Hand in any work needed. Get out a small piece of paper, PUT YOUR NAME ON IT. When bell rings the quiz will start and you will have 1 minute per question to answer.
What are three things that are celestial objects?
What is the order from largest to smallest of the universe solar system and Galaxy?
Why do things move in space and what keeps them there?
What are the 2 models of the solar system?
1. What are three things that are celestial objects? Comets, Meteors, Planets, & Stars 2. What is the order from largest to smallest of the universe solar system and Galaxy? Universe, Galaxy, Solar System 3. Why do things move in space and what keeps them there? Gravity 4. What are the 2 models of the solar system? Geocentric and Heliocentric
Procession of Earth Revolution Solstice Equinox Insolation
The angle the Sun hits the Earth gives us our seasons
Sun points Directly at 23.5 o S December 21 st - 23 rd More light is South So where the Sun hits that is the warmer season, opposite is colder season
Sun points Directly at 23.5 o N June 21 st - 23 rd More light in North So where the Sun hits that is the warmer season, opposite is colder season
Sun points directly at the equator… 12 light 12 dark Hottest part of Earth is at 0 o latitude
INSOLATION (INcoming SOLar radiATION) INSOLATION (INcoming SOLar radiATION) Seasons are caused by insolation ANGLE OF THE SUN SeasonAngleHours of light Latitude of direct insolation Summer 6/21 78 o 15 hours 23 ½ N Equinox 3/21 & 9/21 45 o 12 hours Equator Winter 12/21 21 o 9 hours23 ½ S
The Earth rotates 15 o per hour… So there is 360 o in a sphere and 24 hours in a day… divide it out 360 o /24hr = 15 o /hr
Pacific time zone is 3 hours earlier. So if its 5pm here then it is 8pm in California! Each time zone is 15 o apart
The earth rotates daily which allows for 24 hours a day It also revolves once a year or every days. Leap years?
Why have a leap year? days every 4 th year we have 365 days
Revolution causes the angle of insolation to change, which causes seasons! 3/21, 6/21, 9/21 and 12/21 are the seasonal date changes. Earth rotates 15 degrees per hour, giving us time zones.
Open to page 9-11 Follow my instructions for the first half the second half you can do on your own…