The Renewed Literacy Framework Autumn 2006
4 strands Speak and Listen for a wide range of purposes in different contexts 8 strands Read and write for a range of purposes on paper and on screen The Framework objectives have been grouped under two headings to correlate more closely with the National Curriculum: Framework Objectives
Speak and Listen for a wide range of purposes in different contexts Read and write for a range of purposes on paper and on screen 1. Speaking 2. Listening and responding 3. Group discussion and interaction 4. Drama 5. Word recognition: decoding and encoding ( R, Y1, Y2 only 6. Word structure and spelling 7. Understanding and interpreting texts 8. Engaging with and responding to texts 9. Creating and shaping texts 10. Text structure and organisation 12. Presentation 11. Sentence structure and punctuation A clearer structure for Literacy STRANDS
Rationale for planning Units of work; Flexibility of arranging units over the year to tie in with school curricular map; Revisiting of objectives; Suggested time scales for delivery.
Units of work (A Year 3 example) Narrative block Unit 1 Stories with familiar settings (3 weeks) Unit 2 Dialogue and plays (4 weeks) Unit 3 Myths, legends, fables, traditional tales (4 weeks) Unit 4 Adventure and mystery (4 weeks) Unit 5 Authors and letters (3 weeks) Non- fiction block Unit 1 Reports (4 weeks) Unit 2 Instructions (3–4 weeks) Unit 3 Information texts (4 weeks) Poetry Unit 1 (4 weeks – could be spread out)
Year 3 illustration Year Group Year 3 Theme NarrativeNon- fiction PoetryNarrative Non- fiction PoetryNarrativeNon- fiction Narrative Length of unit 3 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks 3 – 4 weeks 2 weeks4 weeks 3 weeks Name of unit Unit 1 Stories with familiar settings Unit 1 Report s Unit Unit 2 Dialogue and Plays Unit 3 Myths, legends, fables. Traditional tales Unit 2 Instructi ons Unit Unit 4 Adventur e and mystery Unit 3 Informati on texts Unit 5 Authors and letters
An example Units; An example of a unit; Strands / objectives; Phases; Teaching sequence (suggested); Previous learning; Children’s targets/ outcomes; Assessment for learning; PNS resources; Links to excellence and enjoyment (Key aspects of learning).
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Literacy Main navigation down left hand menu Select planning
Select year group for planning
Medium term plan Yr 5 Links from the table to each unit
CPD packages for all schools: Outline of materials Outline of pack for all schools –Headteacher booklet and CDROM for early reading –Subject Leader DVD resource
Ways in… Start with the objectives and see how you can adapt existing plans to include these Take one strand (eg sentence structure) and use as a focus throughout the school Each year group to try one of the unit plans from their year group
What next? You have up to two years to introduce the framework Don’t try to do it all at once Dip in and have a go