MOMBASA Our Health is Our Priority
Mombasa’s population has almost quadrupled in 40 years, adding more than a quarter million people in the last ten years The sex ratio is now 108 men for every 100 women, much more equal than in the past Source: Population Mombasa’s population is growing quickly
Mombasa’s population is projected to be over 1.9 million in 2030 if the population growth rate continues at its current rate of 3.45 percent per year Population Projection Mombasa’s population reached 1 million in 2011
Population Density As population increases in Mombasa, so does its population density Photo by Meaduva In 2009 the population density in Mombasa was 4,292 persons per square kilometer. Need to consider the significance of increased population density for: Percent living in poverty Youth employment Housing quality Water supply and sanitation Cost of social services
Poor Housing Lacks any effective electricity, water or sewer systems
Photo by Carlos Fernandez Overstretched public facilities
Unemployment Photos by Colin Crowley (top), ©1989 Harry Blässar, Courtesy of Photoshare (middle), Engineering at Cambridge (bottom) Photo by Carlos Fernandez Official statistics tell us that Kenya’s unemployment rate stands at 40%, with youth unemployment even higher
Food Insecurity Availability Access Use
Insufficient Water Supply and Poor Sanitation Photo by Carlos Fernandez
Low quality of education
Health & Family Planning
Health Benefits of Family Planning Family planning Fewer high-risk births Fewer maternal & child deaths
© 2006 Felix Masi, Courtesy of Photoshare It saves lives Reduces cases of abortion Improves quality of life Enhance women empowerment Benefits of Family Planning
Photo by Gates Foundation Higher Incomes and Wealthier Families Better-Educated Children Improved Access to Water Better Health for Women Enhances Socio- Economic Welfare
Photo by Gates Foundation Healthier family, healthier workforce Water - improved Access to Water Environment - averts climate changes due to deforestation Development - better economic empowerment Family Planning Enhances other sectors
Strengthen public- private partnership Ensure availability of FP supplies Improve youth- friendly services Increase access to Family planning services
Speak out about family planning Mobilize the public to access family planning services Advocate for family planning to other leaders Promote family planning
Government leaders Community leaders Private sector leaders Require leadership support at all levels:
Create a Healthy Future for Mombasa City! Photo by Tupange