McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 5 Marketing and Consumer Behavior: The Foundations of Advertising
5-2 Chapter Overview The marketing process and the role of advertising and other marketing communications tools
5-3 Chapter Objectives Define marketing & explain advertising’s role in the market Discuss influences on consumer behavior Discuss product utility and the link between utility and consumer needs Identify key participants in the marketing process Outline the consumer perception process & explain why “perception is everything” Describe motives behind consumer purchases Explain how advertisers deal with cognitive dissonance
5-4 Marketing Context of Advertising Marketing ConceptionPricingPromotionDistribution Advertising
5-5 Customer Needs / Product Utility Needs Functional Psychological Place Time Possession Task Utility Form
5-6 Goal of Marketing & Advertising Satisfaction PerceptionExchange
5-7 Marketing Participants: Customers Total Market Centers of influence Prospective customers Current customers
5-8 Market Types Transnational or Global Regional or National Local Business Consumer Government
5-9 Marketing Participants: Market Markets Customers Marketers
5-10 Consumer Behavior: Decision Process
5-11 Consumer Perception Process
5-12 Consumer Perception Process French advertiser SHS capitalizes on young consumers’ self-perception
5-13 Consumer Behavior: Learning Theories
5-14 Elaboration Likelihood Model
5-15 Consumer Behavior: Results of Learning Attitude Habit Interest Loyalty
5-16 Consumer Motivation Process Needs, basic & instinctive Wants, learned during lifetime Motivation: underlying forces driving decisions
5-17 Consumer Motivation Process Taco Bell hints at several levels of needs
5-18 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
5-19 Consumer Motivation Rossiter & Percy’s Fundamental Motives Negative Motives: problem removal or avoidance Positive Motives: benefit, bonus, or reward
5-20 Consumer Motivation Negative motivation in Kids and Cars ad urges readers to adopt safe behaviors
5-21 Influences on Consumer Behavior Nonpersonal Interpersonal Family Society Reference Groups & Opinion Leaders Time Place of Sale Environment
5-22 Nonpersonal Influences on Behavior U.S. Army ad focused on a Spanish- speaking audience
5-23 Purchase Decision Evoked Set: mp3 Players Apple Microsoft Rio SanDisk
5-24 Purchase Decision Evaluative Criteria Capacity Durability Battery life Ease of obtaining and loading music
5-25 Postpurchase Evaluation Cognitive Dissonance Was it worth the money? Will it last as long as my old one? Could I have found a better price?