,  ) 7 Be 12 C(p,  ) 13 N 14 N(p,  ) 15 O BOREXINO spectrum: Reduction of 11 C background will be necessary! Theorist spectrum New experimental data over wide energy range from ND & LUNA experiments, extrapolated by JINA R-matrix code AZURE Antonios Kontos, PhD 2012; Qian Li, PhD O(p,  ) 18 F

I NSTITUTE FOR S TRUCTURE AND N UCLEAR A STROPHYSICS N UCLEAR S CIENCE L ABORATORY ARUNA Meeting- June 12, 2014 Future Goals in He burning 13 C(α,n) with UMich detector & 22 Ne(α,n) with St. GEORGE & CASPAR R-matrix (AZURE) preparation for 12 C(α,  ) 16 O experiments!

I NSTITUTE FOR S TRUCTURE AND N UCLEAR A STROPHYSICS N UCLEAR S CIENCE L ABORATORY New Equipment for new Initiatives ARUNA Meeting- June 12, 2014 Superconducting Solenoid for Nuclear Astrophysics: SSNAP New injection magnet for the FN ion source upgrade To maximize the use of TWINSOL for the study of transfer reactions for quiescent and explosive stellar burning scenarios via the use of inflight radioactive beams and a new helical spectrometer (Bardayan). The upgrade of the injection system will achieve higher mass resolution for AMS of high Z isotopes; that is important for 60 Fe life time analysis, p-process studies, and several other applications (Collon).