Welcome to Year 1
Introductions Good evening and thank-you for attending this evening. Class teachers – Class teachers – Maggie Webb (Mon, Tues, and Friday Maggie Webb (Mon, Tues, and Friday Anna Shepherd (Weds and Thurs) Anna Shepherd (Weds and Thurs) Class teaching assistant - Chris Harvey and Julie Lambourne Class teaching assistant - Chris Harvey and Julie Lambourne
To further develop the home/ school partnership. To outline the work for the coming term. To explain practical details for the smooth running of the class. To help you support and encourage your child at home. Purpose
The beginning of another day! We start the day by lining up, waving goodbye and coming into our classroom. We are trying to encourage independence by saying goodbye when lined up so that they can better settle into the class routine. If your child is late (after 8.55am) your child will have to arrive via the office as the gate will be locked. If you are taking your child out of school for an appointment remember to sign out and in again. If your child is unwell please phone school between 8.30 and 9.00 keep them at home for 24 hours Make sure the school has up to date contact numbers.
What to bring to school PE kit Water bottle Book bag (with reading book and home school diary) Coat, wellies etc
At the end of the day At 3.20pm your child will stay with myself or Mrs Shepherd and at 3.30pm, will be taken to the office, if not collected. At 3.20pm your child will stay with myself or Mrs Shepherd and at 3.30pm, will be taken to the office, if not collected. If your child is to be collected by someone other than the parent, please fill in the sheet by the door. If your child is to be collected by someone other than the parent, please fill in the sheet by the door. If delayed please contact the school as soon as possible. If delayed please contact the school as soon as possible.
Our Class Rules 1.Be Kind, be nice, be helpful and pleasant. 2.Keep the classroom clean and tidy. Look after the toys. 3.Don’t make fun of other people. 4.Always tell the teacher before leaving the classroom. 5.Always put your hand up. 6.Listen to the teacher and each other. Don’t interrupt. 7.Don’t waste paper. 8.Be polite
Merit System Merits are given for that which is noteworthy. 10= bronze certificate 25= silver certificate 35= sapphire certificate 50= gold certificate The class merit cup is also awarded each Friday for the class with the most class merits. Sanctions- reminded of rule and free warning, if repeated then their name is moved into the orange circle. If the behaviour continues then their name will be moved into the red circle at which point they will be sent to Mr Bryant.
Class 1 rewards We have 2 stars of the week who are allowed to bring in something special from home to show and put on our interest table. There is a Literacy Whizz and Maths Magician of the week who may also bring in something special to show and tell. There is a table of the week. They are rewarded for staying in green for the week.
Literacy This term we will be looking at: stories with familiar settings (My mum and dad make me laugh, Titch) stories with predictable and repeating patterns (Monkey Puzzle, Elmer) poetry using our senses signs, labels, captions, lists and instructions
Handwriting Handwriting is practised regularly with a focus of the week and various activities to encourage good pencil grip and correct formation of letters. Joining letters will also be introduced later this year.
Reading and phonics Reading: Your child will take part in guided reading sessions or individual reading twice a week. They will be able to change their book when they have read it to an adult at home. Please help us with this by writing in the home school diary. Spelling will be based on tricky words and then high frequency words which they are expected to spell correctly. These will be practised in school each day and sent home for you to continue to work on at home. Phonics: Phonics is an integral part of Year 1 and there will be a phonic session each day similar to that in reception. Children will be introduced to some new sounds and then alternative ways of pronouncing and spelling sounds they already know.
Numeracy This term we will be looking at: counting, place value and ordering, understanding addition and subtraction, money and real life problems, measures, shape and space.
Science This term we will be looking at Ourselves: their senses and how they can use them to explore the world around them, that humans and other animals move and grow And Materials: Looking at and comparing different materials and their uses
ICT Modelling: comparing the representation of situations on the computer to real life situations. :Graphs/pictograms Making a pictogram to fit in with our Geography unit.
PE PE days will be Tuesday and Friday. Please have your PE kit in school on these days. Please can long hair be tied back.
Homework Homework will be sent home on a Friday and expected back the following Tuesday. Each week a numeracy or literacy task will be sent home. Each half term a curriculum based homework menu will be sent home from which the children can choose a task which interests them.
Sylvester Each week Sylvester will come home with a child in year 1. A diary can be kept of his time with that child Every child will get a chance to take Sylvester home.
Contact times This is the first of many meetings. Weekly surgery on Wednesday pm. There will be consultation meetings during Autumn (October) and spring, to discuss your child’s progress. School reports will be sent home during the summer term.
Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming.