Chapter 5 Marketing and Consumer Behavior: The Foundations of Advertising William F. Arens Michael F. Weigold Christian Arens McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
George Whitefield (1734-1770)
Chapter Overview The relationship between marketing activities and consumer behavior
Chapter Objectives Define marketing & relate consumer needs and product utility Identify key participants in the marketing process Explain why consumer behavior is to IMC strategy Describe motives behind consumer purchases Discuss interpersonal influences on consumer behavior Outline the psychological processes in human behavior Explain nonpersonal influences on consumer behavior
Know the Consumer Consumer behavior — the mental and emotional processes and the physical activities of people who purchase and use goods to satisfy needs and wants
Marketing Context of Advertising Conception Pricing Promotion Distribution Advertising
Q. 1. What are the key concepts in Marketing?
Customer Needs / Product Utility Functional Needs Psychological Wants Utility Need Satisfaction
Goal of Marketing & Advertising Perception Exchange Satisfaction
Q. 2. Who are the participants in the Marketing process?
Marketing Participants: Customers Total Market Centers of influence Prospective customers Current customers
Market Types Consumer Business Transnational or Global Government Regional or National Local Consumer Business Government
Marketing Participants: Market Customers Markets Marketers
Q. 3. What are the steps in the decision making process?
Consumer Decision Process
Q. 4. What are the three components of the Personal Process in consumer behavior?
Consumer Decision Process
Nehemiah’s Prayer
Rebuilding the Wall
The Wall Finished
Q. 5. Define Perception.
Perception Perception — information we receive through our five senses.
Q. 6. What are the key elements in the perception process?
Consumer Perception Process
Persuasion Persuasion — change in belief, attitude, or behavioral intention is caused by promotion communication
Elaboration Likelihood Model
Q. 7. Define Learning.
Learning Learning — relatively permanent change in thought process or behavior that occurs as a result of reinforced experience.
Q. 8. What are the two theories in Learning?
Learning Theories Cognitive Theory Conditioning Theory
Q. 9. What are the effects of learning?
Results of Learning Loyalty Habit Interest Attitude
Consumer Motivation Process Motivation: underlying forces driving decisions Needs, basic & instinctive Wants, learned during lifetime
Q. 10. What are the five stages in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Rossiter & Percy’s Fundamental Motives Consumer Motivation Rossiter & Percy’s Fundamental Motives Negative Motives: problem removal or avoidance Positive Motives: benefit, bonus, or reward
Q. 11. What are the interpersonal influences on consumer behavior?
Influences on Consumer Behavior Interpersonal Family Culture and Subculture Society – Groups we belong to, people we relate to, and people we trust
Influences on Behavior U.S. Army ad focused on a Spanish- speaking audience
Q. 12. What are the nonpersonal influences on consumer behavior?
Influences on Consumer Behavior Nonpersonal Time Place of Sale Environment
Influences on Behavior Red Cross ad focused on its presence during an earthquake disaster
Purchase Decision Evoked Set: Smart Phones iPhone Android Blackberry Evaluative Criteria Features Style Cost Service Cognitive Dissonance Was it worth the money? Does the data plan work for me? Could I have found a better price?