Unit 3 Basic Information on Solar System
Distances Our Sun is the closest starSun at 150 million kilometers (93 million miles) Our Moon is atMoon at 384,400 kilometers (240,000 miles) The nearest star is Proxima CentauriProxima Centauri With a distance of about 4.2 Light years. A Light Year is how farLight Year light can travel in a year. Check out some hyperlinks
Time Our Moon circles theMoon Earth in days Our Earth circles theEarth Sun in days NeptuneNeptune circles the Sun in Earth years MercuryMercury circles the Sun in days Our Sun circles theSun Milky Way Milky Way in 225,000,000 years
Our Sun is a G type star.Sun is a G With a surface temperature of C(11,000 0 F) C(11,000 0 F) Blue Stars are O or B class and have a temperature of 60,000 K to 10,000 K A Hertzsprung RusselHertzsprung Russel diagram is a way of classifying stars. White Stars are A or F class and have a temperature of 10,000+ K to 7,500- K Types of Stars Red or Orange Stars are K or M class and have a temperature of 5,000+ K to 3,500- K Yellow stars are F, G, or K class and have a temperature of 6,000+ K to 5,000- K
Our yellow sun has a small size compared to some stars but it is considered average. Blue stars are typically large. White stars are typically very small. Size of Stars Red or orange stars are typically very large. Some day our sun will be a red star. A different Hertzsprung Russel diagram and aHertzsprung Russel size comparison chartsize comparison chart.
The End Property of Oregon Online By Jason Palmer