Year 10 English Literature Revision for your first GCSE Exam
Exam details What? GCSE English Literature exam When? Friday 10 th June (first Friday after half-term) 1:30 – 3:30 pm Where? Hall
Exam content (what do I study?) Of Mice and Men 2 questions 1 hour 30 marks Poetry Compare two unseen poems 1 hour 20 marks
Exam content: Of Mice and Men 1 x extract question for Of Mice and Men Key words in question Key words (evidence) in extract P-E-E – more marks for explaining and exploring
Exam content: Of Mice and Men 1 x open question on Of Mice and Men Choice of 2 (character + other) Must know quotes from across the play Connect to themes Consider Steinbeck’s intentions
Exam Content: Unseen Poetry Compare 2 poems Unseen (practise on other poems) Choose approach (1, 2, both / 1, 2 + both / both) Same question every time for both tiers Remember poet’s intentions and effect on reader Mention the specific effect of poetic devices Consider ideas or themes that emerge
Revision Overview School website: Of Mice and Men Revision guide + chapters Year 10 Poetry hints WJEC Poetry Collection – practise comparing two poems on the same theme BBC Bitesize (Literature > Of Mice and Men) Reading sessions for ‘Of Mice and Men’ : Tuesday 17 th – Friday 20 th May, after school 3:30 – 4:45pm in WS37
School Website revision-zone/english.html revision-zone/english.html > Year 10/11 Revision Zone > English > ‘Of Mice and Men Revision Guide’ and ‘Year 10 Poetry hints’ And ‘Of Mice and Men’ chapters (broken into sections) Ignore all other files: they don’t apply to you.
BBC Bitesize glish_literature/prosemicemen/ glish_literature/prosemicemen/ > Google ‘BBC Bitesize’ > English Literature > ‘Of Mice and Men’ Including a sample exam question and response
Reading sessions Join a small group of Year 10s and 11s reading through ‘Of Mice and Men’ in the lead-up to the exam: 3:30 – 4:45pm Tue 17 th, Wed 18 th, Thu 19 th, Fri 20 th May in WS37