Germán Sierra Instituto de Física Teórica CSIC-UAM, Madrid Talk at the 4Th GIQ Mini-workshop February 2011
-String theory -Critical phenomena in 2D Statistical Mechanics -Low D-strongly correlated systems in Condensed Matter -Fractional quantum Hall effect -Quantum information and entanglement
s-channelt-channel u-channel Mandelstam variables Scattering amplitude
Regge trayectory s-t duality
String action where D= space-time dimension
is a 1+1 field that satisfies the equations of motion Open Closed
Quantization String=zero modes (x,p)+infinite number of harmonic oscillators Vertex operators: insertions of particles on the world-sheet (Fubini and Veneziano 1970)
T is a symmetric, conserved and traceless tensor For closed string T splits into left and right components In light cone variables The energy-momentum tensor Generator of motions on the string world-sheet
Virasoro operators Make the Wick rotation Fourier expansion of the energy momentum tensor Where are called the Virasoro operators
Virasoro algebra The Virasoro operators satisfy the algebra where c = central charge of the Virasoro algebra Classical version of the Virasoro algebra This contains the conformal transformations of the plane: translations dilatations special conformal
In 2D the conformal group is infinite dimensional !! Classical generators of conformal transformations Quantum generators of conformal transformations “c” represents an anomaly of conformal transformations Physical meaning of “c” Bosonic string: X-fields + Faddev-Popov ghost c = D - 26 Superstring: X-fields + fermionic fields + Faddev Popov ghost c = D + D/ = 3D/2 -15 String theory does not have a conformal anomaly!! c = 0 -> D = 26 (bosonic string) and 10 (superstring)
c gives a measure of the total degrees of freedom in CFT c= 1 (boson) c= 1/2 (Majorana fermion/Ising model) c= 1 (Dirac fermion/1D fermion) c= 3/2 (boson+Majorana or 3 Majoranas) c=…. Fractional values of c reflect highly non perturbative effects
The Belavin-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov (1984) Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory
Conformal transformations Covariant tensors are characterized by two numbers Conformal weights
General framework of CFT -T is a symmetric, conserved and traceless tensor with central charges (no need of an action) - There is a vacuum state |0> which satisfies -There is an infinite number of conformal fields in one-to-one correspondence with the states -There are special fields (and states) called primary satisfying
-The remaing fields form towers obtained from the primary fields acting with the Virasoro operators (they are called descendants) -The primary fields form a close operator product expansion algebra For chiral (holomorphic fields) Verma module: OPE constants
- Fusion rules (generalized Clebsch-Gordan decomposition) - Rational Conformal Field Theories (RCFT): finite nº primary fields - Minimal models A well known case is the Ising model c=1/2 (m=3)
- Conformal invariance determines uniquely the 2 and 3-point correlators - Higher order chiral correlators: their number given by the fusion rules normalization
Conformal blocks for the Ising model Fusion rules There are four conformal blocks: The non-chiral correlators (the ones in Stat Mech) Must be invariant under Braiding of coordinates
Conformal blocks give a representation of the Braid group Related to polynomials for knots and links, Chern-Simon theory, Anyons, Topological Quantum Computation, etc Yang-Baxter equation
Characters and modular invariance Conformal tower of a primary field : number of states at level n=0,1,2,… Upper half of the complex plane Moduli parameter of the torus states propagation
Modular group Generators Fundamental region Characters transforms under modular transformations as Partition function of CFT must be modular invariant
Verlinde formula (1988) Fusion matrices and S-matrix and related!! Example: Ising model Check
Axiomatic of CFT Moore and Seiberg ( ) - Algebra: Chiral antichiral Virasoro left right ( c ) + others - Representation: primary fields - Fusion rules: - B and F matrices : BBB =BBB (Yang-Baxter) FF = FFF (pentagonal) - Modular matrices T and S Sort of generalization of group theory-> Quantum Groups
Wess-Zumino-Witten model ( ) Field is an element of a Group manifold CFT with “colour” Conformal invariance-> Currents
OPE of currents Kac-Moody algebra (1967) k= level (entero) Sugawara construction (1967) g: dual Coxeter number of G
Primary fields and fusion rules (Gepner-Witten 1986) G=SU(2) Knizhnik- Zamolodchikov equations (1984)
Heisenberg-Bethe spin 1/2 chain Low energy physics is described by the WZW But the spin 1 chain is not a CFT (Haldane 1983) -> Haldane phase and gap
FQHE/CFT correspondence electron = quasihole -> Basis for Topological Quantum Computation (braids -> gates) Laughlin wave function
The entanglement entropy in a bipartition A U B scales as In a critical system described by a CFT (periodic BCs) hence one needs very large matrices to describe critical systems Another alternative is to choose infinite dimensional matrices: (1D area law)
MPS state auxiliary space (string like) physical degrees iMPS state
Example 5: level k=2, spins =1/2 and 1, D=2 = Boson + Ising c=3/2 = 1 + 1/2 spin j=1 field spin j=1/2 field N spins 1 The chiral correlators can be obtained from those of the Ising model (general formula Ardonne-Sierra 2010) The Pfaffian comes from the correlator of Majorana fields
Similar chiral correlators have been considered in the Fractional Quantum Hall effect at filling fraction 5/2. This is the so called Pfaffian state due to Moore and Read. FQHE/CFT correspondence electron =quasihole -> Quasiholes are non abelian anyons because their wave functions (chiral correlators) mix under braiding of their positions. Basis for Topological Quantum Computation (braids -> gates)
FQHE CFT Spin Models Electron Majorana spin 1 Quasihole field spin 1/2 Braid of Monodromy Adiabatic quasiholes of correlators change of H Holonomy = Monodromy An analogy via CFT Then if one could get Topological Quantum Computation in the FQHE and the Spin Models.
Bibliography Non-Abelian Anyons and Topological Quantum Computation C. NayakC. Nayak, S. H. Simon, A. Stern, M. Freedman, S. Das Sarma,S. H. SimonA. SternM. FreedmanS. Das Sarma arXiv: Applied Conformal Field Theory Paul Ginsparg, arXiv:hep-th/