Using public procurement for the creation of job and training opportunities Municipality of Örebro, Sweden Charlotta Karlsson-Andersson, head of the department of adult education and unemployment Christopher von Stedingk, manager of Swedish for imigrants
Örebro We work perservingly to make the city and the region a sustainable and attractive place for people as well as for buisness. We want to create good service and a good life for evereyone
Procurement policy in Örebro The policy was adopted in june In the document the city council makes clear that in all of the citys procurement there will be a demand for social considerations. An action plan was produced in 2013 where procurements suitable to start with were pointed out.
Some examples of completed procurement Property maintenance Cleaning services Construction work, building houses for elderly and for people with disabilities Construction work, building and improving school buildings Improvning housing Laundry servicies Transportation and carriage services
And the results? The goal was to create more jobs. So far this way to work with procurement has created at least 50 jobs for people that were unemployed. We will now give you two examples
Example 1 A win-win business – unemployed citizens got a job and the CEO of the property company Futurum got manpower to his company. This is the story of a cooperation that gave 15 persons that hade been long term unemployed a job and training, of a CEO that took social responsibility, made good business and the municipality city that decreased the cost for social benefit. With our story we want to inspire other cities and other enterprises to see the opportunities before the difficulties. We want you to see how business benefits and social responsibility can be profitable for all partners involved.
The vision ”We will support the inbred power of every man and woman to grow and create a good life for hereself, support hereself as well as contribute to the growth in the region, by providing competence and recruitment support."
We want to Dare to guide unemployed to where the job is to be found. Dare to put demands on people in taking responsibility for themselves.
Motivation and Endurance is of great importance for everyone involved
Results 50 percent of the participants got a job and/or education.
The costs for social benefits was reduced with over Euro a year
Demands in the procurement process We demanded that the entrepreneur would present a plan for taking on unemplyed people. Present how many people they plan to employ. Ensure the best practise of the subcontractors.
Example 2 Living and building – a partnership with SKANSKA -Unemployed tenants were involved in the process and were given a chance to a job. -Use the power of the society to develop the project.
What is the Living and building The goal is that unemplyed will get a job, education or internship during the project. You must live in the area Vivalla and be out of work. Cooperation with the unemployment officer that comes once a week to the workplace. Skanska and all the subcontractors must provide job, intership or education to unemployed people in Vivalla during the project.
Why we did it Reduce social exclusion A way in to the labour market Independence and self support Increase tax incom Reduce costs for social benefit Increase diversity at workplaces Intyg från närings
CategoryAntal (st) Number of participants 34 Still in the project8 Finished26 Employed10 (41% ) Education4 Others1 Results until november 2014
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