Lingnan University Library March 2013 This PowerPoint can be downloaded from: workshops/handouts
AV materials, books, journals & newspapers E-resources: E-Databases, E-Journals, Selected Internet Resources ◦ 1. Searched by Library online catalogue ◦ 2. Searched by 1-Search Subject Guides Citation Tools - RefWorks
Library Online Catalogue AV materials, E-Databases, E-Journals, Selected Internet Resources 1-Search Subject Guides
Step 1 – Identify key concepts ◦ Author? A particular work? Content of the work? Criticism of a particular work? ◦ Main concepts can be the name of an author or keyword from a particular work Step 2 – Selection of search words ◦ Use related words/synonyms ◦ Use of Thesaurus ◦ For author search, type surname first (E.g. Austen, Jane, but NOT Jane Austen)
Step 3 – Search command ◦ Use “AND/OR/NOT” E.g. Austen AND Pride Shakespeare NOT “Merchant of Venice” ◦ Truncation ( retrieves all variant endings of that word) E.g. criti* (criticize, criticism, critical etc.) ◦ Parentheses ( ) : gives priority and order in the search statement E.g. (fiction or novel) and Austen
Title search ◦ Pride and Prejudice Subject search ◦ Fiction Author search ◦ Austen, Jane (NOT Jane Austen for author search)
One single search box Many different types of contents Facet refine At fine toning stage, welcome to try Report problems to us 8
E.g. Search for “Harry Potter” in 1-Search
If you cannot find a specific book in the Lingnan University library catalogue, you can search for HKALL to see if the item can be searched and borrowed in other 7 UGC- funded University Libraries. Demonstration: Twenty-first century novels. the first decade
If you cannot find a journal article from the databases of our Library, you can request for the ILLiad service. Instructions of ILLiad: y-loan-services y-loan-services For year 1-2 students: please fill in the form for the ILLiad service (instead of registering online), from the Circulation Counter of the Library.
E-Databases ◦ Bibliographic Databases - contains descriptive information (citation and subject headings) for publications, such as books, periodical articles, & government documents, etc. ◦ Full-text Databases - contains the partial or complete text of works, such as articles, books, poems, and essays.
Academic Search Premier EBSCOhost Contemporary Literary Criticism Literature Online (LION) JSTOR Exploring Novels/Exploring Poetry/Exploring Shakespeare/Exploring Short Stories Etc. …
By subject By database name All databases
Beloved (item title) AND review
Agatha Christie
-Author Search -Title Search -Subject Guide -Advanced Search
Exploring Novels Exploring Shakespeare Exploring Short Stories Exploring Poetry First time users of the above databases should follow the instruction of the website and install the reader from CITRIX first
Full-text information of news, business, and legal publications in English › SCMP: from July 28, 1992 to current Easy Search › Search news articles › Find a US legal case by Citation or Party Name › Find a company profile by Name or Ticker Symbol › Find a country profile › Research a person › Do a broad search across different types of sources 20 Hillary Clinton
Power Search ◦ Index Terms lookup ◦ Supports sophisticated query language techniques for Boolean Searching 21
General Enquiry: Reference Enquiry: Ask a Librarian / “Chat with a Librarian” service
Q & A Thank You!