Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Guidance centre Profession and education
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Adult drop – outs:Back on track Aim: Complete Upper secondary education. Pfase 1 A six week course – named P. 300 Pfase 2 Education and training over 10 months Target group: Persons who have not completed upper secondary education Age:
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall
Our area s
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Our customers Under vocational occupational rehabilitation Looking for job-enlargement – job change Unemployed Schools - leaders and counsellors Pupils and students Former drop-outs (adults)
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Our customers… Company/enterprise – new /additional competence/readjustment/closing down Persons who wants assessment of their formal and informal competence (skilled worker)
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Just now.. In cooperation with NAV-The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration –P 300The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration A course over 6 weeks - motivation and educational choice Target group:10 persons between 20 and 30 – unemployed or in part time jobs Aim: choose an educational direction suitable according to their interests and skills
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall What’s their history? Drop outs – App. 30 % does not complete their education over a period of 5 years Unemployment Short term employment Part-time jobs Mental problems
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall What’s in the course? Career and educational guidance Jobseeking course, find a job, application and interview Assessment/recognition of formal and informal competence – Validation towards subjects in upper secondary school – Documentation of competence from work, education, courses and organisations
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Preparatory work, cross-sectoral Every candidate must come to an interview Triangular conversation Important to inform about the content of the course, and know the motivation of the candidate NAVCareer centre candidate
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall What’s different? There is a second step – education based on their choice The second step is planned by a group: consisting of the student, NAV, career centre and upper secondary school – adult education branch, OPUS Planned education program is then performed by OPUS
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall What’s different? Use of group counselling- synergic effect Individual counselling once a week Use of biographical tools, stories – pictures, drawings Practical experience from a plant, an office - or job shadowing is included in the course
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall NAV-The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration - about the success factors:The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration Working close, as a team consisting of persons from NAV and Career centre is fundamental to succeed Before start – we carry through a triangular dialog in order to check out motivation and provide comprehensive information. A substantial investment for the student, and a possibility to complete upper secondary education
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Nav says… Part 1 of the course is very important. As it contains an in dept-clarification regarding desires/possibilities/needs To join a class together with other adults is a setting which they feel more comfortable in, it does motivate to continue.
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Nav says… Participation is voluntary, but there are major expectations regarding their show up and participation Problems along the way will be sorted out as far as possible This commitment is a priority for NAV Nordland – numbers of former drop outs are high -
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Success factors: As an additional package they get a course – lasting 10 months: In this period they get benefits to support their daily expenses. This is to win in the lottery! Each student experience an attitude of interest and care - it creates extra strength and motivation
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Success factors: Get support and guidance in subjects which are individually adapted and fitted to each persons needs.This in unique. Many of those persons have a school history which is not good Some of them have a difficult life, which might have caused their previous dropout As the years go by, they see others achievement in life, and there is a growing “hunger” for education and a steady job.
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Goals - after participating in P 300 University admissions certification Law student Child care and youth worker University admissions certification Waiter Other choices: Social worker Industrial technology Seaman Machinery operator
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Motivation – before and after 6 weeks
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Transfer into next step.. Action plans are made in a cooperation between student and Career counsellor A group consisting of Nav – adult education provider and career centre are discussing the content and how to solve challenges connected to the action plan
Combating School drop out - conference in Sundsvall Future.. The interest from other regions regarding P300 is growing This kind of action to increase the skills among former drop outs is needed in every county ? The future plans for P 300 are vague, but we hope the good results will contribute to positive decisions.