GakuNin Registration System Motonori Nakamura, NII Japan APAN33 rd Meeting (16 Feb. 2012)
1. Accept applications from organizations (Universities / service providers) Check descriptions in application forms 2. Register the organization to federation metadata, and distribute it to DS/IdPs/SPs 3. Further support for IdP / SP operation to reduce operation cost / improve usefulness
developed and provided to GakuNin subscribers since Feb (for “production federation”) Since June 2011 for “test federation” Most of process is done online only mailing a copy with signature/stamp is required for production federation.
Verification of each item in an application form Organization does satisfy bylaws of GakuNin? entityID Validness of server certificate DN (Distinguished Name) Expiration date Which CA the certificate is signed by? We require public certificate basically. Position of responsible person Contact address
Automatic generation of entity metadata according to an application for IdP/SP Marge the entity metadata into the federation metadata The registration system also supports: Periodical re-signing of federation metadata “validUntil” is enabled, and valid for 2 weeks Re-signing is done at interval of a week Update of certificate for IdPs / SPs Two certificates should be used at a time in transition period for seamless access
Reducing operation cost of IdPs/SPs Improvement of Embedded-DS feature Integrated administrative information exchange among IdPs / SPs
Generation of SP entity metadata which includes information about required attributes “isRequired” of “RequestedAttribute” in the metadata
Maintenance free configuration of IdP to send required attributes by each SPs using is required for observance of personal information protection laws shows and sends only attributes required by the SP and approved by the user by: Automatic generation of “attribute-filter.xml” for an IdP to use selected SPs. (2Q 2012) Most of IdP organizations want to control list of accessible SP by members of the organization
Display only IdPs which allow/allowed to use the SP e.g: services which requires p2p (IdP-SP) contract Suppress an IdP in the listing on DS (Discovery Service) in case the IdP does not allow access to the SP to avoid confusion of users (My IdP is on the list. But I can not use. Why??)
Imagine: An IdP may be stopped accidentally or by maintenance. When a user, belongs the organization of the IdP, visits an SP is failed to login, He may send complaint to SP administrators. A solution for this miscommunication a sort of integrated system may be useful so that administrators/users can see what is the problem at that time. The GakuNin registration system will have such integrated announcement feature.
GakuNin Registration System is constructed Initially for reducing operation cost of GakuNin secretariat. It also reduces maintenance cost of IdPs by providing automatic configuration features. by combination with Useful to develop easy IdP hosting service to accelerate increase number of IdPs It also provides convenience and avoidance of confusion for users by cooperation with SPs using Embedded-DS It also provides integrated information exchange channel among IdPs and SPs (planned)