1. Physics under CoA & EFDA■ Inst. of Plasma Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Tokamak COMPASS + moderate involvement in practically all TF’s,TG’s incl. TG Materials - W&W alloys; JET; KIT on Inertial Fusion (PALS)] Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University [probes; education ] Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical Uni. [plasma simulations; education (MC Physics and Technology of Nuclear Fusion) ] Institute of Physics of Materials, Acad. Sci. CR, Brno [ODS Ferritic Steel properties] J. Heyrovsky Inst. of Physical Chemistry, Acad. Sci. CR [PWI TF - characteristics of small molecules and atoms at low energies] EU Fusion Roadmap Garching, Apr 2011 Composition of EURATOM/IPP.CR
2. Technology (old EFDA → F4E) ■ Nuclear Research Institute, plc., Řež -> Research Center Řež, Ltd. [ITER – TBM and much more…] Institute of Applied Mechanics Ltd., Brno [numerical simulations - welding of large structures] Nuclear Physics Institute, Acad. Sci. CR, Řež [Nuclear Data for IFMIF] Not formally members of association – industrial suppliers (ATEKO, CKD Energo, Skoda … EU Fusion Roadmap Garching, Apr 2011 Composition of EURATOM/IPP.CR
EU Fusion Roadmap Garching, Apr 2011 Compass Tokamak MAIN FEATURES Small size tokamak with ITER relevant geometry - single-null-divertor Equipped with a set of saddle coils for the resonant magnetic perturbation (n=2). Two Neutral Beams for either co-injection or balanced injection New comprehensive set of diagnostics focused on the edge plasma STATUS Project started 2006, first “political” plasma December 2008 Successful welding of new ports for NBI systems Cleaning of all graphite tiles and the vacuum vessel performed Final commissioning of NBI systems, Fast Feedback, Hydraulic Preload, … Commissioning of advanced diagnostic systems (HRTS, Li beam, etc.). Full operation is planned to start in June 2011 ITER-like geometry (1:10)
EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 Compass Status Vacuum chamber – as good as new NBI SYSTEM Lithium Beam
EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 Compass Diagnostics Magnetic diagnostics (illustrated->) Multi-channel tools for tomography in different spectral ranges (visible, soft-X and bolometric measurements) Hard X-ray Monitoring Fast Visible Camera System ( fps) High Resolution Thomson Scattering (2x Nd:YAG 30Hz 1.5J) Neutral Particle Analyser Divertor probes (39x) Reciprocating Probes (2x) Beam Emission Spectroscopy Atomic Beam Probe Microwave reflectometry system High Resolution Thomson Scattering... calibrated and routinely measured coils. Top view of the COMPASS tokamak vacuum vessel with magnetic diagnostics coils. Of 440 magnetic diagnostic coils, a set of ~70 is tested and calibrated.
EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 Compass Work Plan Scientific programme H-mode studies Pedestal physics studies, data for scalings ELM mitigation using RMP Long-range correlations studies Advanced probe development E.g. probes for measurement of important quantities in edge plasma and SOL (ion temperature, plasma potential, etc.) Advanced training Traditional international school in tokamak operation and experimental plasma physics (SUMmer TRAIning Course) Two runs of SUMTRAIC per year planned as of 2012 Recognized by FUSENET as optimum advanced training facility Erasmus Mundus, Workplace for preparation of PhD theses, …
EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 F4E, PPP&T, ITER IO 2. Technology
EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 Research Center Řež, Ltd. BESTH: out-of-pile testing BEFORE AFTER NDT evaluation before and after test Beryllium coated Primary First Wall qualification mock-ups were tested up to MW/m 2 and 0.6 dpa … Plan to respond to F4E call for tender for “HIGH HEAT FLUX TESTING OF BERYLLIUM COATED FIRST WALL PANELS” - Member of TBM Consortium - Operates LVR-15 research reactor - Subject to EC notification, RCR will launch SUSEN project (SUStainable ENergy) for development of new materials and technologies primarily for GEN III+, GEN IV but also Fusion (~100 M€ of EU structural funds) - RCR tests both in-pile and out-of-pile VV components for long-run cyclic thermal fatigue loads
EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 Research Center Řež, Ltd. RCR Future Programme PFW – In-pile and out-of-pile high heat flux testing, life-time testing of PFW mock-ups Radiolysis, corrosion, and chemistry in-pile investigation of coolant medium Investigation of HIP joint under irradiation conditions TBM – PbLi in-pile tritium transportation modeling, Tritium permeation model Development and testing of anticorrosion and tritium antipermeation layers Development of Auxiliary Equipment Unit and Tritium Extraction Unit detailed design Cooling medium corrosion investigation Tritium retention devices Design, development and investigation of Cold Trap performance. Possibly supply of some of these components …. Facilities: LVR-15: fission reactor for research with various loops and rigs: RVS3: Reactor Water Loop, SCWL: Supercritical Water Loop, HTHL: High Temperature Helium Loop, TW3: Irradiation rig for small PFW mock-ups, MELILO: Metal Liquid Loop, etc.
EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 VVPSM PS2 PS1 LMVMO 40°sector of VV VMO Small initial experiments IAM develops and improves methodologies for prediction of big welded construction deformationsIAM develops and improves methodologies for prediction of big welded construction deformations All methods are verified by real experimental measurementsAll methods are verified by real experimental measurements …more than 8 years of experience lead to solution of numerical welding analyses of whole VV fabrication Institute of Applied Mechanics, Ltd.
EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 Institute of Applied Mechanics, Ltd. Macro bead method Two macro steps Local modelsTransfer the plastic strains Global model Local – global approach Equivalent shellMechanical analysisShrinkage Shrinkage methodology
Nuclear Physics Institute EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 NPI Cyclotron-based Irradiation Facility for obtaining and benchmarking nuclear data relevant to the fusion technologies … the high-power neutron source with the heavy-water target simulates the neutron spectrum of IFMIF
Nuclear Physics Institute EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 ● measurement of neutron activation cross sections in particular for the validation of the neutron activation properties of EUROFER steel components for fusion technologies (ITER, IFMIF) and the development and tests of neutron flux monitors for IFMIF ● activation measurement of IFMIF accelerator components ● the fast-neutron response tests of various mock-up modules ● neutron hardness tests of integrated electronic circuits NPI Cyclotron-based irradiation facility Future program
ATEKO Ltd. – Turbo Circulators EU Fusion Roadmap Garching Apr 2011 ATEKO a.s. Hradec Kralove (never a member of Association IPP.CR) …developed and delivered (in 2010) pcs. of Helium TurboCirculators (TC) for cooling & testing of the TBM / TDM modules. Basic parameters of the helium TC Inlet/Outlet pressure [MPa] 8 / Flow-rate [kg/s] 1 / 1.4 Impeller diameter [mm] 185 Speed [rpm] Power [kW] 232 Active magnetic bearings TC No.01 HeFUS TC No.02 HELOKA TC CEA