E-Frame conference, Amsterdam, 09.02.14 Measuring social progress in communities.


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Presentation transcript:

E-Frame conference, Amsterdam, Measuring social progress in communities

Today 1. About Social Life 2. Measuring wellbeing at the local level 3. WP9 4. Pan-European stocktake 5. Case studies 6. Key findings 7. What next?

About Social Life The Young FoundationSocial Life

Measuring wellbeing at a local level

Five stages of WARM (first version)

Slide 6 WARM in Ardwick, Manchester

WP9: Work package stages Stage one Young Foundation Inventory of pan- European indicators Stage two Young Foundation Case Studies in Barcelona & Malmö Stage three UNISI & UNIPI Convene expert workshop Stage four Young Foundation Report & recommendations

Pan-European stocktake National level Pan-European country level data Regional level (NUTS 1-5) European sub-country level units Data for: England, Ireland, France, Spain, Sweden

Stocktaking MeasureKey terms & conceptsIndicatorSPSEFRENIE Life satisfaction Self-assessed life satisfaction; happiness All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole nowadays? EducationParticipating in further or higher education Participation of 17 year olds in education or training EducationYoung people who are unemployed and not in education 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, training or employment EducationPer cent of population completed higher education % of the population whose highest qualification is a first degree (or equivalent) EducationPer cent of population with no or low qualifications Adults (25-54) With No or Low Qualification Rate (Persons, %) HealthPeople with long-term poor health e.g. cancer; depression - of working age (16 to 65) People of working age with a limiting long-term illness (Persons, Percentage) HealthGood healthGeneral health: Good (Persons, %) HealthSubjective or self-assessed levels of health Self-reported measure of people's overall health and wellbeing Material wellbeing Per cent of people unemployedUnemployment rate (Persons, %) Material wellbeing Per cent of people receiving benefits for unemployment Claimants for Less than 12 Months - Rate (Persons, %) RAG rating: 3 = Data exists. 2 = proxy indicator exists, 1 = Indicator does not exist.

Methodological challenges: NUTS are problematic at local level Multiple geographical units Timeliness Cultural differences Robustness & sample size Data availability and co-ordination between agencies places limitations on what can be done.

Case studies What does resilience and wellbeing mean in other neighbourhoods in Europe? Local Level data Inventory of pan-European indicators Les Roquetes (Barcelona) & Lindängen (Malmö)

Lindängen, Malmö, Sweden

Les Roquetes, Barcelona, Spain

Key findings from case studies The data wasn’t capturing the strengths and needs in both these areas. For example: Sense of belonging to the local area Volunteering Ability to influence local decisions Social capital Financial security This makes it difficult for local agencies to act accordingly

Overall findings Country level data maps to WARM framework The larger the spatial unit, the more data there is available More data at individual level (eg. education, health, employment) rather than collective level (eg. neighbourliness, sense of belonging to local area) Local level wellbeing and resilience is often invisible in data Therefore… Need to bridge top-down and bottom-up data collection Local agencies need to collectively find ways to capture this data Need to think of a role for crowd-sourced locally generated data

Resilience Wellbeing WARM version 2, using predictive data from national surveys What next?

A framework for social sustainability Social Life Social Sustainability Framework, 2011