St Mary`s September 2012 Year 1 Curriculum Meeting 2012
Aims: To give a brief overview of the curriculum that will be taught this year. To establish timetables for homework, spellings, reading records and PE days. To answers any queries or questions you may have about this year.
Autumn 1 The Stories we Tell Autumn 2 Around the World Spring 1 Time Machine Spring 2 Underground Over ground Summer 1 Going Global Summer 2 Changes
Daily Routines 8.45 – Phonics Groups Numeracy and Literacy 1.15 – 1.45 Guided Reading Topic/ PE/ ICT/ Art Tuesday Afternoon – MrsWilliamson Friday – Mrs Hawkes Uniform PE kits – Indoor/Outdoor
. Creative approaches including speaking and listening, drama, art and written outcomes The learning we will be covering during this year are: Narrative Traditional stories Stories from a range of cultures Recount fact and fiction Stories with familiar settings Stories about fantasy worlds Stories with predictable and patterned language Fiction Recounts Instructional texts Non – chronological reports Labelling and captions Information texts Dictionary Poetry: Poetry on a theme – Christmas Poetry on a theme – environment/ senses
The units of work we will be covering during this year are: Counting, partitioning and calculating. Securing number facts and understanding shape Handling data and measures Calculating, measuring and understanding Shape. Securing number facts, relationships and Calculating.
Star of the day Star charts Star table Whole school recognition – certificates in assembly House Points Sanctions – warning, 5, 10 or 15 minutes off break or lunchtime.
SPELLINGS Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested on a Friday. These spellings will mostly link to their phonics being taught with a few tricky words as well. LITERACY AND NUMERACY HOMEWORK Each week the children will be given maths and literacy home work to consolidate the work we have been doing in class that week. READING The children need to read daily at home and a note of this kept in the reading record book so that the progression in reading outside of school can be seen. (Certificates given out for reading each Friday.) Guided reading sessions will take place 5 times a week in addition to free classroom reading.
We are very grateful for parent volunteers for reading, cooking and to assist on trips - please can you give your names to the class representative or talk to me.
Year 1 cooking takes place on a Monday afternoon and can start at 1:45. Parents who are free to sign up please contact class representatives. Once this is up and running we will create a rota to ensure all children get equal opportunities to experience cooking.
Link book - to be checked by a TA Open door policy (Best times after school)