ISUAL Sprite Imager Electronic Design Stewart Harris
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Outline Imager Circuit and Electronics Design Electronics Design and Fabrication Status
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Imager Electronics Locations Daylight Sensor Filter Wheel Motor MCP HV Supply Phosphor HV Supply Front End Electronics (FEC) Electrical Board Filter Wheel Position Sensor
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Imager Electrical Block Diagram CCD TEC Intensifier Filter Wheel Motor Filter Wheel Position Sensor Day- Light Sensor Front End Electronics Imager Electrical Board Photocathode Power Supply Motor Driver Phosphor HVPS MCP HVPS J1 J3 J4 J2 Heater and Thermistor Circuits not shown Stim LED
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Imager Connector Locator J1 Imager Electrical Board J4 Phosphor High Voltage J3 MCP High Voltage J2 Front End Electronics
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Image Intensifier Interface Imager Electrical Board J pin Photocathode Power Supply Image Intensifier - 25 mm MCP-Out -1kV HV Supply Phosphor (Anode -6kV) HV Supply GATE FEC Connector J4 - 9 pinJ3 - 9 pin MCP-In GND
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Imager Electrical Board Functions Connections –Thermistors TEC hot side Lens (front and rear) Filter Wheel Filter Motor Daylight Sensor Survival (spacecraft) –Heater Circuits Lens (front and rear) Filter Wheel Survival (spacecraft) –Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) Power controlled from AEP –Stim Source Active Electronics –Photocathode Power Supply On/off control Gate control from FEC –Filter Wheel Motor Driver Stepper motor (2 phases) Position indicators (2 bits) Interface Ref Doc: 8439-A4F
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Motor Controller Schematic
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Photocathode Power Supply
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Daylight Sensor Electronics Specifications –Purpose:Control HV Power Supplies On/Off –Number of Channels:2 –Sensor:2 x UDT PIN-44DPI (per Channel) –Spectral band: nm –Field of View:2π –Threshold current:4 nA (sum of 2 photodiodes) (1E6 photons/pixel/sec on Imager) –Range of detection:0.1 to 1000 nA –Output:0 to 5V
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Daylight Sensor Schematic One Channel ShownRef schematic: 8798-O9A
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Daylight Sensor Circuit Performance
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Temperature Stability - Daylight Sensor Circuit
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Front End Electronics Interface Data[0..11] –12 bits per pixel PixelClock (PIXCLK) –pixel data strobe FrameValid (FRMV) –indicates duration of frame LineValid (LINV) –indicates duration of line –used only during test Busy (BUSY) –signals start of EXP Acquire (ACQ) –enables modes Event Trigger (ETRIG) –signals Spite Event CommandData (CDI) –serial data interface for upload of camera parameters VoltageMonitor (MON) –switched analog output Power –dc voltages Images are transferred to the AEP in data frames, each frame is 128 lines x 512 pixels Interface Ref Doc: 8652-X7A
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Front End Electronics Block Diagram J2
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul CCD Bias Design
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Clock Driver Design
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul MUX Analog Data Chain Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) ADC CCD Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) ADC Preamp/Clamp Buffer R LOAD Buffer R LOAD CCD Board 8559-O9 Driver Board 8560-O9 Analog Processor Board 8562-O9 RS-422 Drivers OS1 OS2
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Preamp Design
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul CDS Design
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Digital Control
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Power Supply Design
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Image Readout Order CCD array is illustrated showing the order in which pixels are transferred from Imager to AEP Line 1. Each cell represents one pixel 2. Since the CCD is read from two outputs, the image is split in the middle
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Data Transfer Timing Line Timing Pixel Timing T frame = 9.6 ms T line = 75 s T pixel = 125 ns N > 512
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Imager Electronics Design Status Breadboard fabrication and testing complete Detailed design Completed –FEC Electronics Design Completed –Imager Electrical Board Design Completed –Daylight Sensor Design Completed
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul FEC Breadboard A breadboard version of the FEC electronics was built to test the design of clock drivers, preamps, correlated double sample (CDS) circuitry and 12-bit A/D conversion.
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Breadboard Camera Measurements Measured system gain 29 e-/ADU Measured readout noise < 50 e- rms CCD full well ~ 120,000 e- Dynamic range > 2400:1 Operating Parameters Master clock: 22.5MHz Pixel clock: 7.5 MHz Line clock: 340 kHz
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul Breadboard Camera Image
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul ETU Imager Fabrication Status Assembly of ETU Imager –FEC PC board fabrication status: All boards assembled and tested –Imager Electrical board fabrication status: Board etch is in process –Daylight Sensor board fabrication status: Board is assembled and tested –Mechanical parts fabrication status: Machining/fabrication is in process –Electrical / Electronic (EE) Parts status see next page –Optics Parts status see next page
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul EE Parts and Optics Status
NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris CDR 9 Jul The End